I have titled this post "Casey Anthony Wanna-Be 2011" because I fear that we will have many, many stories of woman killing their children and try to get away with it for many, many years to come. I can only hope and pray that if and when this gets to trial 1. It won't take three fucking years and 2. The jury aren't as stupid as the asshat fucktards from Florida are.
I have had enough of this woman Deborah Bradley - baby Lisa Irwin's egg donor. She is nothing but a Casey Anthony "wanna be"! I will bet my life on this: Deborah beat the shit out of Lisa in a drunken stupor because Lisa was hungry or had a wet diaper and would NOT stop crying, like any NORMAL child would do. Deobrah wants us to believe it is perfectly normal to become so drunk that you pass out only to wake up to an empty crib. I mean, the way she talks about it "it's no big deal, EVERYONE is doing it these days." At least that is how I am hearing what she is saying.
The very first news cast about this baby being missing, or maybe it was an article, I had already had thoughts of foul play regarding the parents. I specifically remember someone saying that Lisa had a cold but that they had her window open. I found that quite odd especially since the weather was turning colder in those parts. I found it very convenient that the THREE phones this family had were STOLEN. As more of the story came out my "hinky meter" was about ready to burst!! That night was the FIRST night that her husband EVER worked over-night hours AND that she left the front door unlocked. How VERY condusive for these "parents"! I fear that I have become jaded and believe that all parents are murderers of their children when their stories do not match with evidence. Also when parents stop cooperating with the police and lawyer up. Or when the parents (or grandparents) make the rounds on all the morning "news" gossip shows. I firmly believe that she whispered to her husband, "Step back, watch....I got this...I learned it all from Casey."
In the last three years I have found that these seemingly normal woman do not intend for the police to be smarter than they are. They genuinely believe they can fool everyone. I fear that Deborah has fooled some people, the ones who believe that Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox are innocent of murder. But she deffinitely has not fooled me. When you lie to me and you are caught doing so - I will NEVER believe one word that comes out of your mouth again.
I tried not to listen to the parents. I tried not to read the articles. I CAN honestly say that I have not watched ONE interview with them, I have only seen still photographs of these people. I do NOT want to get involved in this case as I was with little Caylee. I can not handle another mother getting away with murder of their child. But everything in my soul is telling me this woman wants to prove that she is a better actress than Casey. That she won't see one wall of a jail cell because she will do all of this right. She can cry real tears, have you noticed that? I wonder what the body language experts say about that fact. I fear I will be seeking their advice, the body language experts and the human lie detectors, because I find it facinating when they are right and when they are wrong. I want to see if they believe, as I do, that there is a jealousy of Lisa on Deborah's part, Lisa seemed to be the "apple of daddy's eye". Does anyone else feel the same?
To the KCPD - Bravo for your unfailing search for this precious child. The child whose egg donor decided was less important than the wine she had to drink and the company she kept that night. You are amazing and your efforts will not go unnoticed by me.
Praying that justice will come to little Lisa and always for Caylee Marie.
I just started reading up on this case and I feel the same as you do.
ReplyDeleteNothing adds up! A baby has a cold and the window is open...
Three cell phones are "stolen"...by the way, don't they have a landline??
....baby Lisa was put to bed at 6:30, oh wait, no- it was 10:30...hubby conveniently, of all times, happens to pull another shift, goes back to work until 4:00 AM!?...another FIRST....yet another...the front door was unlocked!?....all the lights were on....hmmmmm....
Mommy dearest was dead to the world because she was also dead drunk....
And not another word about this case in months...Common sense has gone out of reality...still praying baby Lisa will recieve justice.
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