Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Aaron Vargas - Sentencing

It is with sadness and shock that I update you all on Aaron Vargas' sentencing. He was sentenced today to 9 years in prison. Details as to what the judge said before he handed down the sentence were not stated. I can only imagine what it could have been.

I am quite aware that the justice system does not always work, but this sentencing today has made me more aware that victims of child sexual abuse will never be heard and understood. I read blogs around the net where these victims speak their pain through the written word and I come away "numb". A gentleman committed suicide just over a month ago because of the torment and pain he endured his entire life do to the child sexual abuse that was done to him. With all the love and support of his family, he still could not come away from feeling shamed and lost from the abuse. Now, another has lost 9 more years of his life due to a pedophile. What is wrong with this world? Why do we care about a pedohile who abused numerous children? Who ruined their lives? Who took away their childhood and maybe the rest of their lives? Bleeding heart liberals anger me. There is nothing more precious than a child, their innocense! WHEN will we all stand up and be the VOICE for a child? I understand that vigilante justice is not the answer, but from what has been told regarding Aaron's case, he did not mean to shoot his abuser. His abuser asked to babysit his baby daughter, we can only imagine what type of fear that brought on Aaron. Why is it that normal, compassionate, empathetic people can see that as a threat but the "officials" cannot? Things need to change immediately.

Aaron's sister Mindy went above and beyond in trying to get justice for her brother. As I have said many times, I applaud her. I hope this does not deter her from advocating for child abuse victims. She and her supporters got the public and the media to see what type of epidemic we have in our country regarding child sexual abuse/rape. And now, hopefully the media will report on the injustice this man has been handed to him. Congratulations, Mindy! Proud is not even the right word that can describe what I feel for you. Your hard work and determination was not lost on the public. You are a true hero!

This is a statement that Mindy wrote on her Facebook page:

"Aaron got sentenced to 9 years. We need to go to the Governor and ask him to step in. I will organize a protest at the State Capitol. I will change the petition to target the Governor. If anyone as other ideas, please let me know. I'm still kind of in shock. I was told that filing an appeal is not an option. I believe he will have to serve just over 6 years."

Mindy, I wish I could be there to protest with you. I stand her now speaking my outrage at this injustice, FREE AARON VARGAS!!! He has sufferend too much in his young life.

I found this article of what the judge said, I agree to a point. 9 years is too long:
