When I first heard that Connie was going to accept help from Ms. Kruger, I had the instant feeling of regret; I knew this would not end "OK". I went to Wayanne's Facebook and MySpace pages and the first thing I thought was, "ME! ME! Look at ME world!" The photographs of herself everywhere are eerie, to say the least. And as I was researching, I saw where in the Haleigh Cummings case people were saying that "she is not quite right in the head." I kept my feelings to myself. Why? Because Ms. Kruger is supposedly a child advocate with a PhD who claimed she wanted and could help Connie and Aaliyah. Hind-sight is always 20/20, isn't it?
I have given Connie all of the correspondence between Wayanne and me in order for her to take them to the police. I will upload some of them once they are in his hands; I want him to see them first. I can honestly say that my responses to her always had "What are you talking about? I don't understand what it is you want or need me to do." I gave up on a couple of them and didn't respond to her scattered, random thoughts. But either the next day or maybe two days later, I'd receive another in my inbox. Even after March 10th, the day Connie had told Ms. Kruger that she did not want her on her case any longer, I received more emails. More of the lies she stated in the video she had done, but even more grandiose than before. I had asked her for proof of what she was saying but she would totally ignore the question, continue with her nonsense and diatribes of her past glory and more lies about Connie. It was apparent the reason for the dramatic change in Wayanne's behavior stemmed from Connie and Darrel telling Wayanne that they did not want her on her case any longer and to take all of the information down off the Internet.
I have been given multiple emails where Wayanne is speaking to Connie's Grandmother. In the emails, Wayanne lies, slanders and defames Connie behind her back. It specifically says, "Do not let Connie know what I am saying to you." To me, that is always an indicator of deception. If anything she was saying in those emails were true, why wouldn't she want Connie to know? Is it perhaps because Connie had just asked her to leave her case? Also, she addresses her grandmother by name, but then says, "I adore your sister" and then a few sentences down she mentions Cara. Then she goes on to ask for Connie’s father’s information so she could contact him as well. Clearly, there is something wrong with this woman.
Connie sent her this "cease and desist" letter on March 18th after Wayanne's harassment continued every day from March 10th:
"From: Connie Bedwell
Subject: Legal notice
To: "Wayanne Kruger"
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 4:58 AM
Wayanne I am giving you legal notice to quit harassing myself, my family and friends with your lies and slander that you decided to make up about me.
I am also giving you legal notice to quit raising funds in Aaliyah's and my name or SaveAaliyah.com's name. You do not have permission to do so.
Take down EVERYTHING from all of your pages that you have posted about my case, lies about my case or anything you have on your page promoting my case. Take all of it down. You are not on my case so quit talking to people pretending you are when you or not. This is your legal notice to quit your harassment and slander.
Connie Bedwell
Sent from my oh so very Jewish iPhone!!! Visit Saveaaliyah.com"
After this message was sent, I received a few more emails from Wayanne. She was still asking me to write for her. And everything she had said in her previous emails changed again. I came right out and asked what was wrong with her because nothing she said made any sense. At this same time, everything was still up on her Facebook page and she was still asking for funds in Aaliyah's and Connie's name. And to top it all off, someone had even posted this letter on Wayanne's site just a day ago and Wayanne claims to have never seen it. This is a lie because I have seen her responses.
I have read comments dating up until today, April 9th, where Wayanne is stating that Connie wanted her to do this or that as if she is still working on the case. What she is doing reminds me of what Wayanne claims Chris BB 12 is doing to her. All of this concerns me. No matter how many times I asked for her credentials, she would literally avoid the question. I even went so far as to send a one sentence email to her asking for her credentials, what I received in return was the longest email I have seen in a long time with not one word answering my question. Truly amazing.
Wayanne has claimed on her Facebook that her PhD is on her wall, Connie and Darrel have both seen this "diploma". It is on her wall and they say it has the name of "Rae Elisabeth Klein", her pseudonym for her "writing". They also say it looks as if she either printed it herself or ordered it online. How can someone possibly have a PhD in a pseudonym?
I also have an email from Connie where she writes to a real psychologist asking for advice about Wayanne. Just one sentence from the email, "She told a story about her being drugged, she constantly thinks someone is stalking or tailgating her, she always thought someone was listening in on our calls, she has 3 ghosts that she thinks lives in her house that she talks to." This real psychologist said these exact words, "I'm not sure if I replied to this email... but I think you better distance yourself from this person... far and fast." I'm wondering if the ghosts she speaks to are really the different personalities in her mind. Once you see the emails, you will understand.
I don't have any ill will towards Wayanne, I really think she needs help. I am not a doctor of course, but does anyone else find her behavior out of the ordinary?
If any of you have donated to Wayanne for Connie or Aaliyah, please let me know. She has been asked to stop discussing the case and posting pictures/videos on her Facebook, but she doesn't stop; so we need to make sure she isn't committing fraud as well.
When I can post the emails, I will. Until then, thank you for listening. I just felt this needed to be said for the Bedwell family and public awareness.