Friday, June 10, 2011

Faking It - Casey Anthony

As we all watched the trial yesterday we had the sense of incredible sadness, awareness, pain and the knowledge of definitive ending. We all know and are aware that Caylee Marie Anthony is no longer alive, but hearing the testimony yesterday regarding Caylee's bones was our definitive ending. Yesterday was Caylee's day. She spoke so loud and so clear. She said, "Look at me, see what she's done. I am no longer here on this Earth to run into any one's arms to hug and kiss, play, sing and live." I didn't need to see the pictures that the jury saw in order to hear Caylee speak. I can only hope and pray that the jury will never forget the pictures of Caylee's skull with duct tap wrapped around her tiny nose and mouth - three times.

Casey becoming "ill" during this testimony has only reinforced my opinion of she being a narcissist sociopath/psychopath. This was Caylee's day, Casey could NOT accept this. The attention needed to be reverted BACK to her somehow - hence her "illness". I am so appalled that ANYONE can believe her performance to be anything but FAKE! I basically watched ONLY Casey at this time because I wanted to see the performance. I am not a psychologist, I am not a body language expert, I am not a human lie-detector but I DO have a manipulative, narcissistic, habitual lying piece of crap "friend" to base my opinions of Casey's demeanor on. She absolutely KNOWS when eyes are upon her, especially the cameras. She times these "episodes" perfectly. When Casey "stood" for the jury to exit the first time, she "grabbed" thin air, wobbled and then placed her creepy tiny hand on the table. Does that remind you of when Cindy was leaving the stand after her break-down from her testimony about Caylee's disappearance? It does me. I have a feeling that Baez showed Casey that part of the trial over and over and over again and told her to mime Cindy's exact motions. She even "peeked" to see if the jury was gone before she lifted her head and feigned grimaces of pain. Once ALL attention was upon her, she seemed to be doing better. All of her attorneys were bobbing around her, asking her if she is alright, what can they do.....she was happy as a lark. When her attorneys seemed to think she was doing better, more grimaces of "pain" fell upon her face. In my opinion, this is when she decided that today will end because she now has the attention and power to do so. Casey can only do so much from where she is sitting and she needed the attention brought back to her somehow, which she did. Remember during the jail visits Cindy telling Casey she had a flat tire and Casey saying, "Guess what? That happened to ME!!" This is the same exact crap she's doing now. But Casey, you murdering monster, you may think you have control over these proceedings - but one thing is FOR SURE - the jury will NEVER forget the pictures of your daughter's bones with the duct tape wrapped around her tiny little face forever. You can go ahead and continue to fake cry and fake "illness" as much as you'd like - I do not think ANYONE is buying what you are selling. Here's a little advice, why don't you FAKE some REMORSE??????? Remorse for your dead daughter. You are ONLY delaying the inevitable - the show must go and and it will. Caylee WILL have her justice one way or the other. And personally, I love the revenge Caylee had upon you yesterday, you evil bitch. I hope Caylee's bones haunt you, because we ALL know you saw those pictures before. Even your dumb ass lawyer knew he had to show you before them being entered into evidence and the jury will have to know that. These people aren't dumb. Suffer, Casey! I hope you see Caylee's skull every single time you close those soulless eyes! YOU aren't fooling ME!

Crocodile Tears
By Kay Ryan b. 1945 Kay Ryan

The one sincere
crocodile has
gone dry eyed
for years. Why
bother crying
crocodile tears.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Did You Ask Casey Anthony If She Ever Committed Suicide?" - Jose Baez

I haven't been able to wrap my head around all that has happened in the trial since I last wrote to you all. I literally am so confused. But first, how about the title to this post??? Ha! I am going to sit down some day and fill a post with ALL of Baez's stupid comments and questions. It should be interesting, funny and time consuming.

Casey, dear wee little narcissistic bitch......I hope your lawyer lets you watch the trial after all of this. You are one scary woman. I watched you view yourself in those jail house visits and you were AMUSED with your temper tantrum. You actually almost busted a gut, covered your mouth and smile with your tiny creepy hand and said something to your attorney - unbelievable. I cannot FATHOM what goes on in your tiny little brain. I also watched how you CRIED for the Casey crying on the monitor but watched without so much as a blink of your eye when your mother broke down in tears and then into a ball when she was BEGGING for you to give her more information on the whereabouts of Caylee. I remember watching those video visits the first time around and yelling at my monitor at your parents to just fucking ASK where the HELL is Caylee you spiteful BITCH!!!! You nauseate me Casey Anthony. I pray everyday for justice for Caylee. For you to hear the words that you will never again see the light of day. I truly hope that a psychiatrist asks to sit and speak with you and then writes a book about who the heck you really are and WHY you think the way you do. I cannot stand you, but I really want to know what goes on in your mind. You are a mean, senseless person. How the hell did you sit there straight-faced, without embarrassment, listening to lie after lie, after lie, after lie....etc ad nauseum....??? It's an incredible show you put on. But you are not crazy. You knew (and still do) EXACTLY what you were doing. You had gotten away with everything for so long you just couldn't shut the fuck up!!!! Your lawyer can sit there and say that "something just is not right", but you really aren't that different then many people I know - other than the fact that they haven't killed anyone - YET. You crossed the line from sociopath to psychopath. I'm not sure that every narcissist does though. I can't stress enough how thankful I am for Casey's mother. If it wasn't for her love for Caylee - we never would have known what happened to her.

When I come to a hint of a conclusion as to where the defense is going with their story, something Baez does or says leads me back to my first thoughts - Baez is clueless and I have absolutely no idea HOW he passed the bar. We are sure he passed the bar, right? Let's start with the cadaver dogs. Does Baez want us to believe that Caylee's body was in the back yard at one time or not? Because I can't figure out what he wants us to think. First he says that Caylee died in the pool, which is in the back yard. Then he's shitting bricks because the dogs detected a decomposing body in the back yard. Then he says something to the effect of that Caylee's body being in the backyard isn't in dispute. REALLY??? Uh, ok. So what is it that he was trying to prove on the cross examination of the dog handlers? I am soooo confused. As am I about the body being in the trunk of the car. Are we supposed to believe that GeorgiePoo held Caylee's body for days on end before handing her over to Kronk in order for Kronk to have the body for "several months" and then eventually dumping her in the woods? Wouldn't Baez WANT to place Caylee's body IN the trunk of Casey's car which Casey has so wonderfully placed George IN the car while running over squirrels? I mean, isn't that what the "to do" was about making us aware that George had a set of extra keys to the car (even though George pointed that out way before Baez did)? I honestly do not know what to make of all this crap.

Dr. Arpad Vass was amazing on the stand, for both the prosecution and the defense. I truly loved listening and watching this man prove the states case and refute the defense. "I can find no other plausible explanation other than that to explain all the results that we found." "That" meaning that there was a body in the back of Casey's car. And the only body it could have been was Caylee's, unless Casey is a serial murderer and we just don't know it yet. I certainly LOVED the, "Fortunately, we don't get a lot of children" comment when Baez asked if Dr. Vass was there to state under oath that the reason they did not find flouride in the trunk of the car was because Caylee was a child. Dr. Vass - you are amazing, not only because you were there as Caylee's voice, but because you seem to be a genuinely nice guy. You love your job, the information you receive and what you do with that information. Thank God for people like you!!! You make the world a happier place.

I wonder how it must make Baez feel or think when he asks an expert witness if money is the deciding factor of testifying in Caylee's case and they say "Nope, money isn't a factor at all". Does he realize what type of a PIG that makes him? I truly hope the state will expose his $200,000 plus pot calling the kettle black!!! The jury deserves to know what a slime-ball this piece of shit is. And so does the Florida Bar Association......

The state needs to make some points about the computer searches and soon. It seems to me that the state has had a couple bad days since Dr. Vass was on the stand. They remind me of the New York Rangers when they are in the lead in the 2nd period of the game. They sit on their lead trying to make their opponents mess up. DON'T do that SA's!!! Let's get back on the puck and keep making those slap shots into the goal!!! Baez is NOT stating that Casey wasn't the one making these searches, have you all noticed that? He is trying to (and badly) to make these experts look unreliable. Which is his job, I totally understand that, but he is not saying it wasn't Casey making those searches. The state needs to monopolize on this fact. Tomorrow is another day - I pray it's another positive step towards justice for Caylee.