Friday, February 19, 2010

Caylee Marie Anthony – Chloroform – New Documents

I am still reading the new doc dump from this week. I hope to write another short post soon about this case. I can say that I get more annoyed everytime they push her trial back. There is no evidence, that has been given to the public, that proves she didn't kill her child. What is the hold up?

Caylee Marie Anthony – Chloroform – New Documents

Originally published: November 8, 2009

I don’t read any blogs or comments on this case. I read only the documents that are put out by the prosecution. Every time I do, I am more amazed and saddened by this case. I do, however, wish the documents in the Bedwell case would be published by the prosecution (or the courts) so we can see the truth as we do with Caylee’s case.
I was never on the fence with who killed Caylee. I knew even before she was found that Casey Marie Anthony did something to her. No mother, who claims to love their child, would wait 31 days to inform ANYONE of her missing daughter. And every time I read another word regarding what happened, I am sickened and saddened to no end. I see that precious child’s face with each letter written on paper, hoping what she went through did not happen. Praying that she felt no pain. With having no understanding of what her mother allegedly did to her, not even having the capacity to acknowledge what was being done. I cannot fathom the thought process of a person in which they decide to do such heinous things. And especially to their own flesh and blood. What could that lovely, smiling little person have done to make her mother even think about doing what she has allegedly done? Absolutely nothing.
I wonder if the prosecution decided to disclose these findings now since her lawyer’s are trying to implicate that the charges against her were unlawful and want them dismissed? I hope to read next that there are finger prints and/or DNA linking the syringe and bottle to Casey Anthony. I wonder what her parents are thinking? I wonder if they will still stand by her after they read that? What do they think now about the new evidence put out for the entire world to read? And I also wonder what Cindy must have done/said to George to make him flip they way he has. You could see in his eyes how much he loathed his daughter for what he knows she did. What could one person say to another to make them flip their feelings and knowledge so quickly? I can honestly say that Cindy knows the truth and she was damaging her daughter’s defense. Baez must have spoke with her and said, “Cindy, if you do not believe your daughter and stand behind her 100%, how can you think I can get her a fair trial?” It doesn’t matter Cindy, I understand why you love your daughter. But to stand behind her, knowing full well what had to have happened; has made me not feel any more remorse for you. You have thrown your granddaughter under the bus. She is the only importance of this case, and she has fallen to the way-side.
Caylee Marie Anthony, you have touched so many hearts. You are everyone’s daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend. I am so sorry you had to succumb to such evil. You will always be in my heart. Little angel, you never had a chance.


1 comment:

  1. Casey "personalized" Xanax, as "Zanny the Nannie"for FOUR YEARS. She was probably feeding Caylee small pieces of Xanax and leaving her in the trunk, when she HAD NO JOB except to walk the streets to find a paying customer. When she started looking up chloroform on the net it was because "Zanny was costing too much money!" She said the last time she saw Caylee alive, was when Zanny the Nanny and her sister, (Chlora, last name probably "Form") beat her up (i.e., taking to much stuff to be able to think straight,) and she never saw Caylee (alive) again, after that. Look up Chloroform Suffocation, and Chloroform Overdose, for more!
