Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aaron Vargas - The Media Takes His Story

Here are a few links where you can read the newest information regarding Aaron's case. The San Fransisco Chronicle did a front page story last weekend. His sister has said that his story will also be on "Good Morning America!" very soon! I am hoping that with the new media attention, Aaron will have justice and he will be able to go home to his baby girl.

For those of you new to Aaron's case, you can goto his website: There you will find all of his information. Please also sign the petition and pass his website and the petition on to your friends. The DA needs to understand that Aaron is a victim of sexual child abuse.

Thank you.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Breaking the Silence - Children's Stories

I came accross this website and program while talking with a follower of my Twitter page. Everytime that I say that stories such as Connie Bedwell's, Kaylee's and the others I have written about happen everyday; I always have a commentor telling me I am incorrect. I am not wrong.

These stories are not something I like to read about. I have to force myself to do so, because I know how horrific these children have either been abused or abused to death and after reading/watching it's hard for me to concentrate on anything else. I force myself to read/watch them in order for me to be educated on the affects of child abuse. I want to educate you, my readers, that we all have voices. We are all voices for these children and protective parents. Two voices are more powerful than 10,0000 voices in silence. The court system is allowing documented domestic violent abusers to gain custody of their children. This is apalling to me. It infuriates me. Just watch one video on Youtube in memorium of any child that has endured and ultimately lost their life to child abuse and tell me that WE have nothing to do with these situations. Watch Baby P's videos. Watch Kelsey Smith Briggs' videos. They are heart-breaking and traumatic. Educate yourselves, please.

Stand up and DO something for these families, especially for the children who are NOT being heard.

Thank you.


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