Friday, July 8, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - Her Injustice Is Insulting
This injustice is incredibly hard to swallow. I am still reeling....when will the feeling of falling in to a bottomless hole dissipate? I pray for my mind to become numb and my heart to become painless, quickly. I need to find something that will take my mind off of this.
I sent a thank you card to the Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George. I sent a thank you card to Yuri Melich, Detective Wells and Sergeant Allen. I've sent a thank you card to Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr and his incredible staff. It's helped to me keep from writing hate mail to the Anthony's.
I need to move on, but how do I move on when for three years all I've waited for was justice for Caylee. She didn't receive it. I didn't abandon her in that swamp but I feel that if I walk away now - when there is no closure for her, no justice - I feel like I'll be abandoning her now. People keep saying that God will be the last word in all of this. I pray that is true. I just want God to have the last word NOW.
People say you are better of where you are. Who knows what you went through before you succumbed to your death. And to be happy in knowing you will never suffer again. I agree with it all, but I am still so angry you had to go through it at all. That your life would have sucked so much that you had to die to be able to find peace and happiness and love. Life is definitely not fair. Why couldn't she see how precious you are? Never ending questions!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - The Little Darling Who Belongs to the World

It has been almost three days since the dreaded "Not Guilty" was handed out to the monster Casey Anthony and I am feeling exactly as I did when I first heard them. Shouldn't this get easier? This wasn't my child. I never met and held this baby. I didn't raise her, feed her, protect her, kiss her good-night and good-morning. I had nothing to do with this precious baby-girl. My head is still foggy, my heart still pounds with fear and anger. I am still asking myself "How can this be????" I know I am not alone in these feelings but that is how I feel - alone. There is nothing that I can do personally to fix this wrong. I can't make it right. Nobody can. This problem is insurmountable. Not only does Caylee not receive justice but her monster will be out walking the streets in a week. I cannot wrap my head around how Caylee's grand-parents have actually thrown her away. I know it's true, but it will not sink in - it's impossible to believe. How can anyone do that????? What is wrong with these people?????
These jurors BELIEVE that Casey was a great mother???? WHAT???? I am in shock......Someone needs to make me understand all this. Since the jury believes this crock tell me then how does a "great mother" accidentally (or purposefully) kill their child and not report it? CASEY'S greatest concern was HERSELF. HOW is that a GREAT MOTHER??? Someone has to tell me the answer to this. Casey slept in the same bed with her boyfriend and her BABY!!! She admitted to her jail-mate that she chloroformed Caylee to make her SLEEP!!! Yah, a fucking GREAT mother assholes!!!These jurors have to stop making blanket statements - they say the same things - EXACTLY. Something stinks and it's NOT just in the back of Casey's car. The juror said that it wasn't decomposition??? WTF??? Are they scientists? They KNOW this how? I hope these twelve people have nightmares each and every night for the rest of their lives. I hope the images of Caylee's skull and bones come to them in their darkest hours. And not just those 12, but to all who say to me "they did their job, they found her not guilty by reasonable doubt." FUCK YOU, you have no idea what reasonable means then!!! Nothing that Baez and his minions said was reasonable. They lied through their teeth. Lying to make a jury believe you should NOT be allowed. I'll be talking to law makers about burden of proof as well......
I have sent 16 letters today for Caylee's Law to be passed in the state that I live in. One to the governor, one to each senator and one to each of the thirteen representatives. I urge for all of you to do the same. I will not let Caylee be forgotten and I will do my part to make sure her death was not in vain. Her family does not give a shit about her and they will not do anything to keep her memory alive. They are going to bury her as far down as they possibly can. WE are Caylee's family now. She is our precious darling. She belongs to the world and we should EMBRACE HER with pride!!! Well, at least I do anyway.
Just US For Caylee!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Casey Anthony - NOT GUILTY??????
My mind is still whirling, I cannot find the right words. I cannot find ANY words to describe this travesty. I can't write Caylee's name, let alone say it, without choking back the tears. NOT GUILTY???? Who killed Caylee? Who put the tape over her face? Who placed her in the trash bags and laundry bag? Who threw her in the swampy woods? OH YAH!!! George Anthony did.....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! Has he been arrested yet? Yuri Melich - Arrest George and Lee Anthony for molesting the young Casey. Throw in gross abuse of a corpse, aiding in a cover up and perjury for George Anthony. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? If her defense team can say these atrocities then you can believe them and CAN ARREST GEORGE! Obviously that is evidence - the jury in her case seemed to believe this drivel. For the sake of George being arrested, then I believe it too. And you can rest assured that I will be writing the OSCO everyday, twice a day, until he is arrested for his crimes in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.
I cannot fathom what this jury was thinking and as I was driving home from work I almost literally went insane trying to figure it out. I am done trying to see the commonsense they THINK they used. Again, I am so grateful I don't think like an idiot or a narcissistic psychopath. I am surely blessed in that manner!
Casey, I know you will be Googling your own name. Most narcissists do, so read every word that has been written about you and KNOW that you are not safe in this world. Look over both of your shoulders at the same time because I am sure there will be others watching you closely. Sleep with one eye open because I truly believe God will have his say in what should happen to you. God does NOT like ugly. I don't WISH you any harm - but I pray for justice for Caylee. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. Unfortunately, there are 12 people out there that don't agree. Rot in hell Casey! And I hope that it's HELL ON EARTH forever more for you.
Caylee was murdered all over again today by our "justice" system. I heard that Jeff Ashton is retiring, it's such a shame. I truly hope he does not let the 20 idiots (including the defense team) ruin his heart. Other children need you Jeff. Caylee is not unhappy with your hard work for her. Caylee will show the others just what justice she deserves. Don't let them win by taking you away from others who need your intelligence, brilliance and compassion. Haven't you heard? Karma is the biggest bitch EVER and she is PLENTY PISSED!!! Continue with your brilliance of the truth - it is NOT wasted by me!!!
We have taught our children today that it is ok to murder your child but that it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to neglect your child which ends in murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok for your child to accidentally die in a swimming pool and then cover it up to look like a murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to murder your child, party - drink - drug - sex - lie - steal - blame your father and brother of sexual abuse - make up stories about body snatchers and cover ups of the police department, FBI and the medical examiner but it's NOT OK TO LIE TO A POLICE OFFICER!!!!! WAY to FUCKING go America!!!! Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered in June of 2008 and her soul was murdered in July of 2011, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Rest in peace baby girl! You so deserve it!!!!!!
I cannot fathom what this jury was thinking and as I was driving home from work I almost literally went insane trying to figure it out. I am done trying to see the commonsense they THINK they used. Again, I am so grateful I don't think like an idiot or a narcissistic psychopath. I am surely blessed in that manner!
Casey, I know you will be Googling your own name. Most narcissists do, so read every word that has been written about you and KNOW that you are not safe in this world. Look over both of your shoulders at the same time because I am sure there will be others watching you closely. Sleep with one eye open because I truly believe God will have his say in what should happen to you. God does NOT like ugly. I don't WISH you any harm - but I pray for justice for Caylee. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. Unfortunately, there are 12 people out there that don't agree. Rot in hell Casey! And I hope that it's HELL ON EARTH forever more for you.
Caylee was murdered all over again today by our "justice" system. I heard that Jeff Ashton is retiring, it's such a shame. I truly hope he does not let the 20 idiots (including the defense team) ruin his heart. Other children need you Jeff. Caylee is not unhappy with your hard work for her. Caylee will show the others just what justice she deserves. Don't let them win by taking you away from others who need your intelligence, brilliance and compassion. Haven't you heard? Karma is the biggest bitch EVER and she is PLENTY PISSED!!! Continue with your brilliance of the truth - it is NOT wasted by me!!!
We have taught our children today that it is ok to murder your child but that it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to neglect your child which ends in murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok for your child to accidentally die in a swimming pool and then cover it up to look like a murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to murder your child, party - drink - drug - sex - lie - steal - blame your father and brother of sexual abuse - make up stories about body snatchers and cover ups of the police department, FBI and the medical examiner but it's NOT OK TO LIE TO A POLICE OFFICER!!!!! WAY to FUCKING go America!!!! Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered in June of 2008 and her soul was murdered in July of 2011, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Rest in peace baby girl! You so deserve it!!!!!!
Caylee Marie Anthony,
Jeff Ashton,
Orlando Florida
Monday, July 4, 2011
Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane-Burdick, Frank George - HEROS and HEROINE
I know you will never read this Jeff, Linda or George but I have to write it anyway.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and soul, for your brilliant case put forth in front of the jury on the path of justice for Caylee Marie Anthony. It is incredibly sad when strangers (you, me - millions of others) love Caylee more than her own mother ever did. WE understand and KNOW that Caylee's life meant someTHING, no matter how small. We didn't need to KNOW her to love her. Your amazing moral and ethical principles made Caylee REAL to the jury. You stayed with the truth and prevailed. No matter what the jury comes to believe, I believe you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Casey murdered her daughter and never, ever had a concern for Caylee. God will bless you every day here after for your love, compassion and truth of Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee loves you all!
Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you so much for your knowledge of the law. Thank you for allowing an unbiased trial to be put forth to the jury. Thank you for treating the jury as PEOPLE and not "extras in a movie". You are amazing. Thank you.
Jose Baez and the rest of the lawyers: I am literally sick to death knowing you would/could get up in front of the judge and jury and LIE and TWIST the truth to try to fit your client's LIES!!!! You have made me realize how FLAWED our judicial system is for VICTIMS!! How you rest your head and close your eyes at night with NO REMORSE for your actions is beyond me. You are sick individuals - no matter WHAT your job IS - LYING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!! EVER! And shame on Cheney Mason, Dot Simms, Ann Finnell and all the rest ALLOWING Jose Baez to DESTROY Caylee's life. Sick people!!
George, Cindy and Lee: I hope to God you can move on with your life now. I'm sure it will be difficult and seem impossible at times. No matter what, if any, conviction your daughter receives you need to MOVE ON without her. She has clearly shown she does NOT love anyone but HERSELF! You all deserve SO MUCH better!!! I am so sorry, there are NO OTHER WORDS to convey how I feel for your loss of Caylee Marie Anthony. Keep loving Caylee after judgement of her mother. Caylee is the VICTIM. She was robbed of her life, her breath. Seek counselling and learn to love one another for CAYLEE!!!! Don't make her death to be in vain, if you are going to feel sorry for anyone it should be Caylee. She has missed so much. She would be five years old and in kindergarten going into FIRST grade! I remember first grade, Caylee can't. I know you love Casey, it's OK. I understand. But CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY deserves that love.
To the jury: Please know and understand that we all know what type of sacrafice you were made to endure for the last six weeks of your life. Please know that I know and understand how hard this must be to judge a person's life and render a verdict. I just hope and pray that you do the right thing. Caylee was a person, no matter how small and did not deserve to die. I can't say that no one deserves to die because I believe that if you take a life - giving your life she be a form of punishment. BUT a child NEVER DESERVES TO DIE. Not by murder, accident or natural causes. I trust and believe that you are 12 very intelligent people that KNOW and see that Casey murdered her innocent child, Caylee Marie Anthony. Thank you for your time. There are no other words other than:
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and soul, for your brilliant case put forth in front of the jury on the path of justice for Caylee Marie Anthony. It is incredibly sad when strangers (you, me - millions of others) love Caylee more than her own mother ever did. WE understand and KNOW that Caylee's life meant someTHING, no matter how small. We didn't need to KNOW her to love her. Your amazing moral and ethical principles made Caylee REAL to the jury. You stayed with the truth and prevailed. No matter what the jury comes to believe, I believe you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Casey murdered her daughter and never, ever had a concern for Caylee. God will bless you every day here after for your love, compassion and truth of Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee loves you all!
Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you so much for your knowledge of the law. Thank you for allowing an unbiased trial to be put forth to the jury. Thank you for treating the jury as PEOPLE and not "extras in a movie". You are amazing. Thank you.
Jose Baez and the rest of the lawyers: I am literally sick to death knowing you would/could get up in front of the judge and jury and LIE and TWIST the truth to try to fit your client's LIES!!!! You have made me realize how FLAWED our judicial system is for VICTIMS!! How you rest your head and close your eyes at night with NO REMORSE for your actions is beyond me. You are sick individuals - no matter WHAT your job IS - LYING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!! EVER! And shame on Cheney Mason, Dot Simms, Ann Finnell and all the rest ALLOWING Jose Baez to DESTROY Caylee's life. Sick people!!
George, Cindy and Lee: I hope to God you can move on with your life now. I'm sure it will be difficult and seem impossible at times. No matter what, if any, conviction your daughter receives you need to MOVE ON without her. She has clearly shown she does NOT love anyone but HERSELF! You all deserve SO MUCH better!!! I am so sorry, there are NO OTHER WORDS to convey how I feel for your loss of Caylee Marie Anthony. Keep loving Caylee after judgement of her mother. Caylee is the VICTIM. She was robbed of her life, her breath. Seek counselling and learn to love one another for CAYLEE!!!! Don't make her death to be in vain, if you are going to feel sorry for anyone it should be Caylee. She has missed so much. She would be five years old and in kindergarten going into FIRST grade! I remember first grade, Caylee can't. I know you love Casey, it's OK. I understand. But CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY deserves that love.
To the jury: Please know and understand that we all know what type of sacrafice you were made to endure for the last six weeks of your life. Please know that I know and understand how hard this must be to judge a person's life and render a verdict. I just hope and pray that you do the right thing. Caylee was a person, no matter how small and did not deserve to die. I can't say that no one deserves to die because I believe that if you take a life - giving your life she be a form of punishment. BUT a child NEVER DESERVES TO DIE. Not by murder, accident or natural causes. I trust and believe that you are 12 very intelligent people that KNOW and see that Casey murdered her innocent child, Caylee Marie Anthony. Thank you for your time. There are no other words other than:
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Baez Is a Travesty of Human Life
I will first say that I did not listen to what Baez's closing argument was about. I heard bits and pieces so I will not go into what he did or didn't say. Not only because I didn't hear it, but because I don't give a rats ASS what he has to say. I find it unfair that the jury does not know all the shenanigans that have taken place since Caylee went "missing". There is NOTHING that this lying piece of crap could EVER say that would make me change my mind about how I feel Caylee died. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for three years and waited patiently for those three years to HEAR a plausible reason as to how Caylee died. I begged God to tell me that it was truly an accident. Obviously, that is not what I learned. Yah, SOMETHING just isn't right!!
My theory as to what happened to poor little Caylee, and I think I might have already written about it before, is that Casey was really planning on murdering Cindy and George. Why? Because she kept on telling Amy Huiezenga that she was going to have the house soon and that Amy could move in with she and Caylee. That is why I believe she searched chloroform 84 times. She searched neck-breaking, shovel and all those other things because she was planning George and Cindy's murders. She would need the chloroform to subdue George, don't you think? I believe that Casey was either giving Caylee xanax or chloroform at night so she could go partying or spend the night at a boyfriends house and then place her in the trunk of the car. That in itself is child abuse, neglect and torture. Something went wrong and when Casey went to check on Caylee, she was dead. And that's where murder comes into play. Because I don't know laws, I have not the foggiest idea of which count of murder that would be. So she had to ditch her plans of killing her parents and think of what to do about Caylee rotting in the trunk. And the rest we know.
Nothing the defense has brought forward has taken murder from the equation, for me. But Baez has definitely made me realize how unjust our judicial system truly is. He has proven to me that no matter how much a lawyer lies, libels and defames a person in opening arguments, it's not against the law and there will be no repercussions. Things need to change. I am so incredibly fed up with liars. This whole entire trial was a circus. I sure hope the jury can discern the truth from this shit-on-a-fucking-cracker defense story. "Magical Thinking" is the understatement of the year!!!
One more flipping day, ONE MORE!!!!
My theory as to what happened to poor little Caylee, and I think I might have already written about it before, is that Casey was really planning on murdering Cindy and George. Why? Because she kept on telling Amy Huiezenga that she was going to have the house soon and that Amy could move in with she and Caylee. That is why I believe she searched chloroform 84 times. She searched neck-breaking, shovel and all those other things because she was planning George and Cindy's murders. She would need the chloroform to subdue George, don't you think? I believe that Casey was either giving Caylee xanax or chloroform at night so she could go partying or spend the night at a boyfriends house and then place her in the trunk of the car. That in itself is child abuse, neglect and torture. Something went wrong and when Casey went to check on Caylee, she was dead. And that's where murder comes into play. Because I don't know laws, I have not the foggiest idea of which count of murder that would be. So she had to ditch her plans of killing her parents and think of what to do about Caylee rotting in the trunk. And the rest we know.
Nothing the defense has brought forward has taken murder from the equation, for me. But Baez has definitely made me realize how unjust our judicial system truly is. He has proven to me that no matter how much a lawyer lies, libels and defames a person in opening arguments, it's not against the law and there will be no repercussions. Things need to change. I am so incredibly fed up with liars. This whole entire trial was a circus. I sure hope the jury can discern the truth from this shit-on-a-fucking-cracker defense story. "Magical Thinking" is the understatement of the year!!!
One more flipping day, ONE MORE!!!!
Casey Anthony,
Caylee Marie Anthony,
Orlando Florida
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