Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice for Caylee Anthony - 2011

I don't know if I hope you are keeping an ear and eye out with what is happening in the Casey Anthony capital murder case anymore. After watching the hearing today regarding "media and public entitlement" (my interpretation) I guess I hope that you aren't. I agree 100% with Honorable Belvin J. Perry, Jr's denying of the motion. I agree 100% with his up-holding his oath as a judge and the rights of the defendant. Because no matter what I may think Casey did or didn't do, if I were ever in her position (God forbid) I'd want the right to a fair trial. I'd want someone to remember the Bill of Rights and the Amendments. I'd want just ONE person to care enough about me, even if they believed I was guilty of committing the said crime, to do the right thing.

I am nervous that this trial is going to be delayed. I do not think it will be fair, not just to every single person involved in this case, but definitely to Caylee. Every person in her immediate family has forgotten about this precious little girl. Well, I can't say that - I am truly hoping that George Anthony has finally regained his sense of right and wrong, found his strength to stand up to the evil that has enveloped him for what some may say for most of his adult life and has decided to be the voice - the heart for Caylee. Not to keep his ass out of jail for the lies, concealment of information and blatant destruction of evidence, but truly for his granddaughter Caylee. Caylee needs her "Jo Jo". I pray that he'll be there for her.

Imagine all of the devastation a delay of this trial will invoke? It's already been three years! And just like his honor, Judge Belvin Perry, Jr., had said - if any of the witnesses die all of their statements are lost, memories can fade. No matter how badly I want to hear, see and know what is going on in this case - I would give that up gladly to know that Caylee will see justice in 2011. Not in another year, in 2011. All of the nonsensical orders being dropped on the desk of the judge is not helping anything. I have seen Judge Perry go from jovial to frustrated and annoyed in a matter of 30 days. I blame the media and the defense. The media because of today's time-wasting hearing. The defense? Ha, I could write about 100 pages for every reason I blame them, but I won't. I blame them, but I do understand their actions. Their job is to defend their client. So be it, but dang - be a little less dense about it in the future.

As long as I can see the actual trial, I can give up my public right to everything else. I am with you on this one your honor. Casey deserves a fair trial even if I believe that she murdered her child. No matter that I believe Cindy is a lying, self-absorbed, self-serving actress (don't believe her "mental break-down" when it happens). No matter that I believe that the only person that matters in this case has no future, who had a pretty shitty past, who is dead - Caylee.

Justice for Caylee!!!!