As part of our public safety awareness campaign, we posted photos of Convicted Child Rapist, Michael Aaron North and his fiance Lisa Diane Haddad-North on this and other blogs. These photos were obtained after I, Amanda Parisi, was cyberstalked by Michael Aaron North in April 2010.
I would not have been able to obtain these photos had 1) I not been stalked and 2) the photos were protected by a photographers watermark or 3)TRULY copyrighted. I was smart from the jump when I developed my website, I made sure everything was protected be it text OR photos. I did this because I wanted to protect my information, because it was mine - BECAUSE I HAVE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO IT ALL.
The majority of the photos were obtained from a PUBLIC FORUM: FaceBook and TheKnot, but I also obtained photos from a website Michael created for himself where he was proudly displaying his work AND photos. We all know once Michael was exposed, he took the site down.
What I have always known, that clearly Michael and/or Lisa did not, is that they had 90 days from the date of their initial revelation that I had used these photos, to mail each and every image directly to the Copyright office. I also know, which clearly they do not, that the Copyright office is taking anywhere from 18 to 24 months to process applications. However, had they MAILED their photos in, I would be able to find them on the Federal Copyright page, which I most certainly do NOT see their names and any "open orders" on the site.
Had they mailed the photos and paid the fee, that would have been enough to POSSIBLY stop me from using SOME of the photos but as most of us know, once you place a photo on FaceBook THEY own it and they do NOT prevent users from being able to right click and save, which means - I did not take any of the photos ILLEGALLY. (90 days have expired, FYI.)
Michael Aaron North and Lisa Diane Haddad-North have been repeatedly viewing our blogs and despite each of them being strongly advised by his parole officer to stay away from our sites, they have continued to visit and insist we remove all of their images and the owners of these will honor that request.
I will never fear (or back down) from any possible legal entanglement with Michael Aaron North because I know who will come out the winner in the end. Everything I DO is within a legal perimeter. Much as it was when I passed out the fliers of Michael on his street, because Religious and Not-for-Profit organizations ARE ALLOWED to go door to door in the State of Washington, where nobody else is. Believe me kids, I DO my research first.
So, that being said, you will ALWAYS be able to view photos of the convicted Child Rapist, Michael Aaron North and his fiance Lisa Diane Haddad North here:
All you have to do is click the "Child Rapist Exposed" link on the homepage, you can't miss it.
Lastly, since I am not making money from the photos, there truly ISN'T any infringements here.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Because of the lies Michael is saying to his fiancee, her family and friends, here now you can read the actual documents that prove what a liar he truly is:

Here are the loan papers that prove I did not steal any money and that my mother co-signed the loan for MICHAEL AARON NORTH (which he never paid back):

AND also......where it proves that MICHAEL AARON NORTH STALKED me on my LinkedIn:

I can't wait to see how he spins this one. Can't hide from the TRUTH! It ALWAYS PREVAILS!
I am Amanda Parisi, the mother. I have to tell you how difficult this has been for my daughter and I. We have not healed from what he put us through, we live with unbelieveable anxiety attacks - some almost impossible to control. To see him laughing and carrying on whilst our lives are destroyed is very difficult for me. It further negates the abuse we suffered and haven't we suffered enough?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this for me. Before you did this for us, it was almost impossible for the public to know what he did. Not now. And I thank you for that.
Amanda Parisi
(Not a bitter ex, but an angry mother)
Troy you are great at what you do. Thank you for being a voice to protect our children. My prayers are with you Amanda for you and your child.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words, they mean so much to us. Everyday is still a struggle for us, many years later. Time doesn't lessen the pain but people like you & Troy make it easier for us.
Our justice system is seriously flawed. So many of us stand united to create changes that will protect the victims and survivors instead of those who harm them. Some laws must be strengthened and others must be replaced with better ones AND they MUST be enforced to keep our children safe...As a mother, Nana and survivor of so much horror I have healed to a point where I now help others. Many voices in unison create one strong voice....Lifting all of you in prayer.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Brawley
Southern Regional Director
A prayer for you and your daughter. As a mother of 2 girls, I, myself, would have landed in prison had I found out someone abused my child in the most horrific of ways. I don't know that I would have your strength and pray for your continued healing. You should be in awe of you and your daughter for facing each dawn with re-newed strength and ability to move forward. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.
ReplyDeleteI could have killed him and I was going to, my daughters father stopped me. He helped me understand that we WOULD overcome what he did to us. Her Dad helped me understand that I would miss out on everything our daughter will experience if I took him out. I also came to terms that if I killed Michael, that my daughter would live the rest of her life feeling sad because something that happened to her, resulted in her losing her Mom. Besides, I can do much more damage to him now than I could by taking him out. Doing that is too quick and easy for him.
ReplyDeleteI founded a Charity that works to help parents and the victimized child heal now. My daughter said to me last night, I will accomplish more in my lifetime that Michael ever will. Why should I miss out on all that she and I can achieve. I did the right thing by allowing him to live..... He can look forward to a long and agonizing life alive.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. They mean so much to my daughter and I.
As I mentioned, I started a Charity that works to comabt child and adolescet sex abuse and we aid victims.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter wrote this for anyone who reads this to provide insight and to help others.
It was all so very hard to understand. I kept everything to myself because I was worried if I said anything, I would be guilty for what had happened to me. He trained me to keep it all inside and he had mastered keeping me quiet. He treated me nicely in front of my Mom but when my Mom was at work or traveling for work, he was so mean to me. He is a person with two, if not more, personalities. He changes who he is to fit who he is around. He is a compulsive liar and at his sentencing, he blamed the fact that he raped me for months on my Mom and I. He was never sorry, he still isn't. My Mom and I have risen above what he did, but this is a warning to all who come into contact with him that he is a bad person and you should not have any dealings with him.
I felt detached from everyone else. It felt like the world was spinning passed me; it was as though I was watching from the outside, alone, wishing to be a part of the rest of the world. Keeping the secret of my abuse kept me from being part of the world. I was separate.
I tried to tell my Mom but every time I went to tell her, the words never came out of my mouth. I wound up telling my best friend who I have known since I was three years old. When I was getting ready to tell her my deepest and darkest secret I felt shakey and scared. I felt like I was ready to faint and all I wanted to do was escape from the entire situation.
At first I was worried that people would be ashamed of me for what I was about to say. When I said it out loud, I felt relieved that I did not have to hold it in anymore. I was no longer stuck on the inside. I revealed everything that I was forced to, I felt better.
When it came to understanding what had actually happened to me, it was a lot of work. I had to live and breathe my situation everyday because that’s what it took for me to understand and for me to recover. It took time and it took a lot of determination, and I admit it was not easy. I had to spend a lot of time away from friends because I had to concentrate on ME. I wanted to get better because I knew it would be worth it in the end. All that hard work paid off, because things did get better and now I am happier than I ever have been.
I go to college full time to complete to pursue my dream of being an adolescent psychologist. I am also very successful at my job.
It IS possible to recover, and it IS possible to live a happy and healthy lifestyle after being raped by an adult. I am here to tell you that it is okay to tell somebody what has happened to you. I am also here to tell you, it is not okay to deal with this person, he is an animal.
Amanda and R., you two are amazing women and I am proud to know you. Continue good luck and prayers for you both.
ReplyDeleteI said it before and I must reiterate it again....I stand here in awe of you with such a global sense of respect, I am left speechless by you and your will to, not just overcome, but also succeed. And like you said, your life will continue to be filled with accomplishments and fulfilled dreams whereas his will be a lonely life of well deserved hell.
I applaud you.
Thanks Troy for you post on this matter. Keep up your efforts Troy you are very appreciated. Amanda you an your daughter are in my thoughts an prayers. I would like to chat with both of you if your available via aol chat : or please email me how to discuss something with you. Thanks God Bless. ~Ramona~
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is very brave to have revealed her abuse May 12th 2006. I am very proud of her. I am also very proud she posted something on this blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone!
Amanda, Im sure you are very proud of your daughter. My daughter and I are still going through a similar situation. When she was 3 years old, she complained about being touched by her father. I was already separated from him. We had the DCF and Child Protection Center involved, she had to go on therapy and disclosed much more information to them... But what happen? When we went to court, our case was denied because I was not an eyes witness to what happened to her. It seems that they are expecting the worse to happen to her in order for them to do something.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is bright, pretty, smart and has a very strong personality, she is just four years old! WE ARE STILL FIGHTING!!! I will do the same with the pics of my ex husband, exposing him. Brilliant idea. We need to protect our children and if the system it is not doing anything, we need to change the laws. One person, one family is not capable of doing as much as a group, a community of silently voices... You can count on me! And Im sure you can empathyze with me.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I am so sorry for what happened to your daughter. Believe me, I know the pain you feel as a parent. How old is your daughter now? Is your daughter in therapy?
I found out Michael North is on FB (makes you sick doesn't it?) and his GF - future wife - how could she have no respect for herself and be with a person who sexually assaulted a child) does not seem to mind the hands that touch her, touched a minor violently. I hope she knows that Michael was obsessed with my daughter - and since he was looking me up on LinkedIn, probably still is.
I rcv'd this email today from James Geiszler in regards to the video that Michael made (which he has since taken down from the Internet.) I contacted everyone in the video, hopefully they follow suit. I commend James Geiszler for refusing to work with Michael North.
Thank you for notifying us about the situation concerning Michael North. I have forwarded the information you have provided to our Board of Directors and we have taken appropriate measures to disassociate ourselves completely from both the video and Michael North. We, too, feel the need to protect those who are vulnerable. As a Foundation that works with children, we are diligent about protecting them and would never knowingly associate with people who are potential threats to them.
The Music Project Foundation is not involved with Michael North in any official capacity and will make sure that there is no
contact, in any way, in the future. We had nothing to do with this video except that one of our employees was interviewed and she was not aware that the Music Project name would be used in the capacity that it was.
Once again, thank you for your vigilance.
James Geiszler
Executive Director
Music Project Foundation
ReplyDeleteYou and your daughter are the light at the end of the tunnel for so many! Although you have both found the strength to continue on, unfortunately he also continues on. I agree...the laws need to change to protect the victims, not the abusers! Continue to follow his whereabouts and inform all those possible. Pay it foward and you will reep the benfits, NOT Michael North, child rapist!
J. Forman
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. What is concerning is that he has been out a year and is already in a new relationship and is getting married October 2, 2010. That tells me that he is still a master manipulator. I don't know how that girl Lisa D. Haddad can look herself in the mirror knowing the hands that touch her sexually assaulted my daughter for 8 months.
J, I was living my life until I rcv'd an email that he had looked @ my linkedin account. What other choice did I have than to alert EVERYONE about who he is and what he has done? Appears he cannot stay away from me for some reason.
It is an uphill battle but exposing him has been very impowering. I thank you J for your kid words to me and my daughter.
Amanda I sent in an email to the Examiner telling them about his behavior and linking them to this article so they can read about him thereselves, hopefully they will do what they can to protect the reputation of there company, I definately would not want a sex offender working for me!!! Im sooo sorry for what happened with your daughter and I see she has overcome her pain and is going to be successful in her own plight, Im sooo proud of her!!! Keep up the good work mom you deserve an award for your perseverance!!!
ReplyDeleteHere is another link - he is writting books for children - NOT GOOD!!!
I found out I have a case against Michael North for looking @ my (now defunct) LinkedIn account and I will be pressing charges against him for stalking me on the internet.
ReplyDeleteMichael Aaron North - I am not playing games with you. Leave me ALONE!
You are sure these are all the same Michael North? I appreciate your anger but a witch hunt, after someone has served the time given to them, whether anyone agrees with the system or not (and I vehemently do not), may end up backfiring in your face. He, in the eyes of the law, has a right to earn a living. Writing childrens books is a disgusting thought, but he is only thinking about it at this point IF it's even the same Michael North and there are thousands. Just be careful. And the best thing for you and your daughter to do is to move on and others with what you learned. May I ask how old your daughter was when this took place? I don't understand his not being registered as a sex offender.
ReplyDelete"Your Honor, I am unquestionably qualified to tell you that Michael IS NOT sorry for what he has done to my daughter. I confronted him around Christmas of 2005 and Michael put on a big show of crying and convincing denials and then continued to manipulate me to keep me off his trail and went back to my daughter for more after he convinced me he would never hurt my daughter. Michael knew that I had an anxiety attack and neared a nervous breakdown from this yet he still want back to her for more AND continued to carry on a relationship with me at the same time. Michael is not now, nor will he ever be sorry for the pain he caused us and that is the bottom line."
ReplyDeleteYou should never have allowed your child alone with him again after suspecting him. You need help and I hope you get it. Your story sounds so selfish, this isn't about you, it's about your daughter....get help and let her move on instead of keeping her down with your guilt and shame and what you are perceiving this is doing to her. Michael is horrible, but you are just as bad for fearing your daughter was being abused and not protecting her every minute.
Of course you post anonymously.
ReplyDelete"You are sure these are all the same Michael North?
Response: (Laughing) I know it is.
I appreciate your anger but a witch hunt,
Response: (Laughs)
after someone has served the time given to them, whether anyone agrees with the system or not (and I vehemently do not), may end up backfiring in your face.
Response: Not in this case. He was stalking me online.
He, in the eyes of the law, has a right to earn a living.
Response: Yes he does and I do not have the power to deny him that opportunity.
Writing children’s books is a disgusting thought, but he is only thinking about it at this point IF it's even the same Michael North and there are thousands.
Response: Really? (Laughs) Do you know this because you know him personally? Sounds like you may be privy to information the rest of us are not because if you read his post it said he WAS WRITING a child’s books series. See below, direct from his article:
I am also writing a series for 8-12 year olds about a boy, his dog, and their imaginary adventures on their farm
Just be careful.
Response: Of what exactly? I wonder if you are making a threat toward me. (Shrugs) If you are, it is documented. Besides, I am not concerned.
And the best thing for you and your daughter to do is to move on and learn...
Response: You did not read ANY of the postings on this blog. Notice: I WAS minding my own business & I did not have any of this information on him UNTIL HE stalked ME.
help others with what you learned.
Response: You CLEARLY have not read ANY of the postings on this blog so you didn’t see my website. Look up, find it and see what I am up to.
May I ask how old your daughter was when this took place?
Response: Um… (shivers) why? If I felt you truly had a concern for her and her well being I may be inclined to elaborate further but I take into account what appears to be your combative demeanor and reply this way: There would be no crime if she had not been a CHILD who was brutally assaulted sexually, mentally and physically by Michael Aaron North. Period.
I don't understand his not being registered as a sex offender."
Response: While I welcome (and even encourage) posts that invoke debate and conversation whilst providing an opportunity for me to educate others, I would like to make one suggestion, if you would – please read everything before you post. It would save me a great deal of time because everything you attempted to “scold me for” is explained in this blog.
As a sexual abuse survivor and the mother of a child sexually abused I implore you to consider this: All evidence points to the fact that sex offenders CANNOT be CURED. So, I entreat you to please riddle me this: how in the world can you (or anyone for that matter) expect me to be comfortable with him living a life of absolute comfort after the absolute hell he put my daughter and I through?
Ask the unsuspecting neighbors of Michael Aaron North if they approve of not being provided the opportunity to know who their neighbor is. Nobody asked our children (and us parents) if they/we were capable of surviving the horrendous abuse and the unbearable aftermath that follows.
I showed my daughter your post and she said she wouldn’t doubt this was written/posted by Michael Aaron North or Lisa D. Haddad or someone they associate with. I have to agree.
Good luck with your future and thanks for the comment. (Laughs)
Response to: May 6, 2010 5:11 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous again? (Laughs).
You should never have allowed your child alone with him again after suspecting him.
Response: (Laughs) Hmmm, so this is my fault? (Laughs harder). Everyone is going to have an opinion, but unfortunately for you, yours does not matter. You are attempting to pin the abuse itself & the continued abuse on me, which really makes you look foolish. Obviously you are only hearing (& naively believing) one side, the side that paints Michael Aaron North in a favorable light. (Laughs) I really feel sorry for you & your ignorance.
You need help & I hope you get it.
Response: Really? Because you sound so sincere. (Laughs) I needed help after what he put us through; believe that if not anything else. It’s a good thing there are people like me to put you in your place so listen up: The psychological damage done to my daughter & I (as it states in that sentencing letter) was unimaginable. We both received the mental health assistance we needed & Michael will be paying for it out of his own pocket – thanks to the Judge imposing that as part of his restitution.
Your story sounds so selfish, this isn't about you, it's about your daughter
Response: (Laughs) Interesting that YOU would insinuate that I am the selfish one. Someone who robs a child of their innocence, sexually assaults them more than 60 times, steals the child’s virginity, insults & berates an innocent & loving child IS THE SELFISH ONE. Clearly you are reading my sentencing letter from Michael’s side because if you did read it – it isn’t even about me. It IS all about my daughter.
....get help & let her move on instead of keeping her down with your guilt & shame & what you are perceiving this is doing to her.
Response: It sounds like you THINK you know my daughter. Michael is this you perhaps? I know my daughter better than anyone. Are you really suggesting that after she spent 4 years in rigorous therapy & knowing every detail of the abuse MICHAEL AARON NORTH forced on her that I am only perceiving what this has done to her? Get. A. Clue.
Sounds to me like you want an update on how my daughter is doing – which is creepy! Too bad I won’t elaborate on her life today.
Michael is horrible, but you are just as bad for fearing your daughter was being abused & not protecting her every minute.
(Laughs) I am just as bad as him, now that is RIPE! (Laughs again) Putting all the blame for what happened to my daughter on the parent is something sex offenders & those they have brainwashed often do. Nice try but no, your statement is without merit.
You know as well as I do that MICHAEL AARON NORTH is to blame for what happened to my daughter. Not me, not anyone else. I think if you looked @ it from a realistic point of view instead of the one you have now – you would see how ludicrous your statement is. Sounds to me as though either you are MICHAEL AARON NORTH or you are being manipulated by him. Either way, you are irrelevant to society with opinions like this.
If this was an attempt to upset me, your efforts are wasted because you failed miserably. I laughed at you because the view you possess of what sex abuse on a child really is, what it does to EVERYONE & who is truly to blame shows how pathetic you really are. I don’t pity many; but I TRULY pity you. Unlike you, my concern is real: & it is this: I hope that YOU get some much needed help, it sounds like you really (REALLY) need it.
I will say it again: I welcome any comment that invokes debate but you really should think twice about going up against me. I have way too much knowledge & power to EVER be affected by someone as ignorant as yourself(selves).
Response to: May 6, 2010 5:11 PM,
ReplyDeleteYou are an incredible waste of space. Amanda doesn't seem to mind your comments, but I do. There is only one form of human life that would blame the mother of a child in a case of sexual child abuse and that is the POS pedophile. I will continue to send comments such as yours to Amanda prior to posting them because, IMO, people like you are scum and I would never give you the time of day.
We all know people such as yourself will never see the truth and facts of what child abuse does to the victims, getting "help" is not an option for you. Good luck with your life, you are going to need it.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I would only get mad if they were hitting a nerve... speaking truth that set me off. Everything they said is just plain rubbish. Why should I get mad? Getting angry at a complete moron is such a waste of my time.
ReplyDeleteI am too good & too amazing to be brought down by this moron.
Thanks Troy for your support. Not just for the support you give me, but for the children across the world who appreciate your voice.
Troy does send appauling posts made by "anonymous" (aka Mr. No Balls) and I have no problem with Troy posting negative comments. It just reaffirms to me, how many ignorant people are out there that need to be educated. And, I am here to do just that.
Keep it comin' people (and morons) - keep it comin'.
~Amanda Parisi
Dear Mr. Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteClearly you are not a mother, or have the heart to love something/someone more than yourself. So I understand why you don’t seem to understand Amanda’s view. Pretend for a minute that you had this child, a child that is counting on you for everything in life. Can you tell me you wouldn’t be outraged and on the defense from that day forward?
Yes, he served his time, in jail, but what good does that actually do? He could be back out there manipulating another family, another woman, another child.
Yes, Amanda does need help, but not in the way you are implying. She needs help with spreading the word that there is support and help out there to get through this. It’s ok to be mad, It ok to feel hurt, guilt, betrayal and all the other emotions that come and go with the healing process. She is not the only mother out there that this has happened to. Do you think all the other mothers are selfish too?
A child is a child, no matter the age. To a mother your baby will forever be your baby and even on your death bed you will fight to love, protect and provide for them. Rachael’s innocence was stripped from her regardless of her age. Innocence is something that can never be given back.
Please, Mr. Anonymous, consider how you would react before you bash a true mothers love. Personally, right now I am basically telling you to sit on your thumb and spin. Because clearly you are sounding like a pompous c*#tbucket, and I will point on point argue with you as we are both on the outside looking in.
Truthfully yours,
Wow. I don't know where to begin. I will start with the question regarding whether this is the right Michael North. I sat in the court room when he was sentence. I looked in his smug face and held the hand of Amanda. I stepped outside the court room with her daughter while he stood up and blamed a child for his sickness. I watch him in cuffs being led out of the court room and I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is indeed the same Michael Aaron North, child rapist and sick human being.
ReplyDeleteTo this poster who is unwilling to identify themselves, to blame a mother for the abuse that both she and her daughter were put through is sickening. Being a survivor, I can tell you from experience the pain that a mother goes through. My mom blamed herself for the abuse, but she was the most amazing and attentive mother in the world. My abuse was not my mom's fault and this was not Amanda's fault. The only ones to blame are the sick bastards who do these depraved acts to children. Amanda and her daughter have sought therapy and are working through this as best they can. She is an amazing mother who has spent years working to undo the damage Michael Aaron North has done to her daughter and herself. I can tell you as a survivor it is a constant battle to work through the emotional scars. Your judgement only shows your ignorance and I must agree with the sentiment that you either are Michael or are someone who has been fooled by his lies and are trying to defend him.
Amanda- your strength is an inspiration and you will always have my support and love.
Pretty damn funny if I do say so myself.
ReplyDeleteNow Michael Aaron North CHILD RAPIST of Issaquah marrying Lisa D. Haddad on October 2nd has removed his little blurb where he stated he was writting childrens books.
I think it's safe to say the person who was replying earlier was Michael North.
Have you or any other of Michael North's victims ever thought about filing a civil lawsuit? I know a woman who won (and won big) when she sued her rapist.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any interest. (Count your blessings Michael). My daughter and I do NOT want to have to see him. So why bother? He's CREEPY and we don't want to be near him. Gross.
ReplyDeleteThough I will say this. He can plan and pay for his upcoming wedding but he can't pay the what he owes me in full so I don't have to get the checks for $50.00 a month with his name on it. My daughter was in therapy for 4 years because of him.
ReplyDeleteMy mother also took a loan for him and she had to pay it off. He has a history of not paying his debts. Loser.
He has not changed, clearly. Good luck with that tainted cock Lisa Haddad - he has fucked children with that nasty peen of his.
I have been informed by a very reliable source that Michael has been saying my daughter was 17 at the time of the abuse. He is also telling people it was consentual and not a big deal. He also played up the level 1 he is labeled as. I want to clear up.
ReplyDelete1) My daughter was 13-14 at the time of the grooming and the assaults.
2) My daughter did NOT want Michael Aaron North to touch her anywhere - to kiss her anywhere - to use his hands, his mouth or his penis on her. NEVER EVER DID SHE WANT THAT!! EVER!! Therefore: it was NOT CONSENTUAL!!!
3) It IS - WAS - AND ALWAYS WILL BE A BIG DEAL. My daughter almost killed herself and considered running away several times! She spent 4 years in therapy because of what he did to her!!!!!
4) What a Level 1 in the State of Washington really means: He is a first time offender and he knew the victim. They don't list him online because they feel everyone who needs to know about his crime - who should worry - is family members or potential family members. There are many different ways Child Rapists get to their victims - his preferred method (based on the level he is) should be defined as befriending ppl he knows utilizes the access to children via this method.
If there is any doubt to the validity of this case and how harmful Michael Aaron North is - read my sentencing letter:
You will not see my daughter's because she was a juvenille at the time and she does not want her pain exposed for the world to see. We keep that private out of respect for her.
Again, I was present at Michael's sentencing and I can confirm as a witness to his charges, the statements made by the victims, prosecuter and defense attorney that she was not 17 and it was not consentual. He is lying- no surprise there- if you are willing to rape a child, what's a little lie to try to justify your ummmm RAPING OF A CHILD....
ReplyDeleteLisa D. Comes from a strong and loving family. After reading this blog I am sick over the choices she has made. I do feel that with her families love and support she will be able to distance herself from this person. Thank you for speaking out about Michael North, it is the only way to make people aware of who he is. Please keep in mind that Lisa has been deceived and sucked in by his lies. She is also a victim...she just does not realize it yet.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope she realizes it, period.
ReplyDeleteAs you have all been testifying to, Michael North is a master of deception. We are all confident that Lisa will come to her senses. She has many friends, aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as a loving sister. Lisa will realize that these are the people she loves and that love her. If she marries this man, her new husband will not be welcome into these homes. She can not trust him around young girls nor can her family. I don't think she wants to spend the rest of her life like that. Lisa has nieces and young female cousins that she adores. If she can not trust the man that she loves around these young girls, she needs to get him out of her life! I am confident, as someone who grew up with Lisa, and loves her deeply, that she will free herself from this man. Her is not the prince she has been waiting for. Once she realizes this she will rid herself of him.
ReplyDeleteIf there is one thing I believe after being contacted by a member of your family, it is that Lisa is indeed a victim as is her family.
I have talked to my daughter in great detail about Lisa and your family and I believe in my heart he does have another victim in Lisa. We are afraid for all of you.
As I was speaking to my daughter today about where things are at for your family she said she just didn't understand how in the world Lisa could not see the signs. I reminded her of how badly he manipulated she and I and I asked her to please for one moment go back to that time and then take into account where she is now and to realize where Lisa is and to please pray for her. My daughter took that moment to go back to when we were being manipulated by Michael and she became very concerned for all of you, most of all Lisa.
My heart goes out to all of you and I stress how deeply concerned I am for all of you.
Amanda K. Parisi
To Lisa's family,
ReplyDeleteAs the mother of the child Michael Aaron North sexually brutalized, I am elated to know that none of you approve of or condone his VERY RECENT violent past.
You have all been very kind to me and I thank you all for handling me so gently.
I and those associated with me be it a friend or family member and everyone who supports my Charity and its intent, we are all concerned for Lisa and your family.
I will make a point to share with everyone that Lisa was told lies about the case, is manipulated and that we should all pray for her.
Amanda K. Parisi
To members of Lisa's family who may have not been provided with my story and my sentencing letter - here you go. It really provides a look into who he really is.
In my sentencing letter, I explain how he does what he does.
Here are some highlights:
Because Michael is a skilled predator, he tricked me into thinking that my daughter and I would be safe with him.
Michael mastered the art of tricking others into believing he is a “misunderstood individual”.
Michael is exceptionally skilled at tricking others into feeling sorry for him: the most common of his tactics is appearing somber, feeble or by crying and trust me Michael can emulate regret and start tears like a convincing actor does in the movies.
Your Honor, I am unquestionably qualified to tell you that Michael IS NOT sorry for what he has done to my daughter. I confronted him around Christmas of 2005 and Michael put on a big show of crying and convincing denials and then continued to manipulate me to keep me off his trail and went back to my daughter for more after he convinced me he would never hurt my daughter. Michael knew that I had an anxiety attack and neared a nervous breakdown from this yet he still want back to her for more AND continued to carry on a relationship with me at the same time. Michael is not now, nor will he ever be sorry for the pain he caused us and that is the bottom line.
Statistics also state that as many as 60% will repeat their crimes and have no intention of changing their ways.
Michael will desire children for the rest of his life because this is not a normal sex drive but an obsession; a strong impulse difficult to control that is characterized as a “chronic, progressive condition that can never really be cured.”
His parents had him committed to a psychiatric ward when he was a teenager and he manipulated his parents to remove him from the hospital within two weeks. His parents recognized a dire need for mental health treatment at a young age, so did his two wives through his twenties and then I talk to him in his thirties about seeking treatment; we all saw something off kilter with him, never being able to pinpoint a certain mental imbalance but yet, a series of mental health issues; but he talked us all out of believing this.
Detective Harding from the Redmond, Washington Police Department informed me that at no point during the interrogation he conducted on May 26, 2006 did Michael ever say that he was a sick person or that he needed help. In fact, he repeatedly said it was too bad things didn’t work out between he and my minor, pre-pubescent daughter. This is a red flag that treatment is not going to be successful.
When Michael Aaron North had his chance to speak he downplayed the sexual assaults by saying it was not 60 counts, laughed at the entire situation and even blamed it all on my daughter. The Judge was not having it; she said the 60 counts I spoke of were in line with the statement Michael Aaron North gave to Detective Harding at the Redmond Police Department on May 26, 2006.
You may find a plethora of information on my website but here is some information for you real fast:
ReplyDeleteThe Profile of A Pedophile: Identifying Characteristics and Behaviors of Child Molesters
•Usually an adult male but some women also sexually abuse children
•Seeks out children of the age group they were when victimized
•Usually married and hard-working
•Employed within a wide range of occupations
•Usually well-liked and respected community members
•Often well-educated and regular church-goers
•Usually prefers a specific age group of children
•Seeks to lower inhibitions of potential victims
•Regularly attends children’s events in the community
•Volunteers in youth organizations
•Coaches children’s sports
•Chaperones camping or overnight trips
•Frequents video arcades, playgrounds or shopping malls
•Offers babysitting services
•Seeks jobs where children are easily accessible
•Befriends parents, especially single mothers, to gain access to children
•Participates in internet gaming with children
•Joins social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and other social media
•Seeks job opportunities where children are easily-accessible
Now if you know anything about Michael North today, he is in Church and he is writing a childrens book. Coincidence? I think not.
This is now on their wedding website.
ReplyDeleteHello Family and Friends,
We recently have had a change of plans. Because of this, we have decided to extend our engagement and will be postponing our plans for October 2, 2010. A future date has not been set. We apologize for any inconveniences. We would appreciate if you have any questions to please reach out to us personally. Thank you for you love an support. It means so very much to both of us!
Lisa and Michael
Nice to see they postponed it. What about eloping? Or making sure she gets pregnant? 2 other terrifying situations her family needs to fear.
ReplyDeleteIt is easy to feel anger that Michael has latched on to another innocent person. However, nobody but I and those he has hurt in his past have any real idea what is in store for anyone who chooses to have Michael Aaron North in their life. The mission here is: to save others who may fall victim to his lies.
What upsets me most of all, is that after everything my daughter and I have suffered at the hands of Michael North, he has the nerve to say my daughter came on to him, that she wanted this and that it was not a big deal.
What compounds the pain is that anyone who sat and listened to Michael say that about my daughter and willingly kept him in their life after he spoke that way, speaks volumes of THEIR character. However, it is not too late to see the light here.....
Someone said it best on the FB page:
Even though this is not true for all intents and purposes let’s say it is JUST for arguments sake: To believe his story - you are saying it’s acceptable he was sleeping with his live in girlfriend’s daughter??
Seriously – snap out of it people!!!
Makes sense doesn't it?
At no point in time would I ever EVER say it was okay that a 32 year old man was misunderstood for raping his girlfriend’s pre-pubescent (underage) daughter for 7 months. Never EVER would I say that is acceptable behavior!! For you to believe that is not a positive moral attribute ON YOUR CHARACTER! Let me reaffirm:
My daughter did NOT want Michael Aaron North to touch her anywhere - to kiss her anywhere - to use his hands, his mouth or his penis on her. NEVER EVER DID SHE WANT THAT!! EVER!! It was NOT CONSENTUAL!!!
Something has to be addressed here and it needs to be addressed NOW.
• I am aware that Lisa has been manipulated. I know Michael, I lived with Michael and I was hurt by Michael – I know how he works. HOWEVER:
Lisa has what I did not, someone to expose who Michael is, to TRUTHFULLY reveal what he has done and have CONCRETE PROOF to validate his recent VOILENT and DEVIANT past.
I am confused because I don’t know where the hesitation comes from; I would rid myself of him completely. I guess I have a low tolerance for “mistakes” people have made in their past (laughs).
The debate for Lisa Haddad’s moral compass stops here: You know what he is and what he did – THE TRUTH ABOUT IT ALL. If you stay with him, it speaks loudly of your character Lisa, keep that in mind.
At no point in time will I or anyone who wishes to, EVER remove blogs about Michael North and/or Lisa Haddad should she choose to STAY with him. I am within a legal perimeter to do what I am doing and nobody will EVER stop me from exposing a CHILD RAPIST!
I will also state Lisa has not ever comitted a crime against children and I believe strongly that after talking with her family, that she never would harm a child - ever.
If Lisa Haddad opts to remove Michael Aaron North from her life, I will most definitely post that she has done so. This way, the next person he targets will be privy to the information about his recent violent past.
Lisa, I believe strongly that if the people whose home you go and sell wine to had any idea you were living with AND engaging in a adult relationship with a KNOWN AND CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST that it would negatively reflect on your character.
Let me be clear: I am not targeting you Lisa Haddad; this is a Child Rapist specific public awareness campaign.
After reading all of these comments, I can't understand how Lisa thinks that it's ok to marry, much less date, a convicted child rapist. No one would admit to 60 counts of child molestation if the child "consented" to it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what kind of self-esteem issues Lisa has, I don't know her, but some issues must exist if she believes the child consented. AND believes that her fiancee touching a child sexually in any way is ok. I just don't get it.
I am glad that you are in contact with her family members, Amanda. It will be easier to inform the authorities when she becomes pregnant.
Lisa, not one of us want to see you hurt. But MORE IMPORTANTLY we do not want another child to become a VICTIM of Michael Aaron North.
I am glad her family found me and got in touch, absolutely! It is nice to be able to clear my daughters name from Michael's lies.
ReplyDeleteTroy, thanks for posting your last comment. My head is so wrapped around this ordeal that it's hard sometimes to express what I want to say because I sit with such disgust by Michael and his lies. You were able to say what I cannot get out of my mouth which is:
No one would admit to 60 counts of child molestation if the child "consented" to it.
as well as:
AND believes that her fiancee touching a child sexually in any way is ok. I just don't get it.
God help her and her family, really.
PS I am off to celebrate with my friends, we landed another Corporate Sponsor for our next fundraiser!
Have a great weekend Troy and everyone else who works to help victims and expose the criminals who hurt them.
Amanda, thanks again for the information. I did go on the web sight and read your statement to the judge. Your words were very powerful! I am also having a hard time dealing with the fact that Lisa knows all of the dirty dealing her fiancé has engaged in yet she is still planning on marrying him. I have heard the words "he has changed" and he has "found god". I can't help but wonder what kind of church he and Lisa are involved in and if he is hiding behind his new found religion. Does Lisa believe he has actually found god...does she believe he has seen the light and has changed? Lisa grew up in the catholic church. She has strong morals and values. She lost her mother at a very young age but was raised by a loving father and loving family. In her quiet moments if she can reflect back on her life and on her family. If she can picture in her mind what Michael North did to a young innocent child. If she can put herself in that young Childs place or picture a 32 year old man having sex with one of her young nieces or cousins, she will see the light. Nothing Michael North can say to her will erase the images of what she knows is true. Lisa Haddad will never marry this man. Her faith, her religion, and her sense of right and wrong will eventually take over.
ReplyDeleteIt's a proven fact that child molesters do not change, ever. Some try to change, some don't. The fact that Michael is saying that Amanda's daughter "consented" is proof that he has NOT found God and has NOT changed. He is blaming his victim.
ReplyDeleteAnd those same images you speak of are probably what Michael thinks about while he is with Lisa. I truly hope she leaves him. She deserves better.
Found God? That's laughable. He grew up in a strict religious household. He hasn't "found God" he grew up with Him. They attend overlake church in redmond, where he and I lived. If you google the church you will see that there was a scandal before about a pastors relations with a child. I also saw their catch phrase and if I recall it correctly, it eluded to the fact they don't judge people blah blah no perfect people allowed - something like that.
ReplyDeleteMichael has changed? No way. He's been slandering my daughters name by lying about the case. How is lying and not owning what he did and refusing to accept full and complete responsibility proves he has not changed. Child rapists will always desire children and when he's having sex wife Lisa I wouldn't doubt he's still fantasizing about my daughter! GROSS!!
May I also suggest that you also make sure Lisa gets the psychological help she will need when she parts ways with Michael. She will need to sort through what appears to be a lack of self esteem. People like Michael prey on nice girls like Lisa and she deserves to be happy and live a full life with a truly nice man. I spent time in therapy after my time with Michael and she may also require it.
I agree he will not change and Lisa must realize that. Thank you all for continuing your crusade against Michael North. You are trying to prevent another person from falling victim to him...let's hope it works. Maybe it's already too late. Lisa, I hope you are reading all of this and I hope you will come to your senses. Do you so desperately want to be married that you are will to settle for this low life? Would about having children? Every time you turn your back on daddy you will he or isn't he? Come on Lisa you will not live like that, will you?
ReplyDeleteLet me also add - that I will be working to alter the laws that protect scum bags like Michael North. Go to my website and please sign the petitions!
Hi Amanda,
ReplyDeleteI have just read your wordpress article on “My Time With Michael Aaron North”.
I wanted to write to congratulate you on the wonderful work you have done in raising awareness of this issue through this article, your website and on Facebook.
I feel for you in your experiences and completely understand the range of emotions you have had to endure throughout your ordeal with this creature that molested your child.
The way you have written the article captures the essence of the thought process of the predator.
You have been so insightful in your reflection of the events that it brought me to tears.
Your willingness to share this terrible experience despite your own inbuilt desire for privacy is a demonstration of courage and strength all for the purpose to educate others of the warning signs.
I do sincerely hope that you and your daughter are well on the road to recovery (as best you can be) and are now living fulfilling lives.
If you ever have a need to be in Australia please let me know.
Warmest regards
Paul O’Brien
ReplyDeleteThat is what I thought all along, that Lisa was a lonely girl. When I got wind he was marrying I said to myself she must have never been married, no kids and had few boyfriends because no self loving and confident woman would EVER let herself be with someone like Michael. I also said, THAT IS EXACTLY who Michael will target because they will be easily persuaded because they want love so badly they will believe anything they are told.
After talking to your family and learning about Lisa, I realized I was correct in my assumption of Lisa. That her clock is ticking and she is very (VERY) lonely.
He chose her for a reason. Michael knows exactly what type to look for - the weak and needy. I was never that person until shortly before I met Michael and he CHOSE ME much like he CHOSE Lisa. I know him - FAR SUPERIOR to you Lisa Haddad, you need to LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND TELL YOURSELF that you ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN WHO DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER than a pathetic loser like Michael North.
Lisa? How can you look at Michael and say you would be/are PROUD to marry/be married to Michael?? How? He RAPED A CHILD. Those hands, that mouth THAT PENIS RAPED A CHILD!
I have seen your photos, you are an adorable woman who does not even remotely look close to 42 years of age. You have time to have a child, if not your own to adopt WITHOUT MICHAEL NORTH. Lisa? With all the love you need - a child will give that to you unconditionally. With all the love you have to give, there is a child who needs that love from you. Michael North is not one of those people Lisa, he is NOT.
I look at it this way, if I knew that my mother willingly put me in harms way - that she willingly dated/married a child rapist and put me in that position the be harmed I would be very very angry with her. 1) I would be embarrased I had a father who did such a thing but 2) I would blame her because it was HER job to protect me from people like that. And here you are, considering having a child with a convicted Child Rapist. Why don't you ask his first wife how mad he was when he found out his son was a boy. He was so livid & his wife did not understand what the fuss was about - but it all makes sense now - Michael wanted a girl to molest. YOU ARE GOING TO CONSIDER HAVING KIDS WITH HIM? YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO DO THAT!
I assure you - if you get pregnant with his child not I, but many people will make your life very uncomfortable. Too many people know about you being with Michael and they have said it on the FB page - they will do all they can to have your child taken from you. Do you really think it is acceptable to bring a child into this life with that bleak outlook?
Stop hurting yourself and your family - wake up Lisa. MICHAEL RAPED A CHILD - nothing about that act is forgiveable. NOTHING!
You can and will do better. But if stay with him when the relationship fails like all his other ones in the past did because he is a self serving loser - who will you turn to? Your family. The family that loves you - that family whose heart is breaking for you.
Snap out of it Lisa, SNAP OUT OF IT!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your kind words. I promise to work the rest of my life protecting people from Michael North and people just like him.
My story has reached Australia, that is pretty amazing. It was a process to get to where I am today, to be in a place to help others. Michael picked the wrong mother to mess with - that is all I have to say. He has a long life ahead of him, he really does.
You deserve more than kind words Amanda.
ReplyDeleteYour rise from the traumatic experiences both your daughter and you have endured reinforce my personal ideals of survivors.
The fact that you have put your situation out there in such a public way to “educate” others of the warning signs is such a courageous thing to do. I also understand the dark days you have endured to bring you to where you are now…..stronger, wiser and capable of taking a campaign like this forward.
I believe that unless you have been to your dark depths, it is impossible to have the empathy and commitment required to do what you are doing.
I am heartened that there are people such as you in this world to combat the evil that is out there.
I wish you and your daughter nothing but the best life has to offer.
Warmest regards
Paul O’Brien
Maybe Lisa needs to find a new Church. The one she chooses to visit looks like a damn cult!
I am a clincal psychologist and it sounds to me as though Michael may be a Sociopath. To those who know him, do you agree?
ReplyDeleteProfile of the Sociopath
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible.
They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used.
They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self: Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Pathological Lying : Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt:
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions:
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Incapacity for Love
Need for Stimulation:
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy:
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature:
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency:
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity:
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle:
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility:
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
Other Related Qualities:
Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
Conventional appearance
Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
Incapable of real human attachment to another
Unable to feel remorse or guilt
Extreme narcissism and grandiose
May state readily that their goal is to rule the world
ReplyDeleteI said in my sentencing letter I and his 2 other wives had noticed something wrong with him and none of us had something to pinpoint it as. It was not until I went through therapy AFTER Michael Aaron North that I realized that is what AND WHO he is.
Yes, of course he is a Sociopath. Textbook!! I also believe he has several other mental disorders as well as sexual dysfunctions as well.
Yeah, he's a REAL WINNER. (Laughs)
~Amanda K. Parisi
For Lisa:
ReplyDeleteCriminals and the Stupid Women Who Love Them
As a mother, I find myself completely incapable of understanding why a woman with children would ever, ever date a man with a criminally violent past. How often is it, after all, that we read about some case of child abuse in which the perpetrator is the mother’s boyfriend or new husband, a man who turns out to have been a piece of crap long before they started dating?
Take the case of David J. Smith, a convicted felon and sex offender, who’s now facing criminal charges in the past 15 years after trying to rape his girlfriend’s teenage daughter.
What’s he been up to now? Why, more of the same.
Police found David J. Smith, a convicted felon and sex offender, with half his jaw blown off by a shotgun at 3 a.m. Wednesday – an attempted suicide after he went on a frenzy inside his home.
Police say he tried shooting his live-in girlfriend with the gun and attempted raping her teen-age daughter before he turned the gun on himself, placing it just under his chin and firing off part of his chin and jaw.
The incident started when his girlfriend, who is 32, walked in on Smith in her children’s room. All three kids – a 16-year-old girl, a 9-year-old boy, and a 7-year-old girl – share the room.
The 16-year-old told police that Smith, who was apparently drunk, had started touching her, but stopped when her mother came inside.
He went downstairs to get the shotgun, and his girlfriend followed him, police said. He pointed the gun at her face and pulled the trigger, but the gun didn’t fire, the woman told police.
As other family members fled the house, Smith took the 16-year-old into the second-floor bathroom, beat her, then took her to the basement where he tried raping her, she told police.
When he wasn’t physically able to rape her, he threatened to kill her, but she escaped as he went to load the shotgun, police said.
This wasn’t Smith’s first offense. Oh, no. He’d been arrested ten times previously and been in prison four times for convictions, in 1994, 1999, 2002, and 2005, and was most recently released on November 2006 following a second-degree assault conviction. One of his prior offenses involved stabbing a relative in the eye and neck. Two of the ten previous arrests were due to failure to register as a sex offender.
Frankly, I think the woman ought to be facing some charges herself, not the least of which ought to be criminal endangerment of her children.
On a positive note, Smith will no doubt be very popular in prison now that he’s missing part of his chin and jaw, this providing his fellow inmates with easier access
Thank you anonymous for Mr. Smith's story. Unfortunately, this happens everyday. I sometimes wonder if the world IS ending like some people believe.
ReplyDeleteI work in law offices and just had a case handed to me today about a Grandmother wondering what her rights are. Her 6 year old grand-daughter (whom has been in the custody of said grandmother since birth) told her on Friday that her mother's boyfriend "spanked her and threw her on the bed and locked her door". Unfortunately grandparents do not have many rights over the mother's. We gave her advice and filed an emergency ex parte, but I fear for this child. I surely do not want to have to read about this beautiful little girl in the news in the next few days, but sadly, it seems this is what our world is coming to.
Lisa, Please heed the warnings all of these wonderful people are screaming out to you. This "man" is NO GOOD!
Some women feel an overwhelming desire to save a man, to champion the sinner and redeem him, to take evil and bring it back to good. The possible reasons are infinite and likely vary depending on the psychological makeup of the woman in question.
ReplyDeleteLisa should be treated on a psychological level, with a trained therapist. I am sorry to say that despite the pleas from her family and in spite of the solid evidence that has been supplied; I doubt any of you will get through to her.
1. She must have trust issues if she cannot believe in her family that this “man” is not right for her.
2. Lisa had a life without a mother therefore Lisa is trying to fill her motherless void by not only mothering but standing by Michael. In her psychologically unbalanced (and now manipulated) mind, being there for someone like Michael validates her worth because he needs her and unfortunately, if Lisa is indeed 42, never married and has no children she believes she needs him as well.
3. As a single woman she will feel he may be her last hope at fulfilling her own dreams of marriage and children. That, in and of itself, is a very selfish act. She needs to think of the safety and concern for the children she wants to bring into this world with this disgusting human being.
4. Lisa needs to think of the loved ones who will be forced to either a) cut Lisa out of their life because of who she chooses to keep company with or b) her friends and family will be forced to have a the worst convicted sex offender there is out there, a child rapist, near their children all for the sake of being forced to accept Lisa’s poor choices.
Since Lisa’s Mom was (unfortunately) unable to be there and provide for her, Lisa will stand by Michael. I can guarantee with a near certainty that Lisa will probably go through with marrying Michael, as sad as that is to say. This is a recipe for disaster with all the ingredients made available: Lisa’s obvious desperation for companionship, her loneliness clearly visible for everyone (especially Michael) to see combined with his neediness and desperation and you have the perfect meal for Michael to feast on, and feast on it he will.
ReplyDeleteEnough information has been provided on Michael that any rational individual would run away from this person however; Lisa seems to refuse to do so. At this point, the sorrow we all once felt for Lisa should be nothing more than disgust for her because she is choosing to keep him in her life and let her family beware: Michael loves this about her. He feels empowered that she will chose him over her family and he will feed off that with her and continue to make her feel badly for him because “people just don’t understand me like you do Lisa”, he will tell her. That in turn, will validate her worth to him, where she feels needed and loved like she has never before. That is his way of manipulating her into thinking he is a changed man. However, this is not love, this is manipulation at its finest and Lisa seems oblivious to it all.
That said, nobody should question whether Lisa is psychologically inept at this juncture because clearly she is, and I doubt anyone would attempt to challenge this assessment of Lisa. She will need an intervention of colossal proportions where someone can speak for her mother. Maybe one of her mothers’ best friends who knew her mother better than anyone else would be able to do this? I encourage you to speak honestly on behalf of her mother, do not input your own feelings associated with this horrible coupling. Speak for her mother, from her mother. That intervention where someone speaks for her mother may not be enough but if this is not done, Lisa will stay with Michael JUST to prove everyone wrong. Not that she will prove you wrong though, and she must know she won’t, but she will march forward in an attempt to do so anyway. This entire situation is so very unhealthy and my heart bleeds for her family whose hearts can be heard shattering into the most minuscule pieces as I post this lengthy (yet needed) comment.
Lisa, you cannot love without trust. Your “cousin” said it best when he said; you know everything Michael has done to an innocent child. If you stay with Michael you will always have to look over your shoulder wondering “what if”. Lisa, whether you decide to have children with him or not, there are children everywhere and your “cousin” seems particularly concerned about the children within the family. It is selfish to turn your back on your family and put them in the position you have.
I am sure Lisa’s mother would thank each and every one of you who is trying to help the daughter she is unable to save with her love and affection.
Though her mother is no longer here and I do not know her name, I wish to say at this time that I know she is looking down so deeply concerned for her daughter, wishing and hoping she will do what is right and walk toward a better life for herself and leave Michael behind.
I truly hope Lisa is reading these comments. I'd like to thank you all and your concern for Lisa shows through tremendously.
ReplyDeleteTwo great comments by anonymous'. If we all can see this danger, hopefully Lisa will and will know she deserves so much better than a convicted child rapist for a husband.
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ReplyDeleteAmanda K. Parisi said...
ReplyDeleteAfternoon Everyone:
I must chime in here.
There are many similiarites between Lisa and I and I want to expose them.
First and foremost, he took me to Seattle to get me alone - away from my friends - where I would rely solely on him. Lisa, you have been in Seattle without your family for almost (or over) 15 years correct? Similiarity number 1. You are a alone.
Despite having friends there Lisa, the friends you have cannot be good ones if you cannot be honest with them about what Michael has done. I am not talking about the side that Michael paints in his favor, but the TRUTH - the one I have exposed. That he sexually brutalized my daughter over 60 times.
Similiarity number 2.
You got the jewlery armoire for Xmas from Michael, so did I Xmas 2005.
Similiarity number 3.
You two opened presents well before Xmas and you just HAPPENED to say what I said December 2005 WORD FOR WORD: NO we will not open anymore presents as we laughed together.
Similiarity number 4.
The wedding logo - the compass with The "N" over "North" was SOLELY MY idea back in 2005. Michael and I discussed this logo for ourselves, yet in a different capacity while we were living together in our apartment in Phoenix, shorly before we moved to Redmond, Washington.
I am sure he passed it off as his original idea and that would be fine and good but when you are dealing with a sociopath it is NOT FINE AND GOOD!
What am I getting at? He is doing what works. This is how people like Michael work. The perfect their system over the years and it worked so well on you, you agreed to marry him without ever meeting his ex wives or his child? He is a virtual stranger to you Lisa, how well can you know a person who has lied to you from the jump?
His tactics worked on me and they have worked on you tenfold and let me preface by saying anyone who knows me (and maybe some of you get some idea as you read my posts) I am one tough cookie and I do NOT swallow dirt from or for anyone. Despite all that - he got to me and I believed his nonsense. We all know how my story ended and if you read My Time With Michael Aaron North you know, I was sure he was up to something and was not who he said he was, but I could not catch him and what I did see, he talked me out of.
YES SOMEONE YOU KNOW SHARED THE DETAILS I spoke of where we have similiarites over the last two weeks. They are not turning the back on you, they are AFRAID FOR YOU.
I am tired of working on you Lisa. May you find peace in your life, you will really need it - maybe not now but down the road you will.
I have people out there who are relying on me to help them from the sexual abuse they suffered from someone EXACTLY like Michael North and you know what? I am going to focus on them again. When you need me Lisa, I will be here because I will know what you will be going through.
Amanda K. Parisi
Again Amanda thank you for your wise and thoughtful words. You have spent a considerable amount of time and energy trying to bring my cousin back to reality. I to have spent many hours thinking about this, talking about it, and writing about it. Lisa will never be alone in Seattle because no matter what happens between she and Michael, her family will come to her rescue. Yes, no matter what happens Lisa you do have an entourage of family and friends that are willing to fly there and get you out when ever your ready. Michael you will never win this one. It maybe time for you to move on to your next victim because Lisa Haddad's family will never abandon her and they will never stop watching you. Every move you make we will be watching you. Every move you make we will be watching and waiting and we will be there to pick up the pieces. I too have spent enough time on this subject. There is nothing more to say. Lisa, if you still decide to marry this animal I will go to your wedding, I will stand by your side, not in acceptance, but to show Michael North that you are not and never will be alone!
ReplyDeleteWell I know that when I was looking for a boyfriend, I always looked for a manipulating child-molesting loser.
ReplyDeleteDoesn’t everyone?
(See how ignorant you look Lisa?)
Hey there "Cousin"
ReplyDeleteBecause I know so much on people like Michael, this is why I push so hard. Be it Lisa, or anyone else.
Pedophiles can be "treated" but never cured, because their sexual preference has always been, and always will be, children. Their urges will always be present. Therefore, treatment focuses on changing, curbing, or re-directing the acting-out behaviors of pedophiles.
As part of Michael's pre sentencing, he had to have his penis hooked up to a machine. He was shown images of children in different situtaions to test his arousal level and it was revealed at SENTENCING that he failed miserably. I asked States Attorney Roger Rogoff afterwards about this, and he repeated the same outside of the courtroom after Michael was led away by two officers in handcuffs back to county jail. This should be a red light to all, what Michael did was not specific to my daughter. It is any and all children because my daughter was not an image they showed him to test his arousal levels!!!
Whilst none of us really know where the person we date came from in their past unless we knew them all along, it really is disturbing (on so many levels) that Lisa would willingly allow Michaels hands to touch her after they were involved in OVER 60 COUNTS of violent acts against a child. I know this may sound harsh but, that speaks volumes of her now that she has all the information and has not turned her back on him.
I want to be clear - I am not on a crusade against Michael. I am on a crusade against ALL CHILD RAPISTS, Michael just happens to be one I know and my daughter was hurt by.
When Michael and I lived in Phoenix together the case of Jessica Lunsford was on the TV. I sat in our living room in front of the TV so upset. Michael kept yelling at me, turn it off! You watch such depressing stuff all the time.
I got up, got in his face and I said you know what? I am going to call Sheriff Joe Arpaio (who I had met at a Republican function shortly before this case was on the news) and ask him how I can get involved in helping kids who are sexually abused.
Shortly after that, I found out we were moving to Seattle and I never did anything to get involved.
Here I am now doing what I was born to do an nobody will stop me. I have devoted my life to helping others and I will do this until I take my last breath. I have had countless people tell me: You put Amanda on something, she will get results. They all say it, that I am the one who gets things done. To that I say thank AND, what a wonderful compliment!
I do not condone or promote violence so, going forward, know this: more is in store for Michael and Lisa, stay tuned.
I sure hope that Lisa's family is going to watch Michael. If Lisa gets pregnant, I hope her family will fight to protect that child and keep her/him away from that monster.
ReplyDeleteThe information about the testing at sentencing makes me ill. Literally. Lisa, please get away from him.
There is plenty more to tell.... really. Cousin should reveal his or her name and contact me. I can give them plenty of information.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have heard that Michael has said to Lisa's family he does not have to register. That is a lie. Her does have to register!!!
ReplyDeleteContact the King County Clerk and ask them for the phone number for the sex offender evaluation office which I believe is in Kent Washington.
They will tell you HE IS a registered sex offender. The only reason you do not see him on any database is because (pardon my language) the state of Washington is a bunch a f'n morons! They don't reveal level 1's because they feel the people that really need to know and worry, (FAMILY) already know or will be told. Level 1's are also classified as a first time CONVICTED offender and the offender knew his victim.
Stats show that offenders molest an average of 100-115 before they are caught, FYI.
They know me in the offender evaluation office, if you are a female they may even ask you "is this Amanda"? I ask that you be honest with who you are and what you are asking.
I did a lil sonmething today...... something I should have done back in April but was too busy devoting my life to helping others....... He pushsed me today for the last time...
ReplyDeleteAmanda & Daughter,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for all that you have had to experience and continue to experience. I had never heard your story until N.A.P.P posted a link about MICHAEL NORTH on their FB page. Seeing how inadequate the laws in Washington are make me very grateful to live in TN...if the crimes had been committed here, NORTH would be on Community Supervision For Life, supervised directly by the Sex Offender Unit, would have to register (with his pic posted on the state register), and would have to live by ALL of the sex offender directives! He would basically have the State of TN pitch a tent up his a--! I pray that your story reaches the right ears and that steps are taken towards legislative reform in Washington state. Good luck to both of you!
Washington state is where you want to be if you are a pedophile it seems. They cradle their predators like a bunch of babies.
ReplyDeleteI used to live in Nashville, I am glad to hear they work so hard to protect the citizens!!
I just say your Facebook comment about Mike trying to get stuff taken down. It's funny that he thinks that we are all just going to forget that he is a CHILD RAPIST if that site goes down. He's gonna have a hard time working for a living, because websites can POP UP all over the place. Good luck trying to get them all down, POS!
ReplyDeleteBTW, it looks like those pictures are from PUBLIC websites such as Facebook and your own website MICHAEL! The things the desperate will do or try to do to erase the fact that they RAPED a 12 year old. You are scum Michael. And everyone knows it.
Anyone here if Lisa decided to call off the wedding? I sure hope she did!
Amanda, I am so glad that you are the kind of mother that your daughter would turn to in a time of crisis! I was in an abusive relationship from the ages of 13-14 for 11 months where I was beaten, raped, and had a gun pushed into my mouth with the threat of him pulling the trigger if I told anyone what happened. It took me four years to tell my mom what had happened. By the time I had told her, I had already gotten out of the relationship with the help of my best friend. Amanda, your daughter is so strong! I am so happy that the two of you are using what happened to inspire others! And as for Lisa...Honey, he has not changed. My abuser was the son of a preacher and raped and beat me in the name of GOD. He WAS married about two years ago, and is currently serving time in jail for raping his ex-wife's 14 year old daughter. They DO NOT change. Please, get out for the sake of the children in your family!
ReplyDeleteLeigh, sorry for my delayed response. I was busy with our fundraiser.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your encouraging words and continued support!
If the only person Lisa can get to marry her is a child rapist, what does that say about her? I googled the both of them after learning about this story and seriously, they are plastered all over the internet. I cannot help but laugh. Good job everyone who helped make it possible! Looks like there are a lot of people pro-Amanda and her supporters. Michael appears to have none.
ReplyDeleteLisa Haddad/Michael North, you aren't supposed to look at this site but who’s going to stop you, really?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, let's talk about how you believe Michael made a mistake and has since changed.
Lisa? I know you; I am, I mean I WAS one of your friends. We talked often and I have to tell you, Michael is a slime ball, absolutely disgusting! What the heck is wrong with you? Do you notice we don't talk as much as we used to? It is because of the company you keep. It disgusts me! You now disgust me.
Lisa, would you, at thirty something years old, do what Michael did to that innocent little girl, to an innocent little boy? No, I don't think you would. Well, wait a minute now, I didn't think you would, I am not so sure now.
Lisa? Would you tell people after you raped a child that you are now a changed person and Lisa, would you honestly expect people to believe you?? Do you see what you are saying and who you are becoming? Do you know what people at NMFM are saying about you? Nobody understands what you are doing and the fall out around you is only going to get worse unless you rid yourself of the loser you keep around you.
Wait, let me guess oh um, I don't know, Michael had a lapse in judgment and is different now. WRONG LISA, WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Those people do not change and I cannot believe that you have allowed yourself around him after that mind of his brainwashed a child and those hands touched an innocent child, it's so very disgusting! Lisa, you are disgusting.
Seriously Lisa. I would NEVER EVER engage in sex with a child, you know why? Because I don't have those sexual urges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you? You must if you are willing to date someone who does. You are no dummy, you know in your heart that Michael will always possess sexual urges for children so basically, you condone that behavior which now makes you just as bad as Michael North.
Having kids with that loser is also saying it's okay to play Russian roulette with your child's life because the chances of it happening to the children you have with that ugly sack of shit are very great Lisa.
Everyone is right; Lisa needs some serious psychological help. I saw her at work the last few weeks she was there, her head isn't in the right place.
Yah, it sounds like her head is up Michael's ass.
ReplyDeleteLisa, if you want a child so badly and have a husband - I am sure if you stop looking at that loser and glance around you there are many men admiring you from afar. There is someone out there that will make a good husband and father. Michael is NOT that person. Even if you don't believe that YOU deserve the best, your CHILD does. If you choose to have a child with that monster, I will make damned sure that he/she is safe.
You need serious help, Lisa.
Lisa is desperate, we all know this and can I just say ZZzzzzzzzzzzz on the topic???!!!
ReplyDeleteThe only person we need to feel sorry is the child she has with him, if she gets knocked up by Michael Aaron North, or has she already perhaps? Seriously, THAT scares me more than anything else. He will act out again, it is a certainty.
As for myself, I have been very busy so I have not talked to her family since July to know if she is still with him. However, from the tone of whomever posted, she still IS with Michael.
**Shakes head**
Many people have been alerted to Michael's recent sexually violent behavior and his days (and Lisa's) of going icognito are OVER. Lisa's whole family knows what he did and they are sick over her choices, as you read here on this blog.
No matter who Michael dates, because he will not stay with Lisa, she and her family will know what he did and WHO he is. The interet and all these sites will never EVER go away.
Read this:
ReplyDeleteTo consent to a relationship with Michael Aaron North is saying you condone, approve and support his recent sexually violent past against a child.
ReplyDeleteThen Lisa condones that sort of thing....
ReplyDeleteI want to be clear that my daughter is doing very well and has healed. Not because she consented to Michale's rapes (she did not consent, Michael is telling people he had a consentual relationship w/ my daughter when he and I were living together) but because she has a loving family, spent 4 years in therapy with a wonderful therapist and knows it was not her fault that Michael raped her repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteCan I also say, ANYONE who believes the BS that comes out of his mouth is naive and needs help.
We keep getting complaints about the photo on this page. Gee, wonder who THAT could be.
ReplyDeleteLisa and Michael, get a freakin' clue. You aren't supposed to be on this page. Losers. No worries, I will fly to Seattle ASAP and take photos. Think I won't watch me. LOOK FOR ME.
ReplyDeleteRegarding his contact with minors, there is some language in the J&S that would allow certain contact (not prolonged contact) under certain conditions however, he would most likely have to go back to Court to ask the judge if he could have contact with his child in the case of a new birth. I hope that answers your question
Michael Aaron North's parole officer told me for Lisa to have a child with him and for he to be allowed around it, he has to go to court for permission. Good God Lisa, you know how to pick 'em don't 'cha?
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and I were laughing at how pathetic Lisa D. Haddad is and how bleak her outlook on life will be.
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ReplyDeleteI am in Seattle...
ReplyDeleteI went to distribute flyers where Michael Aaron North and his fiancée Lisa D. Haddad live, to distribute flyers.
One of their friends came out.
I was unphased by her and the nonsense that came out of her mouth.... I told her what's was up (I fear nobody) as she walked off shaking her head when I told her "why don't you come back here and talk to me like that" (I was being nice and calm), she walked off.
(Sonny - my daughter’s father - said he cannot believe I didn't whoop her ass but really, why do that? So I can get arrested, destroy my Charity and then not be able to bond out because HE lives here and I don't? No thanks.)
I have pent up anger and I could have seriously hurt her but for what? I pity her that she is so closed minded... I pity her that she was brainwashed by Michael... I am a non violent person as a rule but why should I hit someone who has already been beaten down by Michael’s manipulation?
She gave me plenty of information on the BS Michael is spewing though. Oh, and she also told me I should tell my daughter not to go after older men. (OMG is THAT funny!)
Let me just break this down for you: My daughter did NOT go after Michael. HE WENT AFTER HER. She was 13-14 at the time Michael had his way with her and the people I talked to after I left their area said that we all know she didn't do that, but let's just say she did - THAT NEGATES THAT A 32 YEAR OLD MAN HAD SEX WITH HER?
It skeeves me to even say "if she hadn't" because she DIDN'T throw herself at him. Let me tell all you short minded people something: Michael is going to tell you anything that makes him look good to take the focus off of him and crimes he committed. If you choose to believe it, that is your choice. But I am here to tell you, you are a complete MORON for believing anything he says where he doesn't say to your face, EVERYTHING I DID TO THAT INNOCENT GIRL IT IS ALL MY FAULT.
If she threw herself at him, she would have been charged with filing a false report.
The only thing he did that was decent through this whole ordeal was NOT drag this case on and force my daughter to go through a trial. He plead guilt without pressure from anyone, he did it on his own accord. He plead guilty because of the large amount of evidence against him, not for any other reason.
FYI: Nobody would plead guilty to a crime they didn't commit.
She also told me "I know the real story". I corrected her and said “I AM THE MOTHER, are you saying you think you know my daughter because I KNOW THE REAL STORY.”
She smirked and said she did. I let it go, why you cannot rationalize with crazy and that is ONE crazy person to believe Michael. Join me in pitying her everyone, please.
I laughed when she said "he turned himself in." I told her: "Really? You think he turned himself in? He was arrested by two undercover officers @ the Port of Tacoma on May 27th, 2006 and the Terminal Manager was informed that if Michael North did not cooperate they would be sending in the SWAT team."
Would they threaten to send in SWAT for someone that was turning themselves in? NO!! Or for someone who was a non violent person? NO!!!
Michael is not the victim here nor is he innocent or misunderstood. Read my sentencing letter and you will see how he works, I explain it pretty well for all you nonbelievers.
She also said that I was the angry ex-wife. Really? I never married that scum bag, I am not THAT stupid to do something like that. I left him in Redmond because he disgusted me as a human and it was 6 weeks later I found out HOW DISGUGSTING he really is when my daughter told me he did to her.
Isn't it sickning how these child molesters work? Always blaming the victims and never taking the blame themselves. I cannot even wrap my head around the comment "tell your daughter to not throw herself at older men". That, with all the other evidence, just shows me what scum he is and what type of people choose to hang out with him. What child at 13-14 is wanting to have sex with a 32 year old man???
ReplyDeleteHow pathetic you are Michael, Lisa and new "woman". There are other words that fit you, but pathetic seems just to 'stick'!
I can tell you straight up and with all honesty that if I was EVER accused of molesting or raping a child (or ANYONE for that matter) and I didn't do it, that the child "came on to me" - that I would NEVER plead guilty. I'd fight until the last breath my lungs were able to take to keep my name CLEARED. Michael, just because you get these women who MUST have very low self-esteem (and not very much brain matter left) to believe you; there are plenty of people out here that KNOW what child molesters do. We KNOW how they groom and's our's what we do. I think your friends need to do some research and READ some statistics. I think they are too afraid to know the truth though.
Amanda, keep fighting the good fight. Stay strong!
FYI, Michael North does NOT live in Issaquah Washington. The police are now involved and it has been verified Michael does NOT live in the city of Issaquah.
ReplyDeleteHer family gave me this as his addres. Also, I called before to verify the information and they would not do that over the phone.... So........ Not sure what to tell you... Cannot debate it one way or another....
ReplyDeleteHave a nice evening - regardless, now you know about his crime and he is no longer anonymous.
Level 1 offenders are anonymous, so I doubt that Issaquah would have that information and if they did, I doubt they would give it out. Knock on the door and/or watch the area - I saw his car there so... he's around. He'll always be around.
I talked to her family today and they said their wedding for 10.2.10 is postponed but that they are still together and indeed, still getting married.
Do with that, what you will.
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ReplyDeleteIf Mike North didn't live there, then why did that crazy lady run out yelling and screaming and try to pull the flyers? Seems to me that she knows Mike and Lisa and that they DO live there and she was trying to protect them both, so gross! She said over and over that she knew the real story, which by the way crazy lady you dont because if you did you would know that Mike North raped that girl for a long time and laughed about it and apparently STILL IS!
ReplyDeleteShe would come stay at our house for days and days at a time to get away from Mike North but we didnt know until she told what he did to her why she hated him so much.
Besides, wouldn't Mike tell his live in girlfriend at the time what her daughter was doing if that was what was really happening? Wouldnt he tell the child no if she came on to him? I know Amanda and Mike because they were very good friends of my parents. They were at our house a lot, we spent holidays together and I know her daughter very well, she is not the kind of person who would do that to her Mom or anyone else! She was a young kid, a goody two shoes, she doesnt have it in her to plot something so nasty!
I heard Amanda say that the psycho lady wasn't at any court dates and she wasnt at the sentencing so what makes her such a freaking expert on the case? Mike is a charmer and he can make anyone believe anything he says because he so firmly believes his own lies.
I heard all about it from the guys at the terminal about the day Mike got arrested. He was working and two cops came into the room, said Mike North and he said yes and took him away. Turned himself in? MY ASS he turned himself in! He was arrested and taken out in cuffs and driven to Redmond for questioning. Oh, did Michael tell you that he told the Detective that he and Amanda's daughter were soul mates? Sick! Yeah, you and your girlfriends 14 year old daughter are soul mates. Freaking sicko Mike North!
Oh geez people, like that psycho really matters. She is a Michael North follower, everyone have mercy on her soul, poor thing.
ReplyDeleteIf that psycho really believed what she was saying she would have come back to me like I asked her to and gotten in my face. Instead, she walked off, refusing to truly confront me. Deep down she knows Michael is lying; otherwise she would have stood up to me.
Nobody would dare to stand up to fight a losing battle, which is WHY she walked away......
I reposted the pics showing Lisa's face on my website. Lisa may have been able to get the photos taken down from this and the other sites because they are afraid of a legal entanglement that will never come to fruition, but not I. It's my website; nobody can touch it and if you want to check them out feel free: and click on the CHILD RAPIST EXPOSED link.
If the poster of the earlier messages truly was a neighbor and not Michael, Lisa or that wackadoo who couldn’t stand up to me, where was the concern for his "real location" then? Any rational human being made privy to a child rapist in their area would have said that they would like to know where his actual address is then.
Dear poster of the message I reference: Make note to self:
Michael North lives at that address with Lisa Haddad.
I have been following this story for awhile now and Amanda, I am glad you did not let their friend get to you. But as a supporter of you, your mission and everything you do, don't exhaust yourself trying to prove to others of who/what he is because there are so many people out there who would believe a one sided story. Case in point, their friend who harrassed you.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that lady would have trouble confronting your daughter in the same fashion if she was there, and I assume your daughter was not there since I didn't see any refernece made to her presence with you in Seattle, that lady probably would have had the same closed minded and (might I add) abuse attitude. They only see you as the bitter and jilted ex, which is all so very sad for them.
If you listen to Michael or Lisa you hear what you want to hear, the story from the lips that raped a child.
Michael is a sociopath as it was stated in an earlier message, somewhere on here months ago. To us, to all, they do not matter in society and their group is much much smaller than ours and frankly, there is strength in numbers.
Michael, Lisa and to all who believe his made up story that he is the victim, hear us when we say there is nothing acceptable about your practices and the people who believe your story are far fewer than those who believe Amanda and her daughter.
I went back by Lisa's to distribute MORE flyers today. I went up the street and there was a Mom outside with her children. I walked up to her and said 'Just a lil something about your neighbor."
ReplyDeleteShe looked down at it, smiled and said, "Oh yes, I have already seen this." and kept the flyer.
That made my day.
The area we were at, we did not hit yesterday. So clearly, the neighbors THEY ARE A TALKIN'!!!
Seattle has been very good to me thus far.
I thought I hated it here. After what Michael did to me and my family, I associated that with Seattle. (Can you blame me).
But now, I have an entirely different opinion. I may move back - seriously. The Seattle area is a perfect place to expand my Charity. The laws in this state need to be changed and I am JUST THE PERSON TO tackle that.
I took a special liking to Issaquah. Everyone (except that wackadoo friend of theirs) has been very nice to me and receptive to what I am doing.
I am here for awhile and I may decide to move back........ soon.....................
I picked up a few beers to watch the Bears game with my friends and celebrate MY big win in Seattle and hopefully, celebrate my Bears win as well.
My Bears won! I won in Seattle. Hot damn, its been a good day!!!!
ReplyDeleteAgain we will be executing one of my Charity programs: It Starts with Prevention.
ReplyDeleteWe will be out and about in Seattle today raising awareness about Michael Aaron North and his recent VIOLENT sexual history.
I do this for America's Children, the ones we work to protect, not for any other reason.
ReplyDeleteI am planning to live PT in Seattle to dominate the area so I can change the laws and to continue to raise awareness on Michael Aaron North and other sex offenders in the area.
I have seen your flyer on the bulletin board at the Estates at Cougar Mountain and it is disgusting that we have someone in our neighborhood like Michael where there are so many young children. Lisa, his wife to be is not very bright to marry him. I hope she gets her tubes tied so she won't have any children by him. I would never risk that myself. I am glad your daughter spoke out. The victim should never be ashamed. Michael, you may smile now, but eventually you will reap what you sow.
ReplyDeleteLisa, get out while you can. I once dated a guy who was a child rapist. I wasn't aware of it until I was living with him. While I was putting away the laundry, I came across a psychological profile. I did read it, because who has a psychological profile? I found out he molested his step daughter. I told him that I found it and read it. I told him that I was leaving. The pill is not 100% effective. There was no way I would subject my future child to this even if I was willing to accept it, which I wasn't. There is a saying: Just because you stand in a garage doesn't make you a car, and just because Michael goes to church doesn't make him a Christian. I hate to say it, but church people can often be easy targets because of their belief in forgiveness. What about justice? Is that also not important? Poor criminals, don't you feel sorry for them? Lisa, I hope you don't stay with him just because everyone wants you to leave him. You and any future children will suffer the consequences. Think about it. Must you scoop up the dregs of society?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous who posted September 28, 2010 10:44 AM
ReplyDeleteYou are right, it IS frightening that he lives there.
What is even more frightening is that the Washington State law makers don't care enough about the residents of their state to be important enough to post ALL sex offenders that live in within the state lines.
I will be posting some of the court documents shortly for everyone to review. As you read in an earlier post on this blog, one of their friends insisted that Michael turned himself in. I have the arrest sheet proving he DID NOT turn himself in.
I also have other documents where Michael Aaron North WILLINGLY admitted his role in grooming my daughter.
Whomever that crazy person was who attempted to stand up to me, she will see, AS WILL EVERYONE, that this crime is real - my daughter was raped repeatedly by Michael Aaron North and I am NOT some spiteful ex.
I encourage you to stay vigilant of his where abouts in your community and to keep checking my website for the updates.
I make a promise to you and citizens of your state when the petition for the Law I will be proposing "Promising Rachel" is up and ready to sign.
I will now be spliting my time between Chicago and Seattle raising awareness on this issue. I am going to work overtime to get the laws changed so that Level 1 offenders are visable and that they will HAVE TO REGISTER FOR LIFE!!!!!
Thank you all so very much for your support. I do what I do for all of you. I want to help protect America's Children.
In the event you did not see the below at the top of this blog:
ReplyDeleteAs part of our public safety awareness campaign, we posted photos of Convicted Child Rapist, Michael Aaron North and his fiance Lisa Diane Haddad on this and other blogs. These photos were obtained after I, Amanda Parisi, was cyberstalked by Michael Aaron North April 2010.
I would not have been able to obtain these photos had 1) Not been stalked but 2) They been protected by a photographers watermark or 3)TRULY copyrighted. I was smart from the jump when I developed my website, I made sure everything was protected be it text OR photos. I did this because I wanted to protect my information, because it was mine - BECAUSE I HAVE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO IT ALL.
The majority of the photos were obtained from a PUBLIC FORUM: FaceBook and TheKnot, but I also obtained photos from a website Michael created for himself where he was proudly displaying his work AND photos. We all know once Michael was exposed, he took the site down.
What I have always known, that clearly Michael and/or Lisa did not, is that they had 90 days from the date of their initial revelation that I had used these photos, to mail each and every image directly to the Copyright office. I also know, which clearly they do not, that the Copyright office is taking anywhere from 18 to 24 months to process applications. However, had they MAILED their photos in, I would be able to find them on the Federal Copyright page, which I most certainly do NOT see their names and any "open orders" on the site.
Had they mailed the photos and paid the fee, that would have been enough to POSSIBLY stop me from using SOME of the photos but as most of us know, once you place a photo on FaceBook THEY own it and they do NOT prevent users from being able to right click and save, which means - I did not take any of the photos ILLEGALLY. (90 days have expired, FYI.)
Michael Aaron North and Lisa Diane Haddad have been repeatedly viewing our blogs and despite each of them being strongly advised by his parole officer to stay away from our sites, they have continued to visit and insist we remove all of their images and the owners of these will honor that request.
I will never fear (or back down) from any possible legal entanglement with Michael Aaron North because I know who will come out the winner, in the end. Everything I DO is within a legal perimeter. Much as it was when I passed out the fliers of Michael on his street, because Religious and Not-for-Profit organizations ARE ALLOWED to go door to door in the State of Washington, where nobody else is. Believe me kids, I DO my research first.
So, that being said, you will ALWAYS be able to view photos of the convicted Child Rapist, Michael Aaron North and his fiance Lisa Diane Haddad here:
All you have to do is click the "Child Rapist Exposed" link on the homepage, you can't miss it.
Lastly, since I am not making money from the photos, there truly ISN'T any infringements here.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Sorry it took me so long to post the documents that I promised I would. You know the ones I am referring to, the ones that SQUASH what Michael's friend was yelling to me when I was on his street passing out flyers with his photo and crime. I had a friend’s surprise party on October 2 when I came home Saturday I have been working diligently on my book since I returned home. Now that the synopsis and sample chapters are complete and off to edit, it cleared my desk to focus on other things.
ReplyDeleteThough I really hate to share these because they are so very personal, my daughter viewed them all and told me GO FOR IT and post them. Clearing her name is very important to us and now that this mission is accomplished, I don’t have to try to explain it anymore, it’s all out there for you to see.
Now, I realize that there are a select few out there who have been brainwashed by Michael Aaron North and because of that (and their lack of moral compass) they will continue to believe him and the stories he has spun. My response to that is that is just how the world works, some people happily play the role as “fool” and I will allow them to continue to facilitate that role, to each their own. I know the truth, 99% of the public know the truth and for all the nonbelievers, they don’t even matter. The documents spell it out; do with this information what you will.
You will see he did NOT turn himself in; he admitted he groomed her etc etc etc, the list goes on. If you doubt the validity of the documents, feel free to request them from the King County Superior Court, you will see these documents have not been altered in any way.
If you have any questions or you want to voice any opinions feel free to do so here or even @ my personal email:
All my best,
Amanda K. Parisi
Amanda, I saw Oprah today and there was girl on there who said she held onto years of anger but she began to correspond with one of her attackers and he finally apologized for what he did to her. Do you ever think you and your daughter could ever do that if Michael apologized to you?
ReplyDeleteLisa, you are marrying an admitted, convicted child rapist. You make me sick. Just as much as Michael Aaron North makes me sick for laying his hands on a CHILD!
ReplyDeleteI know who you speak of. She is actually named Erin Merryn, very brave woman, indeed.
ReplyDeleteMichael was allowed to participate in the Sex Offender “Treatment” Program while he was in prison because to qualify, he had to ADMIT raping my daughter WAS ENTIRELY HIS FAULT.
Michael had not achieved redemption because he has CONTINUED to spew lies; obviously Michael manipulated the program/system and still is.
Fact: Michael is lying about the facts of the case and what his involvement was.
Proof: Michael’s friend came out to tell me Michael turned himself in and that my daughter came on to him.
WAKE UP CALL TO ALL: Michael has not changed! He is continuing to live the life as a Child Rapist by living a life of lies and successfully grooming others.
THAT is how Child Rapists work, they convince others that they are not who they really are, inside. Michael’s tactics have worked on Lisa Diane Haddad and whoever that person was who came out to defend Michael when I was passing out flyers.
I implore everyone to get your head around what I just said and then come to terms with how very frightening it is and how harmful Michael Aaron North STILL is.
Michael is STILL a threat to everyone.
So the best answer I can give you to: Will I ever forgive Michael? The answer is No. I forgive people who wrong by making right. Child rapists cannot be treated or cured so if they cannot make their wrong, right, what is there to ever forgive?
People say you need to forgive to heal and while that might be true for some people; the same does not apply to me when it comes to Child Rapists.
When my daughter told us what Michael did to her, the Detective made it very clear that my daughter should write out every single encounter in EXPLICIT DETAIL. So, that is what the Detective is referring to when it states on the first report, “at the encouragement of her mother” because I supported her doing so being that she was a minor at the time.
I am not bitter anymore but I have channeled the experience we endured to change the way the world looks at child rape. Michael knows, even if he won’t admit it, I spoke of my desire to do this when we lived together at our apartment in Phoenix, before we moved together to Seattle.
After we went to the DeKalb police May 12th and filed a report, my daughter, the friend she confided in and myself called Michael to see what he would say.
ReplyDeleteMichael had no idea anyone was listening. He thought it was just he and my daughter on the phone. My daughter (at my instruction) asked Michael if there was anyway she could be pregnant.
In case we went to trial we would have to witnesses to what he would say.
He told her there is no way because he pulled out of her.
Michael asked her where I was and she lied and told him I was out with someone else.
My daughter (at my instruction) told Michael she thought I "knew something" and he told her deny everything. That I don't stay mad and I get over things and I would stop asking questions.
I had my daughter again ask if she could be pregnant and he told her not to worry, let out a sinful laugh and said, I wouldn't do that to you.
This call lasted approximately 6 minutes.
Knowing what I know about court and witnesses, I knew something in writing would be best so I concocted the idea to see if I could get him to talk via email.
I had my daughter log into her yahoo email account and I began to type, I was trying to play detective.
So - that being said: If Michael shows you an email from "my daughter" dated either May 12th or 13, 2006 - it was I who wrote it, not my daughter.
My memory is strong and I can tell you almost word for word what I said AND what Michael responded with. I can also tell you the way I typed it. With all the crazy line breaks. Yes, that was ME who sent that email and my daughter the friend she confided in were sitting there with me when I sent it.
So... I had my daughter call him later, again myself and my daughters friend listening, and he asked her if that were her on email because he was POSITIVE it was me, Amanda Parisi.
She told him it wasn't and he said "well I have to becareful."
Emails ceased from that point.
So - there you have it!
As I continue my campaign to clear up the lies that are constantly being said about myself and my daughter, I will be posting additional information that will prove we have never lied and that Michael North has done so, repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteI am the President of a flourishing Charity; I am writing a book, developing a radio show, and working to pass a Law in the State of Washington as well as helping countless other causes and citizens with their charitable missions. However, protecting Washington State citizens from dangerous & violent child rapists is one of my top priorities.
I have been accused of lying about my mother cosigning a loan for Michael Aaron North.
Court documents I was served with state this:
Not true...Amanda stole money from Michael by attempting to drain his bank account. She stole thousands of dollars. I have seen the cancelled checks sent by the bank to Michael.
My mother did indeed cosign on a loan for him in the amount of $3,000.00. I am waiting for the loan papers. They have been requested from my Mom and once I have them, I WILL post them on this blog. My mother travels a lot like I do and she IS currently traveling. When she returns home and I do as well, they loan papers will be posted.
Michael did NOT pay this loan off. I know no such checks exist from Michael Aaron North and I will post the proof of payment that my Mom made paying off the loan.
I did NOT nor did I ever steal Michael's checks. He gave them to me and they are signed by Michael, nobody can say the signature on the checks do not match the ones on the court documents you find on this blog.
Whatever understanding Michael and I made when I left him in Redmond Washington April 1st of 2006 others have obviously not been made privy to. I did not steal money from him and let the record show that if I did, he would have prosecuted me to the fullest extent of the law. He never prosecuted me because no such crime exists.
When the checks were cashed (one was honored the other was not) my daughter had not told us what Michael had done to her just yet so he was NOT in custody nor had he had his initial arrest @ the Port of Tacoma or his second arrest at his apartment 4-5 days after his first arrest. He would have had ample opportunity to go and file a police report. You KNOW WHY no such police report exists.
I have also been accused of making posts anonymously. I have NO PROBLEM self identifying: if I type it, I sign my name - period end of story.
I never hurt or harmed Michael Aaron North, I was a caring, loving devoted and supportive significant other to him and I exhibited the same care, concern, love and respect to Michael's Mother and Father as well as his biological son, the entire time Michael and I were together.
It's unfortunate that he not only took advantage of my kindness, but that he abused my trusting nature to rape my daughter repeatedly and after his release from prison, has lied repeatedly and painted my daughter and I in an unfavorable light.
I am not overly concerned with the public opinion Michael's followers have of me but if they met my daughter they would retract every negative statement ever made. If these people knew her they would see the case (and Michael) for what it really is.
Michael's lies have gotten so bad; he cannot even admit to buying me a jewelry armoire Xmas 2005 and is instead saying he bought me an armoire hutch. The truth to THAT lie is WE picked out the Wine Armoire TOGETHER in PHOENIX, well before we moved together to Seattle.
(Shakes head) Michael cannot be truthful about something as small as buying me the jewelry armoire for Xmas, proving how lying has progressed and I will leave you to assume then, where his head is, mentally.
Anyone who speaks lies about my daughter and/or myself and/or the case will be prosecuted to the highest extend of the law from here on out and held liable for slander.
I kindly request that if you WERE NOT INVOLVED directly with the case that you to keep your skewed opinions to yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf you did not know Michael and I as a couple, did not know my daughter and witness myself executing my role as A MOTHER to my child, if you never saw Michael, myself or my daughter interact with our friends and IF YOU DID NOT LIVE WITH US AS A "FAMILY" let me set the record STARIGHT - YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that as they attack you and your daughter remember- he needs to convince the people in his life that you are crazy and your daughter was some sort of 13 year old temptress/whore (now that you have posted the documents he can no longer claim she was 17) because that is the only way that the people in his life can ignore the fact that he is a monster. Any one who knows you and knows your daughter knows that this is the farthest thing from the truth, but if the people in his life are in so deep and don't want to face what Michael really is- a monster who raped a child- they are going to believe and support these false claims against you and your daughter. The only other choice is to see the real man behind the curtain- he is black-hearted, cruel, and demented...some people would rather be blind than see the truth.
I KNOW, MY DAUGHTER KNOWS and MICHAEL KNOWS he is lying to his followers about my daughter and I and while he laughs at them for believing, my daughter and I worry for them all.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW he doesn't love anyone other than himself because if he did love outside his self serving box, he would show the respect to others by being open and honest about what he did and reveal how sweet and caring my daughter is/was/always will be and stop attempting to paint she and I in an unfavorable light.
Michael Aaron North KN OWS that he told me countless times when he and I were together that my daughter is a sweet and innocent child who would never ever hurt another person. He was there with us for the first time when, at 14, I let her light a candle. When she turned the lighter on she let out an innocent shriek of horror and dropped the lighter giggling. Michael and I looked at each other and we both said at the same time as we laughed with her, she really IS innocent.
Michael Aaron North says that my daughter and I are the ones to blame for his crimes proving how awful of a person he STILL is. This also proves that I STILL KNOW HIM BETTER than ANYONE WHO IS CURRENTLY part of his life. I do not gain value or delight from this, it saddens me the weak, needy and naive have been fooled by him and my care and concern for those who believe him will never lessen in time.
If you do not hurt a child, an animal or an elderly person, even if we do not know each other, we are FRIENDS and I will be there for you. Regardless of any orders of protection now or in the future, I will always be there for anyone who has been hurt by Michael Aaron North and I know my daughter would as well.
My daughter will eventually speak out and show her face and when she does, let us hope it is not too late for any of Michael Aaron North’s current followers. We all know that when she DOES talk people who believe Michael now will have to come to terms with the face they were LIED TO REPEATEDLY and I am not sure how that will affect their self worth and sanity.
Michael Aaron North robbed my daughter of her teen years and I respect that she wants to enjoy her life now that, 4 years later, she has healed from the excessive horrific abuse she endured @ the hands of Michael Aaron North.
She will emerge and speak out against Michael Aaron North but she will do so on HER terms. When she does emerge, I sincerely hope each of you who have spoken lies about her and made judgment on a child (now adult) you never met are able to find peace within yourself because you will feel awful about yourself once you “meet” her. My daughter’s unthreatening demeanor is the reason she is such an outstanding example for others and in time, you WILL see this.
Right now with your current opinions, you are just as bad as Michael Aaron North, if not exactly like him – a Child Rapist.
The devotion his current fiancé has is a pattern for Michael. Hers is not any different than the devotion I had for him against his 2nd wife and the devotion SHE had for him with his 1st wife. Michael knows how to work people and play himself off as the victim. This is now the 3rd lady we know of who is devoted to defending him and you know what, she won't be the last either.
ReplyDeleteExcept she who currently defends him is the most twisted of all - she has now had visible proof of his child rape and the loser he is. She who chooses to stay with Michael is just as bad as him. She who defends his actions and blames my daughter IS just like Michael.
Ok, so now we have the proof he stalked me online by viewing my (now defunct) LinkedIn account POSTED ABOVE.
ReplyDeleteMichael (Mike) North and I did NOT have ANY connections or jobs in common to link us because I had listed only 2 jobs, my current and my Operations Manager position I had with ABM Industries. The ONLY way I would have gotten this email is because HE LOOKED ME UP.
I also posted, for your viewing pleasure, proof of the loan Michael Aaron North had with my Mother as the cosigner.
Proving once again, I am not the liar here AND MICHAEL AARON NORTH IS!
Well, the proof is in the pudding now isn't it?
ReplyDeleteYes and my suggestion would be to total up the 2 checks Michael speaks of by saying I (Amanda Parisi) "stole his money in an attempt to drain his bank account" against the loan amount and I believe we have a total that matches.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you this, Amanda called me while she was having a panic attack after receiving the email above. She was crying uncontrollably to the point I could hardly make out what she was saying because she was crying so hard. Amanda was doing fine until the email came in that Mike had viewed her Liknedin account. She was forced to see a face she had erased from her mind while she was working on her charity. If anyone doubts the mental abuse she has taken and was forced to relive after that email let me say this to all of you: stop badgering her. Maybe if this sicko could move on and leave her alone things would not have escalated to where they are now. Leave Amanda and her daughter alone mike. Seriously, haven't you done enough!!??!
ReplyDeleteWe WOULDN’T be here had Michael been able to resist the temptation to pry into my life.
ReplyDeleteI don’t expect any of the arrogant individuals who trust and support Michael to care that I had a calamitous panic attack when I went to view my yahoo account April 6th. They don’t care about my daughter and I, what we have been through and what I had to endure when I saw he had viewed my LinkedIn account.
I KNOW AND HE KNOWS that he is spewing lies, I KNOW AND HE KNOWS he has not changed and I KNOW the people who believe him are blinded by his charming ways. He is a skilled con man and those who have him in their life will see that I was right all along.
It's just a matter of time.
When you TRULY care about someone, you want the best for them. If the people around Mr. North care as much as they claim, they would want him to get help. They would call him on his lies and let him know from this point on he MUST live an HONEST life. The proof is there, if you refuse to Mr. North for what he is you really need some psychological assistance.
ReplyDeleteI relate it this way: when a child acts out a parent has to set the example and redirect the child to correct the behavior. The parent must follow through until the behavior is adjusted and the child is back on track. This same method must be done with Mr. North. By listening to his lies you are COMPOUNDING his problems. If you care about Mr. North then you will not let him lie to you anymore and you will most certainly demand that he start being honest about his past and own up to it. This person you claim to care so much about fiancée girl is not getting better; Mr. North is only getting worse because you refuse to confront him and his lies head on.
When people called that Lisa girl an enabler they were correct because if she continues to defend his lies she is not doing Mr. North any favors, she is actually making his life harder on him.
I agree with you 110%, anonymous. Enabling his lies and actions are not only hurting him though, it is hurting everyone involved directly and indirectly. Our children's future is in danger because of Michael Aaron North and the people who care for and about him. I have never once stated that they shouldn't care about or for him, but you are exactly right - if they claim to care so much for this person - they need to stop enabling and have him seek help. I, for one, do not believe that child rapists, molesters or pedophiles can be rehabilitated BUT - getting help to actually be able to admit their faults may be a start.
ReplyDeleteThank you, again. Your post is enlightening.
I cared a great deal for Michael North when we were together and as I stated in my sentencing letter I was able to get Michael to go to therapy when we were living in Redmond. His 2nd wife also tried various attempts to get Michael the help he needs and I am sorry to report it seems nothing to date has worked out for him, including the “therapy” he received in prison or with his "friends" he found post release.
ReplyDeleteLet me address the obvious, of course it angers me that Michael would slander my name and my daughters. Of course it makes me angry that Michael would try to pin the blame on my daughter but what saddens me is that Michael knows how kind and sweet my daughter is. He knows she did not come on to him and that she is not the person he is selling her off as. My daughter knows what he has said, I told her everything - she laughed at it all.
He also knows I am a caring and kind person and it’s very unfortunate he feels the need to lie about who my daughter and I are for his own self gain.
I can only imagine how hard it must be for him to try to live some sort of life post release but being honest is the platform he should start from. The repeated lying is only going to make him have health problems later in life and bring unnecessary stress into his life now.
Let me also preface, he would be honest with everyone about his recent history if he didn’t still posses sexual urges for children because he would be willing to admit the truth to everyone he associates with and ACTUALLY attempt live an honest life. I don’t know why this is so hard for certain people to understand.
Michael has had a long line of caring individuals all his life who wanted him to get the help he so desperately needs. It’s unfortunate that the people that are around him now seem less concerned and allow him to live a life of continuous lies. Up until me, Michael had a lot of people who would have done anything to help him but now, his enablers have become his crutch.
If a friend or loved one doesn’t call you on your lies they don’t really care about you, actually they don’t care about you at all.
I also believe this sexual preference for children cannot be cured but there are people out there who (that we know of) do not re-offend. If you want Michael to have a chance to not re-offend you better start calling him on his lies because until he is forced to face the music, the chances are higher that he will act out again.
Amanda, you are telling me that it is impossible for Michael to change and not reoffend? How can you be so sure?
ReplyDeleteI think being honest would be a great place to start proving he was a changed man.
ReplyDeleteBeyond that not only am I not interested in discussing him further.
I know what's up, so does he so the debate starts and stops there.
Reading this blog a song came to mind. It really seems to fit, at least in my opinion, to anyone who dates an indvidual who rapes a child and then marries them.
ReplyDeleteWaitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock, it's got to stop
Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
As he opens the door, she rolls over...
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over
She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
Talkin' to herself, there's no one else who needs to know...
She tells herself, oh...
Memories back when she was bold and strong
And waiting for the world to come along...
Swears she knew it, now she swears he's gone
She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
She lies and says she still loves him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
She loved him, yeah... she don't want to leave this way
She feeds him, yeah... that's why she'll be back again
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better... man...
Michael Aaron North, I forgive you for what you did to my daughter, and also to I.
ReplyDeleteI forgive you for all the lies you have told about my daughter and I over the years and for the countless lies you have told post prison relase as well.
Best of luck to you.
2 restraining orders? They haunt YOU and THEY have the audacity to cry for orders YOU need on THEM?
ReplyDeleteI know Amanda and she doesn't care about these "orders." It's difficult to care when the 2 people bringing these against her are irrelevant to her.
ReplyDeleteWhatever "a person" has to do to convince themselves that I think they are relevant, they may feel free to do. All the while, I am laughing!
ReplyDeleteI would not shack up with someone who has raped a child, I cannot believe anyone would willingly be around such a loser! It doesn't say much for them as a person except they are very desperate and must not like themselves very much.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year.
I agree, Happy New Year to you as well.
ReplyDeleteSome people have no self respect for themselves and they willingly put themselves and their potential children in harms way by surrounding themselves with sexually violent people. There is a word for people like this.
Which by definition means they are: Miserably inadequate
There is also a word for sexually violent persons who convince these pathetic people they have changed.
A con artist.
Which by definition is:
A person adept at lying, cajolery, or glib self-serving talk. A person adept at swindling by means of confidence games; swindler.
Goodness he is disgusting. How desperate can one woman be to take up with him? Good Lord!
ReplyDeleteThis is not surprising. There are countless women out there who cannot find a man so they wound up with the only one who will take them. Looks like a criminal found another victim.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have any information on Michael? Did Lisa get pregnant? Someone has to know something!
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard anything. Amanda and I still speak, but not as often as before. I do know that she is very busy with her her charity which is growing by leaps and bounds. She says she doesn't think about Michael anymore, but the rest of us worry. She is also not allowed to divulge any information she does have because of that stupid restraining order, but that doesn't mean that you, anonymous, cannot do some investigating on your own and then let me know what you find out. I would, but I'd be afraid that Michael and Lisa would think Amanda is giving me the info and I don't want to cause her any trouble. Let me know if you decide to proceed with investigating.
ReplyDeleteIt took some time to read this lengthy blog but what I have gathered from all I have read is that Amanda was stalked, slandered, as was the victim, her daughter and what we have here is a "Judge" who implemented a hush campaign. This woman was stalked by Michael and Lisa, she did what she had to do to clear not only her name but her daughters and she was handed down with 2 restraining orders? For what! What did she really do??!
ReplyDeleteThis won't hold in the supreme court! She should fight it and I am sure she will win. All she wanted to do was set the record straight and from my calculations, the money adds up, how can Lisa say with any confidence Amanda stole from Michael? Where is he with his restitution payments anyway?
I applaud her for alerting their neighbors, clearly Michael isn't doing his part redeeming himself!!
people only get lawyers if they are guilty. because they are trying to defend themselves against the wrong that they did. So my question is, why did Mike North lawyer up? he clearly stalked her and didn't want to get in trouble for it. Seems to me that he recruited Lisa in the process.
ReplyDeleteFood for thought!
For a woman such as Lisa to stay with a child rapist, I'd guess she didn't have to be recruited. I bet it was she that lead him.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that what Amanda did was wrong at all. I wish she would continue with what she was doing. People need to be made aware of this child rapist for years to come.
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteI know Amanda, we are very good friends. Believe me, when she has time she will handle those silly restaining orders and have them overturned. She is very busy right now with her Charity.
I respect my friend's privacy but you should all know she will take action against them and when she does, expect to see recourse for those OFP/anti harrassment orders.
Amanda's lawyer is a force to be reckoned with and I assure you, Amanda and her lawyer have everything they need in their possession to overturn those orders, it's just not a real priority to her right now since she is helping sexually abused children and that, above all else, remains her number 1 concern.
Thanks everyone!!!
What should any of us do to keep going what Amanda started? Seems to me that she did one hell of a job exposing his lies. He is on the internet and these pages aren't going anywhere and this site provides her website address where the photos are.
ReplyDeleteI feel for Amanda and what Michael put her through and I feel for the child as well. I saw her daughter's photos on the NAPP facebook page. Her daughter looks so pure, there is an undeniable innocence in her eyes you simply cannot ignore so anyone who believes she is the one to blame (Lisa, I am speaking to you) needs to talk to a specialist immediately.
Mike North is a maniac and I am digusted he is alive today.
I live in Seattle, does anyone know who the Judge was who signed the protective orders? I would like to see what I can dig up on him/her.
ReplyDeleteThe judge's name is Peter Nault from Issaquah. Let us know what you find out.
ReplyDeleteWhat I suggest is to just keep tabs on them, Lisa and Michael. Since he is not on a sex offender registry to where the public can read what he's done and know where he is, the Internet is a great tool. And any information you come across, go ahead and post here.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that people are stepping up to try and keep the public safe from this pig and his very disturbed wife-to-be.
I have heard a lot about that Judge, he was in the papers and on the news years ago. There is a lot on him including the fact he passes out permanent restraining orders like they are candy.
ReplyDeleteHere are some links as it relates to his shady dealings and how he was transfered and prosecutors refused to work with him anymore because he is such a horrible Judge.
How you may reach him personally and let him know what you think. He doesn't have many people who like him, if any at all. He is so corrupt!
Amanda will have NO problem getting those orders tossed out.
Hello Everyone.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to mention the latest posts to Amanda because she is so incredibly busy but I decided I should since there are people out there who have asked what they can do to keep the awareness campaign going.
Amanda has not NOR WILL SHE BE on this page anytime in the near future. She released the following statement:
"I do not condone, support or encourage anyone on their journey to seek information on said parties. I am not, nor do I wish to be, associated with any campaigns as it relates to said persons. That said; anyone who executes any campaigns is not affiliated with me and my organization in any way, shape or form.”
The only reason he would get the OFP would be to stop Amanda from posting flyers. He wants to be anonymous which I don't blame him for but believe he lost his right to being anonymous when he raped a little girl.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting married October 1st of this year. It goes without saying that we worry about her and her well being as well as any children this union may bring. I know the two of them only grew closer once this blog was posted because they really only had each other to get through it however, nobody believes anything he said. We all know he lied about his involvement and based on the papers above that Ms. Parisi posted re: the loan her mother signed on for him he still maintained Amanda lied,I believe Amanda's version. That he would laugh and blame a child for HIS actions is deplorable and everyone believes Amanda and her daughter's version and if Mr. North believes he is fooling anyone, he is mistaken. Well, Lisa is fooled but not the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteThe love Lisa has for him is not enough to make him forget the child he raped and still craves sexually but she has to live with that, no one else.
ReplyDeleteThey will be married October 1st and as a suffering attendee I must state how tacky it is to register for gifts when you already have everything. Not only that but being that she is in her 40s I am suffering in silence while she's parading around like a bride in her 20s. The very thought of buying items for a convicted child rapist sickens not only myself but many others.
ReplyDeleteI must ask that you excuse my bluntness; then WHY the FUCK are you attending this wedding???? There is absolutely NO obligation to accept a wedding invite if you do not agree with who the bride or the groom is marrying. Is it JUST ME who doesn't give a FUCK who I offend if I feel that SOMETHING IS WRONG and TELL it like I fucking see it??? Again, sorry for being so blunt, but I am over being "kind". Please do me a favor and keep us posted on if this scum bag has a kid with this imbecile. Thanks ever so much.
ReplyDeleteWe cannot force her to make the right choice. We have tried to talk to her and now we pray she cannot have children, how sad is it that is our only option now. Those of us attending are going to show him she is not alone and when we cry we are not crying tears of joy for their love but tears of complete and utter heartbreak.
ReplyDeleteNo one is asking you to force her to do anything - choosing the lesser of two evils is STILL CHOOSING EVIL!!! Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWhy would someone who is well into their 40's register for gifts when they have everything, can someone explain that to me? She drives a BMW and lives in a nice house and has enough nice things that nothing new is warranted or even appropriate. I am not only NOT going but I will NOT buy them anything. Does he even have a real job yet? This entire "wedding" makes me want to throw up all over the both of them.
ReplyDeleteThe law is the law and he broke it and no matter the ways he spun it in his favor the truth is he raped a child. I wondered about my ex's past girlfriends and lovers, it's human to do so but Lisa will have to contend with the fact a teenager he manipulated and raped repeatedly came before her, not exactly something to brag about or be proud of. I also don't believe it is an act she should disregard as the child's fault as I have heard she has done. She thinks Michael is the one who was taken advantage of, which is absolutely appalling.
ReplyDeleteThe little girl he raped posted at the beginning of this blog about what he did to her and how she felt and if Lisa can make excuses for it that is her problem and her problem alone. Anyone who supports her and her decision to marry someone who took advantage of a child is disgusting in my eyes. I will not be attending that wedding because I don't support her and her choice. I also believe if he has a child with her she will probably turn a blind eye to his acts of sexual indiscretion, which sickens me to my core.
This is Amanda and I have gotten a lot of emails about this wedding and I wish them to stop. I am a very busy woman and I moved on with my life and don't want to be associated with either of these two, ever and I certainly do not want emails about them in my inbox. I never wanted anything to do with the offender - but had I not be stalked this page wouldn't exist but it does and that's it.
ReplyDeleteLeave them be, both of them. AI do not care what she does with her life but as I wish for anyone: I wish them to get all the deserve, whatever that may be.
Let's not stop there. Convicted felon, ex prisoner and on his third marriage and what does he do for work exactly?
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is a very sad day for those who truly love her.
Lisa, her friends and family are dancing with the devil today. SMH.
ReplyDeleteWhat we have here is a worse case scenario. We can only hope and pray is that we will not see their child (believe it, that is coming Lisa wants children) on the news! She has said "it's my last chance to have children"
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay in posting your comment. No excuses, just hadn't checked in a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteI can only hope and pray it's a boy - he doesn't see his first son so maybe he won't see the next.
She married a "man" who raped a child. Bravo, Lisa, bravo!
ReplyDeleteWhat I cannot stand is that a buyer for Zulily is married to a sex offender. We talk about this in the office and we keep our distance. Her house is decorated in out pf style turquoise blue and whites. I will be honest I tried to like her but I cannot do it. What is abhoring is that a woman who works for Zulily is married to a sex offender. How does this reflect on our company?
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I just found this all out. I was once engaged to Michael. Thank God that I never married him. I have a wonderful husband now. I am reminded of that old song that Garth Brooks sang, Unanswered Prayers.
ReplyDeleteThat's good that you never married him. I don't see how anyone ever could.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with this family. Sexual abuse is not something that is easily overcome. I am sitting here ashamed that I was ever with him. I had no idea when we first started dating what he was. He was always so giving. It wasn't until years after he left me that I realized he had problems. I was so innocent.
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted that someone would harm a child. We are supposed to protect children, not harm them. I always new he had sexual problems. Keeping that to consensual adults is one thing. Harming a child is pure evil.
He knows what long affects sexual abuse has on a girl. He knows that what he did was wrong. However, Michael has always had a thing for virgins. He obviously has not matured. I have heard stories from his High School days at how many girls he was with. It would blow your mind to know.
When I first read this I thought that it couldn't be the same person that I was engaged to. What caught my attention was the fact that Amanda said that he liked the Beatles and thought he was John Lennon. I started digging for more information then.
I do have a question though. Why is there no mug shot for him to be found and why is there no newspaper articles? One would think that this would make it into the newspaper. I was just curious.
Lisa, I will be praying for you. He is a cheat, a liar, and now a child rapist. This whole idea of him finding God and changing is an out right lie. He had God when I was with him. That didn't stop him from doing what he did to me. He was raised in a Godly home. His parents taught him right from wrong.
He will use his talents in the church just as he did where I attended. Keep him away from children please. It makes me ill what he has done.
Michael, if you are reading this.... What in the world were you thinking? Did you honestly think that you would get away with hurting a child? You know what is right. You know truth. I thank God every day that you left me. Your poor parents, your son. You need help. You are selfish. Think of others and put them first instead of your fantasies. Grow up! And furthermore, make things right with God. I am not buying that you have already found God. That is all part of the facade you have created.
In my original post about Michael Aaron North being a convicted child rapist, I had linked to his conviction on the Seattle Conviction registry (I can't remember what it was called, I'll look through my notes and if I find I'll post it here for you). I don't believe I ever had a mug shot because it was years later when I wrote this for Amanda. Everything I had linked regarding him "stopped working" so I just let Amanda write what she wanted in place of the article I had written. I'm not sure if you can even find his conviction any longer since he is off parole and has paid back restitution. He does not have to register as a sex offender either because of Washington State laws regarding a level three offender (I think I'm remembering that correctly).
ReplyDeleteHe must register as a sex offender for 10 years post release. It is not public, but if you call the King County Registry you will find him.
ReplyDeleteYou got Garth Brooks and I got "Real Love" by the Beatles. He definitely has a pattern of "singing a song". Sorry you were burned by him. I am also very sorry for females who are also burned by him "singing songs".
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous of November 20,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what made you decide to "search" for Michael? Did you know him from high school? Do you also have a child? And did you go to church together?
I met him at church. A friend of mine googled his name and found all of this and told me. I never married him or had a child with him, thank the Lord. I have a wonderful husband now. Michael left me three months before our wedding day and went on "VACATION" to Indiana and did not come back. I got a phone call that it was over between us. I thank God now that it ended this way. At the time I was quite heartbroken. I know his parents quite well. They must be heartsick. They are wonderful people.
ReplyDeleteIt is with a very heavy heart we inform you Lisa is with child and it is a girl and to say we are worried about the child, and Lisa, is an understatement. While her Dad has welcomed Mike, less in the famiy have been as open hearted toward him. Lisa has insisted he is a changed man and has even used the orders of protection against the mother of hsi victim as a means to validate the illegitimacy of the case against him. Her so called friends may be fooled but her family is, was, and always will be watching him with a careful eye.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly sad to hear. I hope and pray that this child will be safe. I hope someone other than family is watching.....this makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I know Mike and Lisa. Mike has consistently been pleasant and respectful not just to my husband and I, and the members of our church, but to Lisa. It is that side of him we have come to know and love, which is opposite of what we read here.
ReplyDeleteOne evening my husband expressed concern about Mike and who he may really be. My husband said he had a tug in his gut that told him he was talking to someone who was hiding something. Imagine how shocked and upset we were when we found out the truth. The love and respect we had for him the last few years is now gone. Although God tells us not to judge others there is a fine line between not judging someone and being wise enough to face the facts.
My husband and I are no under any illusion, we know that no one knows what happened to that innocent little girl so many years ago except Mike, his victim and her mother. Though many do not understand it, I am sure Lisa believes she has valid reasons to believe he is a changed man and only time will tell if he has. Though she did not register for one, I suggest she invest in a hi-tech video camera system to monitor Mike with his daughter.
It took a long time to get here, but I accepted that my daughter and I will never ever receive the apology we deserve. Despite that, I want to apologize for hurting Lisa with my unjust judgment toward her and her life choices. I do not walk in her shoes and I know nothing about her, therefore I had (and still have) no right to judge her.
ReplyDeleteThe enraged manner to which I conducted myself in 2010 is a direct result of being raised by short minded, judgmental and intolerant people; and thankfully these are traits I no longer possess. Though our healing was derailed when the two people we discussed in this blog infringed upon my life, the solution I chose, talk about the personal pain of my daughter and me on a public forum, was a poor one. I had clouded vision and my heart was shattered, whereas now we have healed.
I met someone (through my Charity) who specializes in treating sexually abused children. She is now a dear friend of mine and someone I trust AND respect. I do not trust (anyone) freely; and if I trust you, it is solely because you EARNED IT OVER TIME. So, with that said, when we had a lengthy conversation over lunch I did not initially agree with her but I have come to realize some sex offenders may not reoffend.
There are MANY contributing factors to being successfully treated but I am truthfully receptive to the possibility he is able. I have forgiveness in my heart and it is through that forgiveness I am receptive. For the sake of his unborn daughter and ESPECIALLY for the child’s trusting mother: I hope he has changed. If he hasn’t, I do not want to know anything about it.
I do not have my Charity anymore. When a complaint is made the state must investigate and when they did, they found no wrong doing. The only reason I disassembled my Charity is that I didn’t want my philanthropic passions to be tied to our personal tragedy. Besides, when unstable individuals attacked my character and spoke falsely about my daughter and what happened to her and then spoke lies about me my Charity was no longer my priority.
I believe what you put out into the world comes back to you, so I attribute the nonsense that was said about my daughter and me as retribution for attacking a female I never met or knew personally. As gratifying as it was to build my Charity, I realized I preferred to assist on an anonymous level. Thankfully, I am able to help an established organization and now I have a plethora of people who can (and will) vouch for my honest candor, whereas I was defenseless when I had my organization since I refused to use donations to defend the Charity AND my name.
To anyone who reads this blog: Try not to judge people, even sex offenders. You have no idea what their journey prior to offending was nor do you know what their future holds post offense. I know this may be very hard for you to do, but be thankful people are able to love sex offenders; everyone needs and deserves support, even sinners who sexually abuse a child. It took me a long time to get here and I hope that if you are struggling, that you can get where I am, too. Honestly, if my daughter was still tormented by what he did to her I would not have healed the way I was able to. She is fine now, so I am too.
Harboring anger and resentment will only hurt you so let the people who hurt you go and do something for yourself: Be a part of what is good in the world and let go of people who hurt you and your children.
I am truly sorry for all your daughter and you went through. I am glad to hear there has been a healing. While you are correct that some sex offenders can change, with God all things are possible, I for one do not believe that about Michael. I know his past. I know what he was like in high school. I can honestly say I wasn't that surprised to hear that he is a sex offender.. Please, keep a close eye out. Be on your guard. If he has changed, then all the glory goes to God. However, there is no reason why another girl should have to face those demons if it can be helped.
ReplyDeleteWell, he now has a little baby convenient? His wife makes me sick