I am not going to link to this vile "video diary" that skank-ass leaked onto the web last night. You can Google and find it, it's also being aired EVERY MINUTE on the dumb-ass networks that have Nancy UnGrace and Just Please Shoot me Jane Valez shows. But I DO want to comment on how fucking ridiculous the video is and what she says.
Oh my LORD.....I try very hard to NOT listen to anything that has to do with this bitch....She's hideous and she LIES LIES LIES and LIES some more every time she opens her effn trap! Whoever believes a word out of her mouth needs to be shot...TWICE! Who ever believes MARBLE MOUTH CHENEY that she didn't give any one's permission to upload that video is so unbelievably stupid. You have something wrong "up-stairs" and need help ASAP!!! BUT!!! She did get what she wanted....the public to TALK ABOUT HER AGAIN. Not one fucking word was spoken about precious Caylee Marie Anthony....she had the audacity to fucking say these words: "I finally have something to call my own." Wanna know what the fuck she was talking about????? A fucking COMPUTER and a CAMERA!! This video has done gone and got me (and just about everyone else) fucking right pissed again! YOU are a fucking JOKE Casey. You and your moronic lawyers are the laughing stock of the fucking UNIVERSE!!! Not for nothing, though, WTF is up with your ham hocks for arms!! Holy shit....I always heard that 70 blow jobs WITH the happy endings would put weight on a woman but WOAH!!! I think it's time to give Baez's teeny-weeny a BREAK babe!!! GET THE FUCK GONE ALREADY you HIDEOUS SKANK!!!
Jeff Ashton, one of Caylee's MANY heroes, published and sold his book and is now running for States Attorney. But she(and her idiot smarmy lawyers) is so angry about the book that they HAD to stage SOMETHING in order to get Casey back in the #1 spotlight. Jeff Ashton pretty much put a fucking nail in her money making coffin when that book EXPLODED onto the shelves! I applaud him....he's a genius! Thank you Jeff, bravo...bravo!!! I might just move to Florida so I can vote for you!!!
One more thing before I go, Cindy and George....YOU are NOT fooling me with "we are concerned for her safety...WHEREVER she is" BULLSHIT! You know exactly where she is and I have HAD it with your lies. Cindy, KARMA is gonna get you.....I hope it's plastered all over the fucking news when it happens. George, if you EVER grow some fucking balls (and a dick it seems) sue your sorry ass, lying, MURDERING daughter for the WRONGFUL DEATH OF YOUR PRECIOUS GRANDDAUGHTER!!!! You both fucking MAKE ME SICK!!!
The next time I hear anything about Casey and her fucking "family" it better be that karma has finally caught up to them and we will never hear from them again!
Peace OUT people!!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Casey Anthony Wanna-Be 2011 - Deborah Bradley

I have titled this post "Casey Anthony Wanna-Be 2011" because I fear that we will have many, many stories of woman killing their children and try to get away with it for many, many years to come. I can only hope and pray that if and when this gets to trial 1. It won't take three fucking years and 2. The jury aren't as stupid as the asshat fucktards from Florida are.
I have had enough of this woman Deborah Bradley - baby Lisa Irwin's egg donor. She is nothing but a Casey Anthony "wanna be"! I will bet my life on this: Deborah beat the shit out of Lisa in a drunken stupor because Lisa was hungry or had a wet diaper and would NOT stop crying, like any NORMAL child would do. Deobrah wants us to believe it is perfectly normal to become so drunk that you pass out only to wake up to an empty crib. I mean, the way she talks about it "it's no big deal, EVERYONE is doing it these days." At least that is how I am hearing what she is saying.
The very first news cast about this baby being missing, or maybe it was an article, I had already had thoughts of foul play regarding the parents. I specifically remember someone saying that Lisa had a cold but that they had her window open. I found that quite odd especially since the weather was turning colder in those parts. I found it very convenient that the THREE phones this family had were STOLEN. As more of the story came out my "hinky meter" was about ready to burst!! That night was the FIRST night that her husband EVER worked over-night hours AND that she left the front door unlocked. How VERY condusive for these "parents"! I fear that I have become jaded and believe that all parents are murderers of their children when their stories do not match with evidence. Also when parents stop cooperating with the police and lawyer up. Or when the parents (or grandparents) make the rounds on all the morning "news" gossip shows. I firmly believe that she whispered to her husband, "Step back, watch....I got this...I learned it all from Casey."
In the last three years I have found that these seemingly normal woman do not intend for the police to be smarter than they are. They genuinely believe they can fool everyone. I fear that Deborah has fooled some people, the ones who believe that Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox are innocent of murder. But she deffinitely has not fooled me. When you lie to me and you are caught doing so - I will NEVER believe one word that comes out of your mouth again.
I tried not to listen to the parents. I tried not to read the articles. I CAN honestly say that I have not watched ONE interview with them, I have only seen still photographs of these people. I do NOT want to get involved in this case as I was with little Caylee. I can not handle another mother getting away with murder of their child. But everything in my soul is telling me this woman wants to prove that she is a better actress than Casey. That she won't see one wall of a jail cell because she will do all of this right. She can cry real tears, have you noticed that? I wonder what the body language experts say about that fact. I fear I will be seeking their advice, the body language experts and the human lie detectors, because I find it facinating when they are right and when they are wrong. I want to see if they believe, as I do, that there is a jealousy of Lisa on Deborah's part, Lisa seemed to be the "apple of daddy's eye". Does anyone else feel the same?
To the KCPD - Bravo for your unfailing search for this precious child. The child whose egg donor decided was less important than the wine she had to drink and the company she kept that night. You are amazing and your efforts will not go unnoticed by me.
Praying that justice will come to little Lisa and always for Caylee Marie.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Casey Anthony WRITES to SJ From "Casey Anthony Is Innocent" .com
This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. It's also the saddest. Casey Anthony has to go to the Internet to have friends:
"From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you.
I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support.
This will be the first of many posts, so this will be kept brief, and hopefully quiet.
It was a long 3 years, and I have a long year ahead, but the battle is far from over.
Everything I do from this moment forward is not just for Caylee, or for myself, but for those who have bravely stood beside me, yourselves included. A lifetime of thanks.
My love to you all, and I can promise you this, good things are to come.
I leave you with one parting phrase: “Nenikekamen”-which means “we are victorious” in Greek.
Forever and Always."
Honestly, I have no words. Our world has officially gone to hell in a hand-basket. Go look at the comments on that post. Un-FUCKING-believable.
Fuck you Casey. Fuck you Casey "Fans". You all make me sick.
"From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you.
I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support.
This will be the first of many posts, so this will be kept brief, and hopefully quiet.
It was a long 3 years, and I have a long year ahead, but the battle is far from over.
Everything I do from this moment forward is not just for Caylee, or for myself, but for those who have bravely stood beside me, yourselves included. A lifetime of thanks.
My love to you all, and I can promise you this, good things are to come.
I leave you with one parting phrase: “Nenikekamen”-which means “we are victorious” in Greek.
Forever and Always."
Honestly, I have no words. Our world has officially gone to hell in a hand-basket. Go look at the comments on that post. Un-FUCKING-believable.
Fuck you Casey. Fuck you Casey "Fans". You all make me sick.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Casey Anthony's Appeal for Probation
Attorneys file appeal to stop Casey Anthony's probation
CASE NO.: 48-08-CF-013331-0
Attorneys for the Defendant,
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Oh yah, and WHINE!!!
CASE NO.: 48-08-CF-013331-0
Attorneys for the Defendant,
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Oh yah, and WHINE!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How Gotta The People Believe In Rumors - Bob Marley
First, I must say how fucking annoying it is that for three years none of my friends nor family were interested in Caylee Marie's death and murder until her "momster" was acquitted. They said I was wasting time and I was morbid for having a "fascination" with Caylee. Hmmmmm, how funny it is that things have changed. I thought that after my shock and anger of the verdict subsided I could get on with my life while healing from the pain of not having justice for Caylee. NOPE!! Every time I walk into a friends house, work or a family member's home I am bombarded with questions!! Verify this verify that - is this true, is that true, what about this, what about that - WHERE IS CASEY???? It takes every ounce of the patience and love I have for these people to not scream at them. I want to tell them to not be lazy and go look for yourself. To not scream that I don't care where Casey is, who is going to be the first interviewer, if she's ever going to go home....etc.... I don't give a crap about Casey. I silently pray for her misery. I silently scream for her demise, but I DO NOT CARE what happens to her and how so stop asking me.....leave me alone. You all want to believe the rumors? Then go ask someone who doesn't give a shit about Caylee, you'll get the answers you WANT to hear from them.
EVERYONE has forgotten the most important person in this whole travesty - CAYLEE. Caylee did NOT place herself in a swamp, in two garbage bags, a canvass laundry bag and place three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth and then lay there until she died! Just because 12 imbeciles (plus all the fucking bandwagon idiots now) decided to believe that Casey was a victim of sexual abuse (actually rape of a child by incest), that George Anthony FORCED her to cover up an accidental drowning, hid the body - told her to "act like nothing happened, see" - lost the body to Mr. Kronk where he then holds on to Caylee for "several months before dumping her in the swamp", the detectives, police officers, the cadaver dogs and their handlers, the WHOLE ENTIRE CSI department, the Medical Examiner and her ENTIRE STAFF and now the States Attorney's office planted and/or hid exculpatory evidence does not mean that Casey is innocent of the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. NO, it just means that these fucking morons didn't do their job. They "deliberated" (or took a nap) over RUMORS and LIES that Jose Baez and his minions spewed through-out the trial.
In my opinion, these 12 indolent jurors decided that it didn't matter if Casey was guilty, they were going to acquit her no matter what because the WORLD wanted her convicted. What ever happened to the days before DNA, forensics, hair analysis - whatever else -when the jury had to rely on good 'ol fucking common sense, logic, police and detective work???? Where a suspect's demeanor, actions or non-actions and character had a say in if they were innocent or guilty? When a jury had to actually pay attention to the evidence - no matter how difficult it is to understand it - and ask questions regarding it???? It seems that it's true that the world is truly of the mind of instant gratification and entitlement. It is so incredibly sad how lazy and greedy the people of this world have become. I hope these jurors sold their souls for the right fucking price and they are "happy".
This fucking bitch kills her child OUT OF ANGER because her mother told her she was a terrible mother and was going to file for custody. Casey's own grandmother said "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." Then this "mother-of-the-year" fucking goes to her boyfriends house and rents movies about babies being kidnapped and killed. Has sex all night long into the next day. There is not ONE mother out there who loves their child that if said child was in ANY type of accident would NOT call 911. There is no loving mother out there that would cover up an accident to make it look like she murdered her child. There is not ONE person in this world that would sit in fucking jail for THREE FUCKING YEARS cuz her DADDY raped her!!! I am so fucking sick and tired of listening to these unbelievable scenarios! She claimed for three fucking years that Zanny the Nanny kidnapped her child!!!!!!!! There isn't ONE loving mother out there that if their child was missing for more than 20 minutes would NOT call the fucking police to report their child missing!!!! NOBODY ASKS THESE QUESTIONS!!! Everyone is just so willing to throw logic and commonsense to the way-side because its way more INTERESTING to believe these idiotic RUMORS AND LIES!!! I wish there was another planet for these types of people could go live on. They don't deserve to mingle amongst the truth telling, logical, smart and commonsensed people of the Earth. I am literally sick and tired of hearing from them. Not just the jurors but the ones that said there wasn't enough evidence. If I had the opportunity to have a super-hero type power I would want the ability to kill people with my mind, with just a single thought. That would be awesome. Especially when people say that George never wanted Caylee's body found because he MAY have been sexually abusing her. You all need to research victims of child sexual abuse. CASEY would NEVER allow Caylee around her father if he had EVER touched Casey. You people are numb from the neck up. You make me literally ill with how stupid you are.
So, does anyone know when George Anthony will be arrested for the murder of Caylee? Or when Casey and George will be arrested for covering up an accident, child neglect for not seeking medical attention after said accident, gross abuse of a body and for the sexual molestation??? I don't watch the news, haven't in 10 years, but I do get the Google updates so I'll be able to keep up with that - hoping that George has to answer to these ridiculous accusations.
Oh yah, that's another thing: Jose - I will NEVER respect the verdict. It was based on LIES, your temper tantrums and inadequacy of being a lawyer and laziness of the jurors. You want respect, you have to EARN it like everyone else! When I see you RESPECT the ethical oath you made when you "became a lawyer" and when I see Casey RESPECT Caylee I MIGHT show some respect to these 12 dumb-asses and their decision.
My hope for all of you who actually CARE about Caylee are slowly moving on and accepting the non justice for Caylee. I am proud to stand with you all as Caylee's voice. She deserved so much. I truly believe that Karma will show her head, it may take a long time but it will happen.
RIP Caylee....you are loved by so many.
EVERYONE has forgotten the most important person in this whole travesty - CAYLEE. Caylee did NOT place herself in a swamp, in two garbage bags, a canvass laundry bag and place three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth and then lay there until she died! Just because 12 imbeciles (plus all the fucking bandwagon idiots now) decided to believe that Casey was a victim of sexual abuse (actually rape of a child by incest), that George Anthony FORCED her to cover up an accidental drowning, hid the body - told her to "act like nothing happened, see" - lost the body to Mr. Kronk where he then holds on to Caylee for "several months before dumping her in the swamp", the detectives, police officers, the cadaver dogs and their handlers, the WHOLE ENTIRE CSI department, the Medical Examiner and her ENTIRE STAFF and now the States Attorney's office planted and/or hid exculpatory evidence does not mean that Casey is innocent of the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. NO, it just means that these fucking morons didn't do their job. They "deliberated" (or took a nap) over RUMORS and LIES that Jose Baez and his minions spewed through-out the trial.
In my opinion, these 12 indolent jurors decided that it didn't matter if Casey was guilty, they were going to acquit her no matter what because the WORLD wanted her convicted. What ever happened to the days before DNA, forensics, hair analysis - whatever else -when the jury had to rely on good 'ol fucking common sense, logic, police and detective work???? Where a suspect's demeanor, actions or non-actions and character had a say in if they were innocent or guilty? When a jury had to actually pay attention to the evidence - no matter how difficult it is to understand it - and ask questions regarding it???? It seems that it's true that the world is truly of the mind of instant gratification and entitlement. It is so incredibly sad how lazy and greedy the people of this world have become. I hope these jurors sold their souls for the right fucking price and they are "happy".
This fucking bitch kills her child OUT OF ANGER because her mother told her she was a terrible mother and was going to file for custody. Casey's own grandmother said "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." Then this "mother-of-the-year" fucking goes to her boyfriends house and rents movies about babies being kidnapped and killed. Has sex all night long into the next day. There is not ONE mother out there who loves their child that if said child was in ANY type of accident would NOT call 911. There is no loving mother out there that would cover up an accident to make it look like she murdered her child. There is not ONE person in this world that would sit in fucking jail for THREE FUCKING YEARS cuz her DADDY raped her!!! I am so fucking sick and tired of listening to these unbelievable scenarios! She claimed for three fucking years that Zanny the Nanny kidnapped her child!!!!!!!! There isn't ONE loving mother out there that if their child was missing for more than 20 minutes would NOT call the fucking police to report their child missing!!!! NOBODY ASKS THESE QUESTIONS!!! Everyone is just so willing to throw logic and commonsense to the way-side because its way more INTERESTING to believe these idiotic RUMORS AND LIES!!! I wish there was another planet for these types of people could go live on. They don't deserve to mingle amongst the truth telling, logical, smart and commonsensed people of the Earth. I am literally sick and tired of hearing from them. Not just the jurors but the ones that said there wasn't enough evidence. If I had the opportunity to have a super-hero type power I would want the ability to kill people with my mind, with just a single thought. That would be awesome. Especially when people say that George never wanted Caylee's body found because he MAY have been sexually abusing her. You all need to research victims of child sexual abuse. CASEY would NEVER allow Caylee around her father if he had EVER touched Casey. You people are numb from the neck up. You make me literally ill with how stupid you are.
So, does anyone know when George Anthony will be arrested for the murder of Caylee? Or when Casey and George will be arrested for covering up an accident, child neglect for not seeking medical attention after said accident, gross abuse of a body and for the sexual molestation??? I don't watch the news, haven't in 10 years, but I do get the Google updates so I'll be able to keep up with that - hoping that George has to answer to these ridiculous accusations.
Oh yah, that's another thing: Jose - I will NEVER respect the verdict. It was based on LIES, your temper tantrums and inadequacy of being a lawyer and laziness of the jurors. You want respect, you have to EARN it like everyone else! When I see you RESPECT the ethical oath you made when you "became a lawyer" and when I see Casey RESPECT Caylee I MIGHT show some respect to these 12 dumb-asses and their decision.
My hope for all of you who actually CARE about Caylee are slowly moving on and accepting the non justice for Caylee. I am proud to stand with you all as Caylee's voice. She deserved so much. I truly believe that Karma will show her head, it may take a long time but it will happen.
RIP Caylee....you are loved by so many.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - Her Injustice Is Insulting
This injustice is incredibly hard to swallow. I am still reeling....when will the feeling of falling in to a bottomless hole dissipate? I pray for my mind to become numb and my heart to become painless, quickly. I need to find something that will take my mind off of this.
I sent a thank you card to the Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George. I sent a thank you card to Yuri Melich, Detective Wells and Sergeant Allen. I've sent a thank you card to Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr and his incredible staff. It's helped to me keep from writing hate mail to the Anthony's.
I need to move on, but how do I move on when for three years all I've waited for was justice for Caylee. She didn't receive it. I didn't abandon her in that swamp but I feel that if I walk away now - when there is no closure for her, no justice - I feel like I'll be abandoning her now. People keep saying that God will be the last word in all of this. I pray that is true. I just want God to have the last word NOW.
People say you are better of where you are. Who knows what you went through before you succumbed to your death. And to be happy in knowing you will never suffer again. I agree with it all, but I am still so angry you had to go through it at all. That your life would have sucked so much that you had to die to be able to find peace and happiness and love. Life is definitely not fair. Why couldn't she see how precious you are? Never ending questions!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - The Little Darling Who Belongs to the World

It has been almost three days since the dreaded "Not Guilty" was handed out to the monster Casey Anthony and I am feeling exactly as I did when I first heard them. Shouldn't this get easier? This wasn't my child. I never met and held this baby. I didn't raise her, feed her, protect her, kiss her good-night and good-morning. I had nothing to do with this precious baby-girl. My head is still foggy, my heart still pounds with fear and anger. I am still asking myself "How can this be????" I know I am not alone in these feelings but that is how I feel - alone. There is nothing that I can do personally to fix this wrong. I can't make it right. Nobody can. This problem is insurmountable. Not only does Caylee not receive justice but her monster will be out walking the streets in a week. I cannot wrap my head around how Caylee's grand-parents have actually thrown her away. I know it's true, but it will not sink in - it's impossible to believe. How can anyone do that????? What is wrong with these people?????
These jurors BELIEVE that Casey was a great mother???? WHAT???? I am in shock......Someone needs to make me understand all this. Since the jury believes this crock tell me then how does a "great mother" accidentally (or purposefully) kill their child and not report it? CASEY'S greatest concern was HERSELF. HOW is that a GREAT MOTHER??? Someone has to tell me the answer to this. Casey slept in the same bed with her boyfriend and her BABY!!! She admitted to her jail-mate that she chloroformed Caylee to make her SLEEP!!! Yah, a fucking GREAT mother assholes!!!These jurors have to stop making blanket statements - they say the same things - EXACTLY. Something stinks and it's NOT just in the back of Casey's car. The juror said that it wasn't decomposition??? WTF??? Are they scientists? They KNOW this how? I hope these twelve people have nightmares each and every night for the rest of their lives. I hope the images of Caylee's skull and bones come to them in their darkest hours. And not just those 12, but to all who say to me "they did their job, they found her not guilty by reasonable doubt." FUCK YOU, you have no idea what reasonable means then!!! Nothing that Baez and his minions said was reasonable. They lied through their teeth. Lying to make a jury believe you should NOT be allowed. I'll be talking to law makers about burden of proof as well......
I have sent 16 letters today for Caylee's Law to be passed in the state that I live in. One to the governor, one to each senator and one to each of the thirteen representatives. I urge for all of you to do the same. I will not let Caylee be forgotten and I will do my part to make sure her death was not in vain. Her family does not give a shit about her and they will not do anything to keep her memory alive. They are going to bury her as far down as they possibly can. WE are Caylee's family now. She is our precious darling. She belongs to the world and we should EMBRACE HER with pride!!! Well, at least I do anyway.
Just US For Caylee!!!
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