Another red-letter-day for Jose Baez in trying to convince a jury that Casey Anthony did not murder her daughter Caylee. I remember someone once told me that if a defense lawyer pisses you off then they are doing their job correctly. I would have to agree with that but only half-way. I mean, as I am watching this trial it takes every ounce of my being to NOT stab my eyes and ears with ANY sharp object that is laying around, but I have come to the conclusion that Baez is trying is hardest to piss off Judge Belvin Perry, Jr to the point where his honor will throw Baez off the case. Why would any lawyer want to do that though? He is aiming for a mistrial. Baez, to me, knows exactly what he is doing. I'm not quite convinced that he is the total idiot that I believed him to be. I can't quite figure him out. He can't go more than 5 minutes without a freaking side bar. He has no idea how to RE-PHRASE a question to where it will not be objected. Can he seriously be this dumb?
Jose, have you conveniently forgotten about the jail video where Casey states that she picked her father to have a one-on-one with after a month of sitting in jail? Do you remember from that same video that Casey sobs the words "my whole life has been taken away from me"? Do you also remember in that same video she gets angry with her mother because she made chili, a big dinner, for her family? Do you remember when Casey states in that same video, "just let me talk to dad, I don't want to get frustrated right now"? And my favorite part of the whole video was when she clenched her hand-cuffed fists and gritted her teeth when she did NOT get her way. Or, even better, have you forgotten the very first phone call from jail - before the family KNEW the videos/calls would be shown to the public? Come on, you remember it, "Calling you guys was a waste, HUGE waste", "They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now." (remember the pause before "and you know what?" I do) I can still hear that whole phone call in my head -Casey's self-absorbed voice will forever and always be etched in my mind on that phone call. She only cared about talking to Tony - can you believe that? Yes, Jose, that video exists and I am praying that the prosecution plays that to the jury tomorrow. Both of those videos. All of them, in whole so they can see the games that Casey plays with her parents and brother. Where was the fear of her father and Lee? Huh? I truly cannot wait for those videos to be played and they can see the true Casey Anthony. You can try to hide evil, but it always shows it's ugly head.
I also cannot get out of my head the last two days when Tony Lazzaro was on the stand. Did anyone see Casey pretending she was still even a glint in his eye? I swear to God she was thinking to herself, "OMG, he just looked at me, does he still like me? I mean, SURELY all of this cannot stop true love. OMG, I have to write him a note. Tee hee, tee hee...he's sooooooooo cute! OMG! I HAVE to tell Simms....." That was her effing demeanor! Yah Baez, something ain't right and it's that your CLIENT does not realize she is on trial for MURDERING HER DAUGHTER!!!!! Ugh, she makes me sick!
Jo Jo, I feel so sorry for you. When you walked to the stand this morning you looked broken. Your spirit was not with you this morning. But you held your ground and did not let Baez make you lose your composure. Caylee helped you to see what he was doing, Caylee knew what he wanted. He is trying to make you get angry so he can say "SEE!!!! LOOK AT THIS MONSTER!!! THIS IS WHAT CASEY IS TERRIFIED OF!!! You saw it right here folks, HE is the monster, not my poor pitiful Casey." You looked that pig in the face and with a calm manner, cool head told him in your truthful answers to "Go to hell, Pig - You are NOT pinning this on ME!" George, I honestly do not know what has made you start telling the truth, but I am so thankful to you. Caylee is smiling down on you. She KNOWS who truly loves her.
Baez, I transcribed the whole first phone call for you to re-read, it speaks VOLUMES of the TRUE Casey Anthony. If I got anything wrong, I apologize, was doing it pretty quickly:
"Cindy: Hello?
Cindy: Casey?
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: Hey sweetie.
Casey: Well I just saw your nice little cameo on TV.
Cindy: Which one?
Casey: What do you mean which one?
Cindy: Which one? I did four different ones, and I don’t know, I haven’t seen them all. I’ve only seen one or two so far.
Casey: You don’t know what my involvement is and stuff?
Cindy: Casey.
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: What?
Casey: No.
Cindy: I don’t know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You’re not telling me where she’s at.
Casey: Because I don’t ****ing know where she’s at. Are you kidding me?
Cindy: Casey, don’t waste your call
Casey: No
Cindy: To scream and holler at me.
Casey: Waste my call sitting in, oh, the jail. (inaudible)
Who’s fault is, who’s fault is it you sitting in the jail? You’re blaming me that you’re sitting in the jail? Blame yourself for telling lies.Casey: It’s not my fault.
You mean it’s not your fault? What do you mean it’s not your fault, sweetheart? If you’d have told them the truth, and not lied about everything, they wouldn’t …Casey: Do me a favor. Just tell me what Tony’s number is. I don’t want to talk with you right now. Forget it.
Cindy: I don’t have his number.
Casey: Um, well get it from Lee because I know Lee’s at the house. I saw Mallory’s car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house.
Cindy: I know they were.
Casey: Well
Cindy: Well?
Casey: Can you get Tony’s number for me so I can call him?
(Long Pause)
Cindy: ((in the background) I’m not talking to her. (Inaudible)
Lee: Hey.
Casey: Hey, can you give me Tony’s number?
Lee: I, huh. I can do that. I don’t know what real good it’s going to do you at this point.
Casey: Well I’d like to talk to him anyway.
Lee: OK
Casey: Because I called to my mother and it, it’s a ****ing waste. Oh by the way, I don’t want any of you coming up here when I have my, my first hearing for bond and everything else. Like don’t even ****ing waste your time coming up here.
Lee: You know you’re having a real tough, you’re making it real tough for anybody to want to try to even assist you with giving you somebody’s phone number.
Casey: See that’s just it. Every single ..
Lee: You’re not even letting me finish.
Casey: well that’s because …
Lee: I really…
Casey: Go ahead.
Lee: you’re asking me, first you’re asking me for Tony’s phone number so you can call him. And then you immediately want to start pressing towards me and saying ‘don’t’ even worry about coming up here for all this stuff, and trying to cut us out. What ..
Casey: I’m not trying to cut anybody out.
Lee: I’m not going around and around with you. You know that’s pretty pointless. I’m not going to go through, I’m not going to put everybody else through the same stuff you’ve been putting the police and everybody else though for the last 24 hours, and the stuff you’ve been putting mom through for the last four or five weeks. I’m done with that. So you can tell me what’s going on. Christina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you will tell her what’s going on. Frankly we’re going to find out. Something, whatever’s going on, it’s gonna be found out. So why not do it now and save yourself from this …
Casey: There’s nothing to find out. There’s absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.
Lee: well, you know, everything you’re telling is a lie.
Casey: I have no clue where Caylee is. If I knew where Caylee was, do you think any of this would be happening? No.
Lee: Anyway, you only got a couple of minutes with us so I’m not going to let you completely waste it. Here’s Christina. She thinks she can get through to you.
Casey: No. No, I want Tony’s number. I’m not talking to anybody else.
Christina: Hello?
Casey: Hi. I’m glad everybody’s at my house. I’ll have to call you later, or I’ll have to call somebody to get your number. Do me a favor. Get my brother back because I need Tony’s number.
Christina: Ok, um, is there anything I can do for you?
Casey: I’m sitting in jail. There’s nothing anybody can do right now.
Christina: Well I’m just trying to be …
Casey: Oh I know you are honey. I absolutely know that you are, and I appreciate everything that you’re trying to do. But I’d like to call Tony. He’s not at my house, is he?
Christina: No.
Casey: Ok.
Christina: No, it’s just me and your parents and Lee.
Casey: OK. Well can you do me a favor and get my brother back or get the number from him, please?
Christina: Um, does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No. Nothing.
Christina: Ok, so why do you want to talk to Tony?
Casey: I …
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: Huh?
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: What are you, I didn’t hear what you said.
Christina: I said does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No, Tony has nothing to do with Caylee.
Christina: Oh, so why do you want to talk to him? You probably don’t want to tell me.
Casey: Because he’s my boyfriend, and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didn’t get a chance to talk to him earlier. Because I got arrested on a ****ing whim today. Because they’re blaming me for stuff that I never would do. That I didn’t do.
Christina: OK. Well I’m on nobody, I’m on your side. You know that, right?
Casey: Oh honey I know that. I just want to talk to Tony, get a little bit of …
Christina: Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee.
Casey: Sweetheart, if I …
Christina: If anything happens to Caylee, Casey, I’ll die. Do you understand? I’ll die if anything happens to that baby.
Casey: Oh, wow. Oh my god, calling you guys, a waste, huge waste. Honey, I love you. You know I would not let anything happen to my daughter. If I knew where she was, this wouldn’t be going on.
Christina: Well how come everybody’s saying you’re lying?
Casey: Because nobody’s ****ing listening to anything that I’m saying. The media completely misconstrued everything that I said. The ****ing detectives told them ****ing bull****. They got all their information from me. Yet at the same time they’re twisting stuff. They’ve already said they’re going to pin this on me if they don’t find Caylee. They’ve already said that.
Christina: Well…
Casey: They arrested me because they said that …
Christina: Yeah, because they said that the person that you dropped Caylee with doesn’t even exist.
Casey: Because, oh look, they can’t find her in the Florida database. She’s not just from Florida. If they would actually listen to anything that I would have said to them, they would have had their lead. They maybe could have tracked her down. They haven’t listened to a ****ing thing that I’ve said.
Christina: Do you know that that whoever has Caylee, nobody’s going to get away with this. Nobody.
Casey: I know nobody’s going to get away with it. But at the same time, the only way they’re going to find Caylee is if they actually listen to what I’m saying, and I’m trying to help them, and they’re not letting me help them.
Christina: Well how can I help them find her?
Casey: The best thing you can do baby is listen to me. They need to look up her information in a New York database. In a North Carolina database. Other places that she’s lived outside of Florida. That’s what I told them, even again today. I told them that four times today. I sat up at the police station. Up at the county police station for four hours.
Christina: Is she the one who has Caylee or she’s transferred Caylee to somebody else? Because her name has been...
Casey: Honey, I haven’t talked to her. I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her.
Christina: How come everybody’s saying that you’re not upset, that you’re not crying, that you showed no emotion, no caring of where Caylee is at all?
Casey: Because I’m not sitting here ****ing crying every two seconds. Because I have to stay composed to talk to detectives, to make other phone calls, to do other things. I can’t sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I can’t.
Christina: OK. Casey don’t yell at me. I’m on your side.
Casey: I know you’re not.
Christina: Trust me.
Casey: I know you’re on my side. I’m not trying to yell at you.
Christina: Nobody is trying to say anything bad about you. Your family is with you 100%.
Casey: No you’re not. That’s bulls**t. Because I just watched the ****ing news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody in my own family is on my side.
Christina: Yes they are. Nobody has said…
They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now.
Christina: Casey your daughter, ((Casey in background inaudible)) you brought your baby girl…
Casey: Christina please put my brother back on the phone. I don’t want to get into this with you right now. I love you honey and I’m glad that you’re there, thank you for your help. I will let you know if there is anything that you can do.
Christina: You can’t tell me anybody that can find Caylee? Nobody?
Casey: No. Because every number that I’ve tried, every number that I’ve called is disconnected. Nothing. I can’t get a hold of anybody.
Christina: But that that girl was the last person to have her?
Casey: She was the last person to have her. That was the last time I saw Caylee.
Christina: OK. Umm he doesn’t, Lee say’s he doesn’t have Tony’s phone number.
Casey: Yes he does. He has Tony’s phone number on his phone. He needs to stop f***ing lying. He just told me a second ago that he’d give me the number.
Christina: So if I go and I get you Tony’s number, are you gonna finish talking to me?
Casey: I, I will call you tomorrow. I want to talk to him really quick now. I want to actually close my eyes. I haven’t slept in four days. I have not slept in four days.
Christina: Listen if you’re going to talk to anybody, you can talk to me. And you know that.
Casey: I know I can talk to you. But at the same time, I know I can talk to Tony and that’s who I wanna talk to right now. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him since this morning. Since all this stuff happened with trying to set up some myspace. I made the myspace. And the facebook.
Christina: Do you know the password to that myspace?
Casey: I made all of it.
Christina: What’s the password to that myspace so we can see if anybody has written any leads of where Caylee might be?
Casey: You can go online and see it. As far as messages, I don’t know if anybody’s gonna be messaging stuff.
(Casey gives Christina the password and login)
Cindy: Hold on. Hold on one second.
Christina: Hold on one second.
Lee: Hold on one second for me.
Christina: OK, Tony’s number
Casey: Yeah
Christina: You’re ready?
Casey: uh huh
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Christina: Can Tony tell me anything?
Casey: Baby, Tony doesn’t know anything. And I haven’t even talked to him since this morning.
Christina: Has Tony seen Caylee?
Casey: Tony hasn’t seen Caylee since the beginning of June. What was the number again?
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Casey: OK thank you. I will find a way to call you back later. Leave your number at my house with my mom. So I can get it and I can either call you later tonight.
Christina: How can I get a hold of you?
Casey: I’m at the jail, you can’t.
Christina: OK, can you do you have a way to write my phone number down?
Casey: No I have no way of writing it down. I have to remember Tony’s number. (repeats number) I have to try to memorize his number right now.
Christina: OK. So.
Casey: No I will. Just leave your number with my mom and I will try to call you in the morning if I don’t get a chance to call you tonight.
Christina: So how can I find out information about that girl?
Casey: Have, have them
Christina: Is she in Florida or?
Casey: Have them look up a New York license for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. They’ve just been looking up the last name Gonzalez or the last name Fernandez. If they’d looked up her entire name, they might actually find her. They haven’t done that. They haven’t listened to anything that I’ve said.
Christina: How do you spell Zenaida?
Casey: Z-E-N-A-I-D-A
Christina: Fernandez?
Casey: hyphen Gonzalez.
Christina: hyphen Gon, Gonzalez. Where does she live? Because they went and looked at her place
Casey: Because she, baby you’re not telling me anything that I don’t already know. Again, I’ve only been in jail since oh about 8:30 tonight. I was with them all day today. I know that. I was with officers pretty much since 9 o’clock last night. Up until today. Like up until this evening when I came up here.
Christina: But you’re telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Because they’ll find
Casey: I have no clue where my daughter is? Yeah that is the truth. That is the absolute truth.
Christina: They’ll find out and whoever ha
Casey: OK Christina, I’m hanging up. I need to make this other call before I forget the number. I will call you later.
Christina: OK.
Casey: Bye."
Yah, this shows a grieving loving mother....Don't you all agree?
Justice for Caylee!