Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Casey Anthony Wanna-Be 2011 - Deborah Bradley
I have titled this post "Casey Anthony Wanna-Be 2011" because I fear that we will have many, many stories of woman killing their children and try to get away with it for many, many years to come. I can only hope and pray that if and when this gets to trial 1. It won't take three fucking years and 2. The jury aren't as stupid as the asshat fucktards from Florida are.
I have had enough of this woman Deborah Bradley - baby Lisa Irwin's egg donor. She is nothing but a Casey Anthony "wanna be"! I will bet my life on this: Deborah beat the shit out of Lisa in a drunken stupor because Lisa was hungry or had a wet diaper and would NOT stop crying, like any NORMAL child would do. Deobrah wants us to believe it is perfectly normal to become so drunk that you pass out only to wake up to an empty crib. I mean, the way she talks about it "it's no big deal, EVERYONE is doing it these days." At least that is how I am hearing what she is saying.
The very first news cast about this baby being missing, or maybe it was an article, I had already had thoughts of foul play regarding the parents. I specifically remember someone saying that Lisa had a cold but that they had her window open. I found that quite odd especially since the weather was turning colder in those parts. I found it very convenient that the THREE phones this family had were STOLEN. As more of the story came out my "hinky meter" was about ready to burst!! That night was the FIRST night that her husband EVER worked over-night hours AND that she left the front door unlocked. How VERY condusive for these "parents"! I fear that I have become jaded and believe that all parents are murderers of their children when their stories do not match with evidence. Also when parents stop cooperating with the police and lawyer up. Or when the parents (or grandparents) make the rounds on all the morning "news" gossip shows. I firmly believe that she whispered to her husband, "Step back, watch....I got this...I learned it all from Casey."
In the last three years I have found that these seemingly normal woman do not intend for the police to be smarter than they are. They genuinely believe they can fool everyone. I fear that Deborah has fooled some people, the ones who believe that Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox are innocent of murder. But she deffinitely has not fooled me. When you lie to me and you are caught doing so - I will NEVER believe one word that comes out of your mouth again.
I tried not to listen to the parents. I tried not to read the articles. I CAN honestly say that I have not watched ONE interview with them, I have only seen still photographs of these people. I do NOT want to get involved in this case as I was with little Caylee. I can not handle another mother getting away with murder of their child. But everything in my soul is telling me this woman wants to prove that she is a better actress than Casey. That she won't see one wall of a jail cell because she will do all of this right. She can cry real tears, have you noticed that? I wonder what the body language experts say about that fact. I fear I will be seeking their advice, the body language experts and the human lie detectors, because I find it facinating when they are right and when they are wrong. I want to see if they believe, as I do, that there is a jealousy of Lisa on Deborah's part, Lisa seemed to be the "apple of daddy's eye". Does anyone else feel the same?
To the KCPD - Bravo for your unfailing search for this precious child. The child whose egg donor decided was less important than the wine she had to drink and the company she kept that night. You are amazing and your efforts will not go unnoticed by me.
Praying that justice will come to little Lisa and always for Caylee Marie.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Casey Anthony WRITES to SJ From "Casey Anthony Is Innocent" .com
This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. It's also the saddest. Casey Anthony has to go to the Internet to have friends:
"From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you.
I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support.
This will be the first of many posts, so this will be kept brief, and hopefully quiet.
It was a long 3 years, and I have a long year ahead, but the battle is far from over.
Everything I do from this moment forward is not just for Caylee, or for myself, but for those who have bravely stood beside me, yourselves included. A lifetime of thanks.
My love to you all, and I can promise you this, good things are to come.
I leave you with one parting phrase: “Nenikekamen”-which means “we are victorious” in Greek.
Forever and Always."
Honestly, I have no words. Our world has officially gone to hell in a hand-basket. Go look at the comments on that post. Un-FUCKING-believable.
Fuck you Casey. Fuck you Casey "Fans". You all make me sick.
"From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you.
I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support.
This will be the first of many posts, so this will be kept brief, and hopefully quiet.
It was a long 3 years, and I have a long year ahead, but the battle is far from over.
Everything I do from this moment forward is not just for Caylee, or for myself, but for those who have bravely stood beside me, yourselves included. A lifetime of thanks.
My love to you all, and I can promise you this, good things are to come.
I leave you with one parting phrase: “Nenikekamen”-which means “we are victorious” in Greek.
Forever and Always."
Honestly, I have no words. Our world has officially gone to hell in a hand-basket. Go look at the comments on that post. Un-FUCKING-believable.
Fuck you Casey. Fuck you Casey "Fans". You all make me sick.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Casey Anthony's Appeal for Probation
Attorneys file appeal to stop Casey Anthony's probation
CASE NO.: 48-08-CF-013331-0
Attorneys for the Defendant,
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Oh yah, and WHINE!!!
CASE NO.: 48-08-CF-013331-0
Attorneys for the Defendant,
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Oh yah, and WHINE!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How Gotta The People Believe In Rumors - Bob Marley
First, I must say how fucking annoying it is that for three years none of my friends nor family were interested in Caylee Marie's death and murder until her "momster" was acquitted. They said I was wasting time and I was morbid for having a "fascination" with Caylee. Hmmmmm, how funny it is that things have changed. I thought that after my shock and anger of the verdict subsided I could get on with my life while healing from the pain of not having justice for Caylee. NOPE!! Every time I walk into a friends house, work or a family member's home I am bombarded with questions!! Verify this verify that - is this true, is that true, what about this, what about that - WHERE IS CASEY???? It takes every ounce of the patience and love I have for these people to not scream at them. I want to tell them to not be lazy and go look for yourself. To not scream that I don't care where Casey is, who is going to be the first interviewer, if she's ever going to go home....etc.... I don't give a crap about Casey. I silently pray for her misery. I silently scream for her demise, but I DO NOT CARE what happens to her and how so stop asking me.....leave me alone. You all want to believe the rumors? Then go ask someone who doesn't give a shit about Caylee, you'll get the answers you WANT to hear from them.
EVERYONE has forgotten the most important person in this whole travesty - CAYLEE. Caylee did NOT place herself in a swamp, in two garbage bags, a canvass laundry bag and place three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth and then lay there until she died! Just because 12 imbeciles (plus all the fucking bandwagon idiots now) decided to believe that Casey was a victim of sexual abuse (actually rape of a child by incest), that George Anthony FORCED her to cover up an accidental drowning, hid the body - told her to "act like nothing happened, see" - lost the body to Mr. Kronk where he then holds on to Caylee for "several months before dumping her in the swamp", the detectives, police officers, the cadaver dogs and their handlers, the WHOLE ENTIRE CSI department, the Medical Examiner and her ENTIRE STAFF and now the States Attorney's office planted and/or hid exculpatory evidence does not mean that Casey is innocent of the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. NO, it just means that these fucking morons didn't do their job. They "deliberated" (or took a nap) over RUMORS and LIES that Jose Baez and his minions spewed through-out the trial.
In my opinion, these 12 indolent jurors decided that it didn't matter if Casey was guilty, they were going to acquit her no matter what because the WORLD wanted her convicted. What ever happened to the days before DNA, forensics, hair analysis - whatever else -when the jury had to rely on good 'ol fucking common sense, logic, police and detective work???? Where a suspect's demeanor, actions or non-actions and character had a say in if they were innocent or guilty? When a jury had to actually pay attention to the evidence - no matter how difficult it is to understand it - and ask questions regarding it???? It seems that it's true that the world is truly of the mind of instant gratification and entitlement. It is so incredibly sad how lazy and greedy the people of this world have become. I hope these jurors sold their souls for the right fucking price and they are "happy".
This fucking bitch kills her child OUT OF ANGER because her mother told her she was a terrible mother and was going to file for custody. Casey's own grandmother said "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." Then this "mother-of-the-year" fucking goes to her boyfriends house and rents movies about babies being kidnapped and killed. Has sex all night long into the next day. There is not ONE mother out there who loves their child that if said child was in ANY type of accident would NOT call 911. There is no loving mother out there that would cover up an accident to make it look like she murdered her child. There is not ONE person in this world that would sit in fucking jail for THREE FUCKING YEARS cuz her DADDY raped her!!! I am so fucking sick and tired of listening to these unbelievable scenarios! She claimed for three fucking years that Zanny the Nanny kidnapped her child!!!!!!!! There isn't ONE loving mother out there that if their child was missing for more than 20 minutes would NOT call the fucking police to report their child missing!!!! NOBODY ASKS THESE QUESTIONS!!! Everyone is just so willing to throw logic and commonsense to the way-side because its way more INTERESTING to believe these idiotic RUMORS AND LIES!!! I wish there was another planet for these types of people could go live on. They don't deserve to mingle amongst the truth telling, logical, smart and commonsensed people of the Earth. I am literally sick and tired of hearing from them. Not just the jurors but the ones that said there wasn't enough evidence. If I had the opportunity to have a super-hero type power I would want the ability to kill people with my mind, with just a single thought. That would be awesome. Especially when people say that George never wanted Caylee's body found because he MAY have been sexually abusing her. You all need to research victims of child sexual abuse. CASEY would NEVER allow Caylee around her father if he had EVER touched Casey. You people are numb from the neck up. You make me literally ill with how stupid you are.
So, does anyone know when George Anthony will be arrested for the murder of Caylee? Or when Casey and George will be arrested for covering up an accident, child neglect for not seeking medical attention after said accident, gross abuse of a body and for the sexual molestation??? I don't watch the news, haven't in 10 years, but I do get the Google updates so I'll be able to keep up with that - hoping that George has to answer to these ridiculous accusations.
Oh yah, that's another thing: Jose - I will NEVER respect the verdict. It was based on LIES, your temper tantrums and inadequacy of being a lawyer and laziness of the jurors. You want respect, you have to EARN it like everyone else! When I see you RESPECT the ethical oath you made when you "became a lawyer" and when I see Casey RESPECT Caylee I MIGHT show some respect to these 12 dumb-asses and their decision.
My hope for all of you who actually CARE about Caylee are slowly moving on and accepting the non justice for Caylee. I am proud to stand with you all as Caylee's voice. She deserved so much. I truly believe that Karma will show her head, it may take a long time but it will happen.
RIP are loved by so many.
EVERYONE has forgotten the most important person in this whole travesty - CAYLEE. Caylee did NOT place herself in a swamp, in two garbage bags, a canvass laundry bag and place three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth and then lay there until she died! Just because 12 imbeciles (plus all the fucking bandwagon idiots now) decided to believe that Casey was a victim of sexual abuse (actually rape of a child by incest), that George Anthony FORCED her to cover up an accidental drowning, hid the body - told her to "act like nothing happened, see" - lost the body to Mr. Kronk where he then holds on to Caylee for "several months before dumping her in the swamp", the detectives, police officers, the cadaver dogs and their handlers, the WHOLE ENTIRE CSI department, the Medical Examiner and her ENTIRE STAFF and now the States Attorney's office planted and/or hid exculpatory evidence does not mean that Casey is innocent of the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. NO, it just means that these fucking morons didn't do their job. They "deliberated" (or took a nap) over RUMORS and LIES that Jose Baez and his minions spewed through-out the trial.
In my opinion, these 12 indolent jurors decided that it didn't matter if Casey was guilty, they were going to acquit her no matter what because the WORLD wanted her convicted. What ever happened to the days before DNA, forensics, hair analysis - whatever else -when the jury had to rely on good 'ol fucking common sense, logic, police and detective work???? Where a suspect's demeanor, actions or non-actions and character had a say in if they were innocent or guilty? When a jury had to actually pay attention to the evidence - no matter how difficult it is to understand it - and ask questions regarding it???? It seems that it's true that the world is truly of the mind of instant gratification and entitlement. It is so incredibly sad how lazy and greedy the people of this world have become. I hope these jurors sold their souls for the right fucking price and they are "happy".
This fucking bitch kills her child OUT OF ANGER because her mother told her she was a terrible mother and was going to file for custody. Casey's own grandmother said "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." Then this "mother-of-the-year" fucking goes to her boyfriends house and rents movies about babies being kidnapped and killed. Has sex all night long into the next day. There is not ONE mother out there who loves their child that if said child was in ANY type of accident would NOT call 911. There is no loving mother out there that would cover up an accident to make it look like she murdered her child. There is not ONE person in this world that would sit in fucking jail for THREE FUCKING YEARS cuz her DADDY raped her!!! I am so fucking sick and tired of listening to these unbelievable scenarios! She claimed for three fucking years that Zanny the Nanny kidnapped her child!!!!!!!! There isn't ONE loving mother out there that if their child was missing for more than 20 minutes would NOT call the fucking police to report their child missing!!!! NOBODY ASKS THESE QUESTIONS!!! Everyone is just so willing to throw logic and commonsense to the way-side because its way more INTERESTING to believe these idiotic RUMORS AND LIES!!! I wish there was another planet for these types of people could go live on. They don't deserve to mingle amongst the truth telling, logical, smart and commonsensed people of the Earth. I am literally sick and tired of hearing from them. Not just the jurors but the ones that said there wasn't enough evidence. If I had the opportunity to have a super-hero type power I would want the ability to kill people with my mind, with just a single thought. That would be awesome. Especially when people say that George never wanted Caylee's body found because he MAY have been sexually abusing her. You all need to research victims of child sexual abuse. CASEY would NEVER allow Caylee around her father if he had EVER touched Casey. You people are numb from the neck up. You make me literally ill with how stupid you are.
So, does anyone know when George Anthony will be arrested for the murder of Caylee? Or when Casey and George will be arrested for covering up an accident, child neglect for not seeking medical attention after said accident, gross abuse of a body and for the sexual molestation??? I don't watch the news, haven't in 10 years, but I do get the Google updates so I'll be able to keep up with that - hoping that George has to answer to these ridiculous accusations.
Oh yah, that's another thing: Jose - I will NEVER respect the verdict. It was based on LIES, your temper tantrums and inadequacy of being a lawyer and laziness of the jurors. You want respect, you have to EARN it like everyone else! When I see you RESPECT the ethical oath you made when you "became a lawyer" and when I see Casey RESPECT Caylee I MIGHT show some respect to these 12 dumb-asses and their decision.
My hope for all of you who actually CARE about Caylee are slowly moving on and accepting the non justice for Caylee. I am proud to stand with you all as Caylee's voice. She deserved so much. I truly believe that Karma will show her head, it may take a long time but it will happen.
RIP are loved by so many.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - Her Injustice Is Insulting
This injustice is incredibly hard to swallow. I am still reeling....when will the feeling of falling in to a bottomless hole dissipate? I pray for my mind to become numb and my heart to become painless, quickly. I need to find something that will take my mind off of this.
I sent a thank you card to the Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George. I sent a thank you card to Yuri Melich, Detective Wells and Sergeant Allen. I've sent a thank you card to Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr and his incredible staff. It's helped to me keep from writing hate mail to the Anthony's.
I need to move on, but how do I move on when for three years all I've waited for was justice for Caylee. She didn't receive it. I didn't abandon her in that swamp but I feel that if I walk away now - when there is no closure for her, no justice - I feel like I'll be abandoning her now. People keep saying that God will be the last word in all of this. I pray that is true. I just want God to have the last word NOW.
People say you are better of where you are. Who knows what you went through before you succumbed to your death. And to be happy in knowing you will never suffer again. I agree with it all, but I am still so angry you had to go through it at all. That your life would have sucked so much that you had to die to be able to find peace and happiness and love. Life is definitely not fair. Why couldn't she see how precious you are? Never ending questions!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Caylee Marie Anthony - The Little Darling Who Belongs to the World
It has been almost three days since the dreaded "Not Guilty" was handed out to the monster Casey Anthony and I am feeling exactly as I did when I first heard them. Shouldn't this get easier? This wasn't my child. I never met and held this baby. I didn't raise her, feed her, protect her, kiss her good-night and good-morning. I had nothing to do with this precious baby-girl. My head is still foggy, my heart still pounds with fear and anger. I am still asking myself "How can this be????" I know I am not alone in these feelings but that is how I feel - alone. There is nothing that I can do personally to fix this wrong. I can't make it right. Nobody can. This problem is insurmountable. Not only does Caylee not receive justice but her monster will be out walking the streets in a week. I cannot wrap my head around how Caylee's grand-parents have actually thrown her away. I know it's true, but it will not sink in - it's impossible to believe. How can anyone do that????? What is wrong with these people?????
These jurors BELIEVE that Casey was a great mother???? WHAT???? I am in shock......Someone needs to make me understand all this. Since the jury believes this crock tell me then how does a "great mother" accidentally (or purposefully) kill their child and not report it? CASEY'S greatest concern was HERSELF. HOW is that a GREAT MOTHER??? Someone has to tell me the answer to this. Casey slept in the same bed with her boyfriend and her BABY!!! She admitted to her jail-mate that she chloroformed Caylee to make her SLEEP!!! Yah, a fucking GREAT mother assholes!!!These jurors have to stop making blanket statements - they say the same things - EXACTLY. Something stinks and it's NOT just in the back of Casey's car. The juror said that it wasn't decomposition??? WTF??? Are they scientists? They KNOW this how? I hope these twelve people have nightmares each and every night for the rest of their lives. I hope the images of Caylee's skull and bones come to them in their darkest hours. And not just those 12, but to all who say to me "they did their job, they found her not guilty by reasonable doubt." FUCK YOU, you have no idea what reasonable means then!!! Nothing that Baez and his minions said was reasonable. They lied through their teeth. Lying to make a jury believe you should NOT be allowed. I'll be talking to law makers about burden of proof as well......
I have sent 16 letters today for Caylee's Law to be passed in the state that I live in. One to the governor, one to each senator and one to each of the thirteen representatives. I urge for all of you to do the same. I will not let Caylee be forgotten and I will do my part to make sure her death was not in vain. Her family does not give a shit about her and they will not do anything to keep her memory alive. They are going to bury her as far down as they possibly can. WE are Caylee's family now. She is our precious darling. She belongs to the world and we should EMBRACE HER with pride!!! Well, at least I do anyway.
Just US For Caylee!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Casey Anthony - NOT GUILTY??????
My mind is still whirling, I cannot find the right words. I cannot find ANY words to describe this travesty. I can't write Caylee's name, let alone say it, without choking back the tears. NOT GUILTY???? Who killed Caylee? Who put the tape over her face? Who placed her in the trash bags and laundry bag? Who threw her in the swampy woods? OH YAH!!! George Anthony did.....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! Has he been arrested yet? Yuri Melich - Arrest George and Lee Anthony for molesting the young Casey. Throw in gross abuse of a corpse, aiding in a cover up and perjury for George Anthony. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? If her defense team can say these atrocities then you can believe them and CAN ARREST GEORGE! Obviously that is evidence - the jury in her case seemed to believe this drivel. For the sake of George being arrested, then I believe it too. And you can rest assured that I will be writing the OSCO everyday, twice a day, until he is arrested for his crimes in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.
I cannot fathom what this jury was thinking and as I was driving home from work I almost literally went insane trying to figure it out. I am done trying to see the commonsense they THINK they used. Again, I am so grateful I don't think like an idiot or a narcissistic psychopath. I am surely blessed in that manner!
Casey, I know you will be Googling your own name. Most narcissists do, so read every word that has been written about you and KNOW that you are not safe in this world. Look over both of your shoulders at the same time because I am sure there will be others watching you closely. Sleep with one eye open because I truly believe God will have his say in what should happen to you. God does NOT like ugly. I don't WISH you any harm - but I pray for justice for Caylee. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. Unfortunately, there are 12 people out there that don't agree. Rot in hell Casey! And I hope that it's HELL ON EARTH forever more for you.
Caylee was murdered all over again today by our "justice" system. I heard that Jeff Ashton is retiring, it's such a shame. I truly hope he does not let the 20 idiots (including the defense team) ruin his heart. Other children need you Jeff. Caylee is not unhappy with your hard work for her. Caylee will show the others just what justice she deserves. Don't let them win by taking you away from others who need your intelligence, brilliance and compassion. Haven't you heard? Karma is the biggest bitch EVER and she is PLENTY PISSED!!! Continue with your brilliance of the truth - it is NOT wasted by me!!!
We have taught our children today that it is ok to murder your child but that it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to neglect your child which ends in murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok for your child to accidentally die in a swimming pool and then cover it up to look like a murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to murder your child, party - drink - drug - sex - lie - steal - blame your father and brother of sexual abuse - make up stories about body snatchers and cover ups of the police department, FBI and the medical examiner but it's NOT OK TO LIE TO A POLICE OFFICER!!!!! WAY to FUCKING go America!!!! Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered in June of 2008 and her soul was murdered in July of 2011, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Rest in peace baby girl! You so deserve it!!!!!!
I cannot fathom what this jury was thinking and as I was driving home from work I almost literally went insane trying to figure it out. I am done trying to see the commonsense they THINK they used. Again, I am so grateful I don't think like an idiot or a narcissistic psychopath. I am surely blessed in that manner!
Casey, I know you will be Googling your own name. Most narcissists do, so read every word that has been written about you and KNOW that you are not safe in this world. Look over both of your shoulders at the same time because I am sure there will be others watching you closely. Sleep with one eye open because I truly believe God will have his say in what should happen to you. God does NOT like ugly. I don't WISH you any harm - but I pray for justice for Caylee. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. Unfortunately, there are 12 people out there that don't agree. Rot in hell Casey! And I hope that it's HELL ON EARTH forever more for you.
Caylee was murdered all over again today by our "justice" system. I heard that Jeff Ashton is retiring, it's such a shame. I truly hope he does not let the 20 idiots (including the defense team) ruin his heart. Other children need you Jeff. Caylee is not unhappy with your hard work for her. Caylee will show the others just what justice she deserves. Don't let them win by taking you away from others who need your intelligence, brilliance and compassion. Haven't you heard? Karma is the biggest bitch EVER and she is PLENTY PISSED!!! Continue with your brilliance of the truth - it is NOT wasted by me!!!
We have taught our children today that it is ok to murder your child but that it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to neglect your child which ends in murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok for your child to accidentally die in a swimming pool and then cover it up to look like a murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to murder your child, party - drink - drug - sex - lie - steal - blame your father and brother of sexual abuse - make up stories about body snatchers and cover ups of the police department, FBI and the medical examiner but it's NOT OK TO LIE TO A POLICE OFFICER!!!!! WAY to FUCKING go America!!!! Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered in June of 2008 and her soul was murdered in July of 2011, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Rest in peace baby girl! You so deserve it!!!!!!
Caylee Marie Anthony,
Jeff Ashton,
Orlando Florida
Monday, July 4, 2011
Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane-Burdick, Frank George - HEROS and HEROINE
I know you will never read this Jeff, Linda or George but I have to write it anyway.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and soul, for your brilliant case put forth in front of the jury on the path of justice for Caylee Marie Anthony. It is incredibly sad when strangers (you, me - millions of others) love Caylee more than her own mother ever did. WE understand and KNOW that Caylee's life meant someTHING, no matter how small. We didn't need to KNOW her to love her. Your amazing moral and ethical principles made Caylee REAL to the jury. You stayed with the truth and prevailed. No matter what the jury comes to believe, I believe you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Casey murdered her daughter and never, ever had a concern for Caylee. God will bless you every day here after for your love, compassion and truth of Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee loves you all!
Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you so much for your knowledge of the law. Thank you for allowing an unbiased trial to be put forth to the jury. Thank you for treating the jury as PEOPLE and not "extras in a movie". You are amazing. Thank you.
Jose Baez and the rest of the lawyers: I am literally sick to death knowing you would/could get up in front of the judge and jury and LIE and TWIST the truth to try to fit your client's LIES!!!! You have made me realize how FLAWED our judicial system is for VICTIMS!! How you rest your head and close your eyes at night with NO REMORSE for your actions is beyond me. You are sick individuals - no matter WHAT your job IS - LYING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!! EVER! And shame on Cheney Mason, Dot Simms, Ann Finnell and all the rest ALLOWING Jose Baez to DESTROY Caylee's life. Sick people!!
George, Cindy and Lee: I hope to God you can move on with your life now. I'm sure it will be difficult and seem impossible at times. No matter what, if any, conviction your daughter receives you need to MOVE ON without her. She has clearly shown she does NOT love anyone but HERSELF! You all deserve SO MUCH better!!! I am so sorry, there are NO OTHER WORDS to convey how I feel for your loss of Caylee Marie Anthony. Keep loving Caylee after judgement of her mother. Caylee is the VICTIM. She was robbed of her life, her breath. Seek counselling and learn to love one another for CAYLEE!!!! Don't make her death to be in vain, if you are going to feel sorry for anyone it should be Caylee. She has missed so much. She would be five years old and in kindergarten going into FIRST grade! I remember first grade, Caylee can't. I know you love Casey, it's OK. I understand. But CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY deserves that love.
To the jury: Please know and understand that we all know what type of sacrafice you were made to endure for the last six weeks of your life. Please know that I know and understand how hard this must be to judge a person's life and render a verdict. I just hope and pray that you do the right thing. Caylee was a person, no matter how small and did not deserve to die. I can't say that no one deserves to die because I believe that if you take a life - giving your life she be a form of punishment. BUT a child NEVER DESERVES TO DIE. Not by murder, accident or natural causes. I trust and believe that you are 12 very intelligent people that KNOW and see that Casey murdered her innocent child, Caylee Marie Anthony. Thank you for your time. There are no other words other than:
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and soul, for your brilliant case put forth in front of the jury on the path of justice for Caylee Marie Anthony. It is incredibly sad when strangers (you, me - millions of others) love Caylee more than her own mother ever did. WE understand and KNOW that Caylee's life meant someTHING, no matter how small. We didn't need to KNOW her to love her. Your amazing moral and ethical principles made Caylee REAL to the jury. You stayed with the truth and prevailed. No matter what the jury comes to believe, I believe you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Casey murdered her daughter and never, ever had a concern for Caylee. God will bless you every day here after for your love, compassion and truth of Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee loves you all!
Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you so much for your knowledge of the law. Thank you for allowing an unbiased trial to be put forth to the jury. Thank you for treating the jury as PEOPLE and not "extras in a movie". You are amazing. Thank you.
Jose Baez and the rest of the lawyers: I am literally sick to death knowing you would/could get up in front of the judge and jury and LIE and TWIST the truth to try to fit your client's LIES!!!! You have made me realize how FLAWED our judicial system is for VICTIMS!! How you rest your head and close your eyes at night with NO REMORSE for your actions is beyond me. You are sick individuals - no matter WHAT your job IS - LYING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!! EVER! And shame on Cheney Mason, Dot Simms, Ann Finnell and all the rest ALLOWING Jose Baez to DESTROY Caylee's life. Sick people!!
George, Cindy and Lee: I hope to God you can move on with your life now. I'm sure it will be difficult and seem impossible at times. No matter what, if any, conviction your daughter receives you need to MOVE ON without her. She has clearly shown she does NOT love anyone but HERSELF! You all deserve SO MUCH better!!! I am so sorry, there are NO OTHER WORDS to convey how I feel for your loss of Caylee Marie Anthony. Keep loving Caylee after judgement of her mother. Caylee is the VICTIM. She was robbed of her life, her breath. Seek counselling and learn to love one another for CAYLEE!!!! Don't make her death to be in vain, if you are going to feel sorry for anyone it should be Caylee. She has missed so much. She would be five years old and in kindergarten going into FIRST grade! I remember first grade, Caylee can't. I know you love Casey, it's OK. I understand. But CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY deserves that love.
To the jury: Please know and understand that we all know what type of sacrafice you were made to endure for the last six weeks of your life. Please know that I know and understand how hard this must be to judge a person's life and render a verdict. I just hope and pray that you do the right thing. Caylee was a person, no matter how small and did not deserve to die. I can't say that no one deserves to die because I believe that if you take a life - giving your life she be a form of punishment. BUT a child NEVER DESERVES TO DIE. Not by murder, accident or natural causes. I trust and believe that you are 12 very intelligent people that KNOW and see that Casey murdered her innocent child, Caylee Marie Anthony. Thank you for your time. There are no other words other than:
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Baez Is a Travesty of Human Life
I will first say that I did not listen to what Baez's closing argument was about. I heard bits and pieces so I will not go into what he did or didn't say. Not only because I didn't hear it, but because I don't give a rats ASS what he has to say. I find it unfair that the jury does not know all the shenanigans that have taken place since Caylee went "missing". There is NOTHING that this lying piece of crap could EVER say that would make me change my mind about how I feel Caylee died. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for three years and waited patiently for those three years to HEAR a plausible reason as to how Caylee died. I begged God to tell me that it was truly an accident. Obviously, that is not what I learned. Yah, SOMETHING just isn't right!!
My theory as to what happened to poor little Caylee, and I think I might have already written about it before, is that Casey was really planning on murdering Cindy and George. Why? Because she kept on telling Amy Huiezenga that she was going to have the house soon and that Amy could move in with she and Caylee. That is why I believe she searched chloroform 84 times. She searched neck-breaking, shovel and all those other things because she was planning George and Cindy's murders. She would need the chloroform to subdue George, don't you think? I believe that Casey was either giving Caylee xanax or chloroform at night so she could go partying or spend the night at a boyfriends house and then place her in the trunk of the car. That in itself is child abuse, neglect and torture. Something went wrong and when Casey went to check on Caylee, she was dead. And that's where murder comes into play. Because I don't know laws, I have not the foggiest idea of which count of murder that would be. So she had to ditch her plans of killing her parents and think of what to do about Caylee rotting in the trunk. And the rest we know.
Nothing the defense has brought forward has taken murder from the equation, for me. But Baez has definitely made me realize how unjust our judicial system truly is. He has proven to me that no matter how much a lawyer lies, libels and defames a person in opening arguments, it's not against the law and there will be no repercussions. Things need to change. I am so incredibly fed up with liars. This whole entire trial was a circus. I sure hope the jury can discern the truth from this shit-on-a-fucking-cracker defense story. "Magical Thinking" is the understatement of the year!!!
One more flipping day, ONE MORE!!!!
My theory as to what happened to poor little Caylee, and I think I might have already written about it before, is that Casey was really planning on murdering Cindy and George. Why? Because she kept on telling Amy Huiezenga that she was going to have the house soon and that Amy could move in with she and Caylee. That is why I believe she searched chloroform 84 times. She searched neck-breaking, shovel and all those other things because she was planning George and Cindy's murders. She would need the chloroform to subdue George, don't you think? I believe that Casey was either giving Caylee xanax or chloroform at night so she could go partying or spend the night at a boyfriends house and then place her in the trunk of the car. That in itself is child abuse, neglect and torture. Something went wrong and when Casey went to check on Caylee, she was dead. And that's where murder comes into play. Because I don't know laws, I have not the foggiest idea of which count of murder that would be. So she had to ditch her plans of killing her parents and think of what to do about Caylee rotting in the trunk. And the rest we know.
Nothing the defense has brought forward has taken murder from the equation, for me. But Baez has definitely made me realize how unjust our judicial system truly is. He has proven to me that no matter how much a lawyer lies, libels and defames a person in opening arguments, it's not against the law and there will be no repercussions. Things need to change. I am so incredibly fed up with liars. This whole entire trial was a circus. I sure hope the jury can discern the truth from this shit-on-a-fucking-cracker defense story. "Magical Thinking" is the understatement of the year!!!
One more flipping day, ONE MORE!!!!
Casey Anthony,
Caylee Marie Anthony,
Orlando Florida
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Did You - No, Let Me Strike That - Did You - No, Let me strike that - JOSE BAEZ
Holy CRAP I cannot wait for this stupidity to end tomorrow!!!! Wow wee WOW WOW is Baez a buffoon! Can we forget the FUCKING gas can already?? Holy SHIT Baez. The jury DOES NOT see the gas can as a form of REASONABLE DOUBT to your moronic, loopy and full of holes-cocka-doody-defense. All you have done these past couple of weeks (LONG, DRAWN OUT, TIME WASTING weeks) is to prove the State of Florida's case. Your own witnesses have agreed with the State on the decomposition issue, the chloroform issue, the air sample issue, the plant growth issue and the body NOT being moved issue. YOU and ONLY you have the blame for a number of pieces of evidence to be brought into the case due to your incredible ability to ask idiotic questions on cross. You also have an incredible knack to not be able to re-phrase a question when it is objected. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "leading". I think I am going to go take the Bar Exam. I'm pretty sure that since I have watched this circus for the past six weeks I'd be able to pass it with flying colors. Even I know that changing ONE consonant or ONE word in the question does NOT mean it's RE-PHRASED!!! I just loved when Honorable Belvin Perry told Baez that he could TRY and re-phrase a question he was trying to ask. Also, Baez - a little advice, when the judge asks "May the witness be excused" in an exhaustive voice - it means he's DONE with your BS games and TIME WASTING "testimony". I am beside myself, truly. I didn't think a lawyer could be this DENSE! Did you pat yourself on the back when the judge allowed the testimony of the suicide note or when Mr. Ashton got George to say that YOU were at the Ritz with them EATING (you had the steak, correct)? Or even when you asked George if the "media" interviews stopped after Caylee's body was found because he harbored some sort of guilt in her demise that it was YOU who stopped all of that! OH MY GOSH you are a genius!
Baez, YOU DID NOT get this jury to believe that Mr. Kronk is a BODY SNATCHER!!! And I'm pretty sure with the "grief expert" you only accomplished proving how incredibly useless YOU ARE for Casey Anthony. Holy SHIT, grief is DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE! Also, your "expert" (on human emotions, still cracks me up - MAGICAL THINKING LMFAO) didn't LIE very well when she "thought up" the hypothetical of age, tattooing, partying, stealing and SHOPPING AFTER a child has died. IMO, this lady - and I've purposely forgot the woman's name - is a FRUIT CAKE and could possibly be the psychic Jeannette Lewis for all I fucking know!! It truly WAS amazing that she USE EVERY WORD you all used to describe Casey in this trial. That lady is NUTS!! Of course, that is just my opinion - OR it's consistent with my grief for Caylee's death. Holy WOW!!! I LOVED Jeff Ashton's hypothetical on cross - ha, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE JURY!! Casey has no remorse, guilt or sadness regarding her daughter's death. THREE YEARS have gone by and NOT one FUCKING TEAR FOR CAYLEE!!! They are always tears for HERSELF!!! Another great witness Baez...Way to goooooooooo!
George, thank you for being the voice for Caylee. I believe you are the ONLY one that loves Caylee in your entire family. Cindy - WOW - I have NO kind words for her, she doesn't deserve to have the title of Caylee's grandmother. Lee - again, NO kind words for him - he is trying to get back at his mother so instead of being a fucking man about it and doing it privately - he goes in front of a judge and jury to do it. WOW!!!! I am still shocked by ALL of this. You, George, know how you've fucked this shit up in the past, but you are here to redeem yourself. Just a little bit of advice, just answer your questions with a yes or no to Baez. He doesn't need the narrative, let Ashton get that information from you. It's painful to watch you stumble!!! Speaking of painful - your testimony about your pain from losing Caylee was heart-wrenching. I truly am sorry for your loss and pain. Don't EVER feel like you betrayed Casey or Cindy or even Lee because the most important person you need to think about is CAYLEE. She loves you, JoJo! Bring it on home......don't falter! I know you truly love Caylee.
I am praying that the defense will rest in the morning before lunch and/or Casey decides to testify! LMFAO!!! I'd love to hear more of her magical thinking!!
Baez, YOU DID NOT get this jury to believe that Mr. Kronk is a BODY SNATCHER!!! And I'm pretty sure with the "grief expert" you only accomplished proving how incredibly useless YOU ARE for Casey Anthony. Holy SHIT, grief is DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE! Also, your "expert" (on human emotions, still cracks me up - MAGICAL THINKING LMFAO) didn't LIE very well when she "thought up" the hypothetical of age, tattooing, partying, stealing and SHOPPING AFTER a child has died. IMO, this lady - and I've purposely forgot the woman's name - is a FRUIT CAKE and could possibly be the psychic Jeannette Lewis for all I fucking know!! It truly WAS amazing that she USE EVERY WORD you all used to describe Casey in this trial. That lady is NUTS!! Of course, that is just my opinion - OR it's consistent with my grief for Caylee's death. Holy WOW!!! I LOVED Jeff Ashton's hypothetical on cross - ha, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE JURY!! Casey has no remorse, guilt or sadness regarding her daughter's death. THREE YEARS have gone by and NOT one FUCKING TEAR FOR CAYLEE!!! They are always tears for HERSELF!!! Another great witness Baez...Way to goooooooooo!
George, thank you for being the voice for Caylee. I believe you are the ONLY one that loves Caylee in your entire family. Cindy - WOW - I have NO kind words for her, she doesn't deserve to have the title of Caylee's grandmother. Lee - again, NO kind words for him - he is trying to get back at his mother so instead of being a fucking man about it and doing it privately - he goes in front of a judge and jury to do it. WOW!!!! I am still shocked by ALL of this. You, George, know how you've fucked this shit up in the past, but you are here to redeem yourself. Just a little bit of advice, just answer your questions with a yes or no to Baez. He doesn't need the narrative, let Ashton get that information from you. It's painful to watch you stumble!!! Speaking of painful - your testimony about your pain from losing Caylee was heart-wrenching. I truly am sorry for your loss and pain. Don't EVER feel like you betrayed Casey or Cindy or even Lee because the most important person you need to think about is CAYLEE. She loves you, JoJo! Bring it on home......don't falter! I know you truly love Caylee.
I am praying that the defense will rest in the morning before lunch and/or Casey decides to testify! LMFAO!!! I'd love to hear more of her magical thinking!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Surprise, Surprise - Cindy, George and Lee - OH MY
I give up on two of these family members. I cannot understand how they can continue to lie for Casey. I understand love. I understand support. I understand comfort. But I don't understand lying under oath!!! Cindy says "So help me God, I will" every time she is called to stand. Does she know what those words mean???? I guess she must pray to a different God than I. Cindy, I don't even know if I can believe you love Caylee. You have lied so much and under oath - I can't even see you as a grieving grandparent anymore. I'm gonna clue you in on a little secret: Casey is not worth more than Caylee. Casey never loved you - you were/are a "throw away" object to her. You think that if she gets out you'll have this wonderfully loving and happy relationship? She's going to make you pay for every word you uttered against her AND for Caylee. She's gonna leave you so fast your head will spin lady. Good luck. I cannot give you any more empathy - stupid is as stupid does. I'm done.
Lee, you sat up on the stand today and CRIED that you REGRETTED not being in Caylee's life more. Well, that's what I assume you meant. Why then are you lying for her murderer? The only thing I can come up with is that Caylee was only two and half years old, she wasn't around long enough for this family to actually love her yet. To love her enough to seek and receive JUSTICE for. I don't even know why I bother trying to figure this all out. My blood pressure must be off the flipping charts by now.
I hold out hope for George. Why? Because I'm a glutton for punishment!!! As I watch him in court, I see him distance himself from Cindy. They used to sit all snugly together, now - there is almost a person space between them. George, if you allow yourself to get run over this bus you've been thrown under you do realize you will go to prison for child rape, right? You most certainly will. You have got to know and understand that leaving Cindy will only grant you freedom, peace and LIFE? From day one of this whole debacle, I have had the feeling that you are the only one that truly loved Caylee. Caylee deserves justice. Please George, you are her only hope. "Our" only hope. George, you have absolutely no idea how many people love Caylee, cry for Caylee and pray for justice for Caylee. Your daughter brought her to our attention, you can't blame us. We love her and sadly more than her mother did.
We have another five days until the defense rests. I don't think I can continue to listen to this hyperbole any longer. Its infuriating and quite frankly I take offense to these ass-hats thinking I would believe any of it. I still cannot figure Baez and his minions out. Are they pure genius' trying to get a mistrial and/or just cause for an appeal or are they really this dead from the neck up? Oh, I just remembered: FIVE more days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shoot me, please.
Lee, you sat up on the stand today and CRIED that you REGRETTED not being in Caylee's life more. Well, that's what I assume you meant. Why then are you lying for her murderer? The only thing I can come up with is that Caylee was only two and half years old, she wasn't around long enough for this family to actually love her yet. To love her enough to seek and receive JUSTICE for. I don't even know why I bother trying to figure this all out. My blood pressure must be off the flipping charts by now.
I hold out hope for George. Why? Because I'm a glutton for punishment!!! As I watch him in court, I see him distance himself from Cindy. They used to sit all snugly together, now - there is almost a person space between them. George, if you allow yourself to get run over this bus you've been thrown under you do realize you will go to prison for child rape, right? You most certainly will. You have got to know and understand that leaving Cindy will only grant you freedom, peace and LIFE? From day one of this whole debacle, I have had the feeling that you are the only one that truly loved Caylee. Caylee deserves justice. Please George, you are her only hope. "Our" only hope. George, you have absolutely no idea how many people love Caylee, cry for Caylee and pray for justice for Caylee. Your daughter brought her to our attention, you can't blame us. We love her and sadly more than her mother did.
We have another five days until the defense rests. I don't think I can continue to listen to this hyperbole any longer. Its infuriating and quite frankly I take offense to these ass-hats thinking I would believe any of it. I still cannot figure Baez and his minions out. Are they pure genius' trying to get a mistrial and/or just cause for an appeal or are they really this dead from the neck up? Oh, I just remembered: FIVE more days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shoot me, please.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Dr. Vass is NOT a Chemist! ~ Jose Baez
And Jose Baez is NOT a lawyer, he just plays one on t.v. Baez has a fixation on Dr. Arpad Vass that I can only come to the conclusion as this: Jose Baez is so jealous of this man that he has made it his personal agenda to try and make Vass look less respectable, reliable, smart and liked by many. I said it before that Jose is just as narcissistic as Casey and this just puts it over the top. Dr. Vass is LIKED and people RESPECT him, Baez is NEITHER. Poor Baez - it must SUCK to want something so badly and to KNOW it will never be attained. Respect and being liked could have been attained at one point in his career, but Baez chose to go the slimy-lawyer route instead of actually WORKING hard to attain a respectable reputation as a hard, no-nonsense defense lawyer. Too bad Baez. You only have YOURSELF to blame. Speaking of BLAME - with he blaming Jeff Ashton for he not complying with the court's orders simply makes me believe that Jose made up this stupid and asinine defense of blaming EVERYONE but Casey. Way to go!!! YOU are a GENIUS Baez!!! Oh, and btw, I hope that your wife will never need a cadaver dog or the Labrador to find your missing dead body many years from now...and if she does - I hope who ever owns that dog or the Labrador will tell her "Sorry, your husband was an ass...good luck!"
I laugh out loud watching Jose TRY to formulate a non-objectionable question. And I almost fall out of my chair listening to him try to RE-formulate his prior objectionable question. After watching Jose get spanked the last two days by Judge Perry, you'd think he would actually spend some QUALITY time (we can use quantitative here too) with some ink and paper to conjure questions that don't make him sound like the imbecile that he is! Jose not only got spanked for not complying with court's orders three times now, but he got spanked by his own expert witness. Does Jose call these witnesses and say, "Ok, you will testify for me on such and such a day - see you there, buh-bye"? I firmly believe Baez has no idea how to prepare for anything, let alone preparing for non-leading questions or questions that make sense - "Sir, are you aware that air samples were taken six weeks after the carpet samples were given to you?" Wise's answer: "Taken where?" Love it!
Hey Baez, you ever hear of "hostile witness" - you're so smart!
TRASH again....Look Baez, there was paper and EMPTY food boxes in that trash bag. GET the fuck over it. Honestly, do you think the jury, after SEEING all the trash in that bag, will think that the smell of decomposition is the same as NON smelling TRASH? LOL! I don't know about all you but I cannot WAIT for this jury to be able to Google this case! They are going to have a FIELD DAY!!! I literally giggle when I think about it. I would so love to watch a juror Google and view their facial expressions. PAPER GARBAGE DOES NOT SMELL and ANYWAY - Caylee drown, correct??? LMAO!
Holy Moly, I cannot wait for this trial to end and see what type of contempt charges will be handed down to Baez. I hope it's not a monetary contempt. I want to see Baez in jail for a month or so. I don't think Baez will care about a bar complaint or money taken from him, I think jail time will be the only way to get through to him. I feel that Baez will not be looking to keep his job as a lawyer after this. He doesn't give a CRAP what happens during this trial because he is going to go on the talk-show circuit, write a book, write a screen-play (well, he'll have some one else do all the writing of the book and screen-play but will take the credit). IMO, he is banking on the notoriety of this case to fund the rest of his life. Casey, look out lady - you are the NEXT person under the bus.
Can't wait for the rest of the spankity-spank-spank the State of Florida will lay upon Baez tomorrow! Hey Jeff and Linda, can you PLEASE get in to the court record how much money Baez made off of the pictures of Caylee and Casey!!! Thanks, a bunch!
I laugh out loud watching Jose TRY to formulate a non-objectionable question. And I almost fall out of my chair listening to him try to RE-formulate his prior objectionable question. After watching Jose get spanked the last two days by Judge Perry, you'd think he would actually spend some QUALITY time (we can use quantitative here too) with some ink and paper to conjure questions that don't make him sound like the imbecile that he is! Jose not only got spanked for not complying with court's orders three times now, but he got spanked by his own expert witness. Does Jose call these witnesses and say, "Ok, you will testify for me on such and such a day - see you there, buh-bye"? I firmly believe Baez has no idea how to prepare for anything, let alone preparing for non-leading questions or questions that make sense - "Sir, are you aware that air samples were taken six weeks after the carpet samples were given to you?" Wise's answer: "Taken where?" Love it!
Hey Baez, you ever hear of "hostile witness" - you're so smart!
TRASH again....Look Baez, there was paper and EMPTY food boxes in that trash bag. GET the fuck over it. Honestly, do you think the jury, after SEEING all the trash in that bag, will think that the smell of decomposition is the same as NON smelling TRASH? LOL! I don't know about all you but I cannot WAIT for this jury to be able to Google this case! They are going to have a FIELD DAY!!! I literally giggle when I think about it. I would so love to watch a juror Google and view their facial expressions. PAPER GARBAGE DOES NOT SMELL and ANYWAY - Caylee drown, correct??? LMAO!
Holy Moly, I cannot wait for this trial to end and see what type of contempt charges will be handed down to Baez. I hope it's not a monetary contempt. I want to see Baez in jail for a month or so. I don't think Baez will care about a bar complaint or money taken from him, I think jail time will be the only way to get through to him. I feel that Baez will not be looking to keep his job as a lawyer after this. He doesn't give a CRAP what happens during this trial because he is going to go on the talk-show circuit, write a book, write a screen-play (well, he'll have some one else do all the writing of the book and screen-play but will take the credit). IMO, he is banking on the notoriety of this case to fund the rest of his life. Casey, look out lady - you are the NEXT person under the bus.
Can't wait for the rest of the spankity-spank-spank the State of Florida will lay upon Baez tomorrow! Hey Jeff and Linda, can you PLEASE get in to the court record how much money Baez made off of the pictures of Caylee and Casey!!! Thanks, a bunch!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Cheney Mason Asks Dr. Spitz if Suicide Could Be Ruled Out in Caylee Marie Anthony's Death....
I wish I was a writer. It would allow me to be able to write what I need to in order to get my point across eloquently. I'd love to have the ability to use words to hide my sarcasm, anger and vulgarity. But since I am not that way in real life and I am NOT a writer, here goes:
WTF is the defense smoking or taking????? Cheney actually asks if suicide could be ruled out in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony. We have been made to believe that a two and a half year old child went "missing", said to be kidnapped (either by Casey dropping Caylee off with or if Zanny held Casey down and her sister took off with Caylee) by a Zaneida Fernandez-Gonzales and Caylee is then found skeletonized six months later in a "swamp" area. We wait three years to hear the defense's "jaw dropping" story of what really happened to little Caylee which is this, I think (?): Caylee drowns in the family pool on June 16th, 2008 while JoJo and Casey are being neglectful grandparent and parent, JoJo lifts Caylee's lifeless and limp body out of the pool all the while screaming at Casey that CeeCee would never forgive her for what she has done. Then JoJo hides Caylee's body "somewhere" (we still have no idea where because we haven't heard ONE SINGLE WORD about this since day one) and then Roy Kronk "finds" her and then "holds on to the body for several months" where then places her where she is ultimately found. BUT WAIT.....there's MORE.....there is a mysterious person that I am assuming is Mr. Kronk (unless they are adding Tony Lazarro to the equation because I have NO idea what the cross examination regarding his car was about ?????) who went and placed duct tape - which didn't have a sticky side to it, obviously - over the mouth and nose of Caylee's skull and then "draped" strands of hair over the top of her skull. But we aren't for sure of who "draped" the strands of hair - it COULD have been the M.E. and or their staff OR it could have been a CSI photographer because we all KNOW that these normally intelligent people just had to jeopardize their WHOLE careers in order to be in the Casey Anthony case. And NOW we have to consider that maybe Caylee placed the duct tape over her face while committing suicide by "suffocation" and laid herself in a blanket, two trash bags and a laundry bag and then threw herself in the woods. But I thought she drown in the pool?? I am soooo confused!!! Somebody please help me to understand all this.
I sure hope the jury is paying close attention to this crap. What boggles my mind the most is that Cheney Mason is supposedly an old pro at this lawyer stuff and he is allowing Baez to make him look like a fool. How can he POSSIBLY not see what this all sounds like? I am terrified that the appellate court is going to grant a new trial for Casey because you can clearly see that her attorneys are inadequate, to say the very least. I'm not sure what happened here. I understand a defense lawyer needs to try and cast doubt - but WHERE is the story that casts the doubt??? The only thing their words casts doubt about is if ANY of the nine defense attorneys in Casey's case have ACTUALLY passed the Florida Bar!!! The defense has now blamed George, Cindy, Lee, Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund, the whole OCSO, detectives Yuri Melich, Appy Wells and John Allen, the M.E.s and their staff, the FBI, CSI and even Caylee for her death. And I can't forget to mention the flagrant lies and actions of Mr. Jose Baez by not complying with the COURTS ORDERS!!! Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. gave Baez a "get out of jail free" card Friday when Dr. Huntington skated on thin ice with his testimony not being in his report. Which then led to Saturday's spanking of Baez's ass in front of millions of people. What is wrong with this guy??? He just doesn't know when or how to shut his mouth! Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr has so much more patience than I do. Baez acted just like a child, throwing a tantrum and having to have the last word. When I was young, if I talked back to my parents I would get the "stupid" slapped off my face. Holy wow I can't believe what Baez gets away with. Hey Baez!!!! When the judge is SPEAKING - SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!!!!! You have a lack of respect that I have rarely ever seen in another human. You have been schooled over and over and over and over again by the States Attorneys - don't you think it's time to throw the towel in and bow down to the true masters????? Of course not, because you are as narcissistic as your defendant is. I can only hope and pray that Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. WILL bring contempt charges against you at the end of this trial, you DESERVE it!!!!
I am so incredibly SICK of Casey's FACE!!! I just want this trial to end, watch her get the death penalty and then NEVER SEE OR HEAR FROM HER AGAIN!!! I cannot believe the audacity this girl has. Am I the only one that is totally taken aback by her (bad) acting in front of the jury? Her fake cries, her fake "concern" and her fake sadness of seeing her murdered daughter's autopsy photos! At first I wanted to know WHY she acted this way - but it is so apparent that it's JUST THAT, an ACT!! She hasn't disassociated herself from the case and Caylee. She just DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP!!!! She truly and honestly feels she is going to walk away from these charges because she thinks she deserves her Bella Vita!!! She IS Scott Peterson only in female form. When I watched her on Friday with Dr. Huntington, didn't any of you notice her flirting with this man???? She did the lip biting, the eye darting, the "I need to look busy so he thinks I'm important to this team" crap - the whispering to her "friends", the raised eye brows and the quick quirky little smiles....she literally makes me sick to my stomach. I so wish someone would just slap her. Just haul off and slap the piss out of her!
I truly hope the defense rests tomorrow after their "expert witness" testifies about the duct tape. This just needs to end. Its such a waste, a HUGE waste, of the state of Florida's tax payer's money and time.
For we know not what tomorrow will bring, we should be painfully aware that the circus of which we call Caylee Anthony's case is in town for another week or so.....let's hope and pray that reality will set in with the defense, especially their princess Casey, and they rest with some dignity given back to Caylee's short and precious life. Ahhhh, one can dream - can't they?
WTF is the defense smoking or taking????? Cheney actually asks if suicide could be ruled out in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony. We have been made to believe that a two and a half year old child went "missing", said to be kidnapped (either by Casey dropping Caylee off with or if Zanny held Casey down and her sister took off with Caylee) by a Zaneida Fernandez-Gonzales and Caylee is then found skeletonized six months later in a "swamp" area. We wait three years to hear the defense's "jaw dropping" story of what really happened to little Caylee which is this, I think (?): Caylee drowns in the family pool on June 16th, 2008 while JoJo and Casey are being neglectful grandparent and parent, JoJo lifts Caylee's lifeless and limp body out of the pool all the while screaming at Casey that CeeCee would never forgive her for what she has done. Then JoJo hides Caylee's body "somewhere" (we still have no idea where because we haven't heard ONE SINGLE WORD about this since day one) and then Roy Kronk "finds" her and then "holds on to the body for several months" where then places her where she is ultimately found. BUT WAIT.....there's MORE.....there is a mysterious person that I am assuming is Mr. Kronk (unless they are adding Tony Lazarro to the equation because I have NO idea what the cross examination regarding his car was about ?????) who went and placed duct tape - which didn't have a sticky side to it, obviously - over the mouth and nose of Caylee's skull and then "draped" strands of hair over the top of her skull. But we aren't for sure of who "draped" the strands of hair - it COULD have been the M.E. and or their staff OR it could have been a CSI photographer because we all KNOW that these normally intelligent people just had to jeopardize their WHOLE careers in order to be in the Casey Anthony case. And NOW we have to consider that maybe Caylee placed the duct tape over her face while committing suicide by "suffocation" and laid herself in a blanket, two trash bags and a laundry bag and then threw herself in the woods. But I thought she drown in the pool?? I am soooo confused!!! Somebody please help me to understand all this.
I sure hope the jury is paying close attention to this crap. What boggles my mind the most is that Cheney Mason is supposedly an old pro at this lawyer stuff and he is allowing Baez to make him look like a fool. How can he POSSIBLY not see what this all sounds like? I am terrified that the appellate court is going to grant a new trial for Casey because you can clearly see that her attorneys are inadequate, to say the very least. I'm not sure what happened here. I understand a defense lawyer needs to try and cast doubt - but WHERE is the story that casts the doubt??? The only thing their words casts doubt about is if ANY of the nine defense attorneys in Casey's case have ACTUALLY passed the Florida Bar!!! The defense has now blamed George, Cindy, Lee, Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund, the whole OCSO, detectives Yuri Melich, Appy Wells and John Allen, the M.E.s and their staff, the FBI, CSI and even Caylee for her death. And I can't forget to mention the flagrant lies and actions of Mr. Jose Baez by not complying with the COURTS ORDERS!!! Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. gave Baez a "get out of jail free" card Friday when Dr. Huntington skated on thin ice with his testimony not being in his report. Which then led to Saturday's spanking of Baez's ass in front of millions of people. What is wrong with this guy??? He just doesn't know when or how to shut his mouth! Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr has so much more patience than I do. Baez acted just like a child, throwing a tantrum and having to have the last word. When I was young, if I talked back to my parents I would get the "stupid" slapped off my face. Holy wow I can't believe what Baez gets away with. Hey Baez!!!! When the judge is SPEAKING - SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!!!!! You have a lack of respect that I have rarely ever seen in another human. You have been schooled over and over and over and over again by the States Attorneys - don't you think it's time to throw the towel in and bow down to the true masters????? Of course not, because you are as narcissistic as your defendant is. I can only hope and pray that Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. WILL bring contempt charges against you at the end of this trial, you DESERVE it!!!!
I am so incredibly SICK of Casey's FACE!!! I just want this trial to end, watch her get the death penalty and then NEVER SEE OR HEAR FROM HER AGAIN!!! I cannot believe the audacity this girl has. Am I the only one that is totally taken aback by her (bad) acting in front of the jury? Her fake cries, her fake "concern" and her fake sadness of seeing her murdered daughter's autopsy photos! At first I wanted to know WHY she acted this way - but it is so apparent that it's JUST THAT, an ACT!! She hasn't disassociated herself from the case and Caylee. She just DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP!!!! She truly and honestly feels she is going to walk away from these charges because she thinks she deserves her Bella Vita!!! She IS Scott Peterson only in female form. When I watched her on Friday with Dr. Huntington, didn't any of you notice her flirting with this man???? She did the lip biting, the eye darting, the "I need to look busy so he thinks I'm important to this team" crap - the whispering to her "friends", the raised eye brows and the quick quirky little smiles....she literally makes me sick to my stomach. I so wish someone would just slap her. Just haul off and slap the piss out of her!
I truly hope the defense rests tomorrow after their "expert witness" testifies about the duct tape. This just needs to end. Its such a waste, a HUGE waste, of the state of Florida's tax payer's money and time.
For we know not what tomorrow will bring, we should be painfully aware that the circus of which we call Caylee Anthony's case is in town for another week or so.....let's hope and pray that reality will set in with the defense, especially their princess Casey, and they rest with some dignity given back to Caylee's short and precious life. Ahhhh, one can dream - can't they?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Faking It - Casey Anthony
As we all watched the trial yesterday we had the sense of incredible sadness, awareness, pain and the knowledge of definitive ending. We all know and are aware that Caylee Marie Anthony is no longer alive, but hearing the testimony yesterday regarding Caylee's bones was our definitive ending. Yesterday was Caylee's day. She spoke so loud and so clear. She said, "Look at me, see what she's done. I am no longer here on this Earth to run into any one's arms to hug and kiss, play, sing and live." I didn't need to see the pictures that the jury saw in order to hear Caylee speak. I can only hope and pray that the jury will never forget the pictures of Caylee's skull with duct tap wrapped around her tiny nose and mouth - three times.
Casey becoming "ill" during this testimony has only reinforced my opinion of she being a narcissist sociopath/psychopath. This was Caylee's day, Casey could NOT accept this. The attention needed to be reverted BACK to her somehow - hence her "illness". I am so appalled that ANYONE can believe her performance to be anything but FAKE! I basically watched ONLY Casey at this time because I wanted to see the performance. I am not a psychologist, I am not a body language expert, I am not a human lie-detector but I DO have a manipulative, narcissistic, habitual lying piece of crap "friend" to base my opinions of Casey's demeanor on. She absolutely KNOWS when eyes are upon her, especially the cameras. She times these "episodes" perfectly. When Casey "stood" for the jury to exit the first time, she "grabbed" thin air, wobbled and then placed her creepy tiny hand on the table. Does that remind you of when Cindy was leaving the stand after her break-down from her testimony about Caylee's disappearance? It does me. I have a feeling that Baez showed Casey that part of the trial over and over and over again and told her to mime Cindy's exact motions. She even "peeked" to see if the jury was gone before she lifted her head and feigned grimaces of pain. Once ALL attention was upon her, she seemed to be doing better. All of her attorneys were bobbing around her, asking her if she is alright, what can they do.....she was happy as a lark. When her attorneys seemed to think she was doing better, more grimaces of "pain" fell upon her face. In my opinion, this is when she decided that today will end because she now has the attention and power to do so. Casey can only do so much from where she is sitting and she needed the attention brought back to her somehow, which she did. Remember during the jail visits Cindy telling Casey she had a flat tire and Casey saying, "Guess what? That happened to ME!!" This is the same exact crap she's doing now. But Casey, you murdering monster, you may think you have control over these proceedings - but one thing is FOR SURE - the jury will NEVER forget the pictures of your daughter's bones with the duct tape wrapped around her tiny little face forever. You can go ahead and continue to fake cry and fake "illness" as much as you'd like - I do not think ANYONE is buying what you are selling. Here's a little advice, why don't you FAKE some REMORSE??????? Remorse for your dead daughter. You are ONLY delaying the inevitable - the show must go and and it will. Caylee WILL have her justice one way or the other. And personally, I love the revenge Caylee had upon you yesterday, you evil bitch. I hope Caylee's bones haunt you, because we ALL know you saw those pictures before. Even your dumb ass lawyer knew he had to show you before them being entered into evidence and the jury will have to know that. These people aren't dumb. Suffer, Casey! I hope you see Caylee's skull every single time you close those soulless eyes! YOU aren't fooling ME!
Crocodile Tears
By Kay Ryan b. 1945 Kay Ryan
The one sincere
crocodile has
gone dry eyed
for years. Why
bother crying
crocodile tears.
Casey becoming "ill" during this testimony has only reinforced my opinion of she being a narcissist sociopath/psychopath. This was Caylee's day, Casey could NOT accept this. The attention needed to be reverted BACK to her somehow - hence her "illness". I am so appalled that ANYONE can believe her performance to be anything but FAKE! I basically watched ONLY Casey at this time because I wanted to see the performance. I am not a psychologist, I am not a body language expert, I am not a human lie-detector but I DO have a manipulative, narcissistic, habitual lying piece of crap "friend" to base my opinions of Casey's demeanor on. She absolutely KNOWS when eyes are upon her, especially the cameras. She times these "episodes" perfectly. When Casey "stood" for the jury to exit the first time, she "grabbed" thin air, wobbled and then placed her creepy tiny hand on the table. Does that remind you of when Cindy was leaving the stand after her break-down from her testimony about Caylee's disappearance? It does me. I have a feeling that Baez showed Casey that part of the trial over and over and over again and told her to mime Cindy's exact motions. She even "peeked" to see if the jury was gone before she lifted her head and feigned grimaces of pain. Once ALL attention was upon her, she seemed to be doing better. All of her attorneys were bobbing around her, asking her if she is alright, what can they do.....she was happy as a lark. When her attorneys seemed to think she was doing better, more grimaces of "pain" fell upon her face. In my opinion, this is when she decided that today will end because she now has the attention and power to do so. Casey can only do so much from where she is sitting and she needed the attention brought back to her somehow, which she did. Remember during the jail visits Cindy telling Casey she had a flat tire and Casey saying, "Guess what? That happened to ME!!" This is the same exact crap she's doing now. But Casey, you murdering monster, you may think you have control over these proceedings - but one thing is FOR SURE - the jury will NEVER forget the pictures of your daughter's bones with the duct tape wrapped around her tiny little face forever. You can go ahead and continue to fake cry and fake "illness" as much as you'd like - I do not think ANYONE is buying what you are selling. Here's a little advice, why don't you FAKE some REMORSE??????? Remorse for your dead daughter. You are ONLY delaying the inevitable - the show must go and and it will. Caylee WILL have her justice one way or the other. And personally, I love the revenge Caylee had upon you yesterday, you evil bitch. I hope Caylee's bones haunt you, because we ALL know you saw those pictures before. Even your dumb ass lawyer knew he had to show you before them being entered into evidence and the jury will have to know that. These people aren't dumb. Suffer, Casey! I hope you see Caylee's skull every single time you close those soulless eyes! YOU aren't fooling ME!
Crocodile Tears
By Kay Ryan b. 1945 Kay Ryan
The one sincere
crocodile has
gone dry eyed
for years. Why
bother crying
crocodile tears.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
"Did You Ask Casey Anthony If She Ever Committed Suicide?" - Jose Baez
I haven't been able to wrap my head around all that has happened in the trial since I last wrote to you all. I literally am so confused. But first, how about the title to this post??? Ha! I am going to sit down some day and fill a post with ALL of Baez's stupid comments and questions. It should be interesting, funny and time consuming.
Casey, dear wee little narcissistic bitch......I hope your lawyer lets you watch the trial after all of this. You are one scary woman. I watched you view yourself in those jail house visits and you were AMUSED with your temper tantrum. You actually almost busted a gut, covered your mouth and smile with your tiny creepy hand and said something to your attorney - unbelievable. I cannot FATHOM what goes on in your tiny little brain. I also watched how you CRIED for the Casey crying on the monitor but watched without so much as a blink of your eye when your mother broke down in tears and then into a ball when she was BEGGING for you to give her more information on the whereabouts of Caylee. I remember watching those video visits the first time around and yelling at my monitor at your parents to just fucking ASK where the HELL is Caylee you spiteful BITCH!!!! You nauseate me Casey Anthony. I pray everyday for justice for Caylee. For you to hear the words that you will never again see the light of day. I truly hope that a psychiatrist asks to sit and speak with you and then writes a book about who the heck you really are and WHY you think the way you do. I cannot stand you, but I really want to know what goes on in your mind. You are a mean, senseless person. How the hell did you sit there straight-faced, without embarrassment, listening to lie after lie, after lie, after lie....etc ad nauseum....??? It's an incredible show you put on. But you are not crazy. You knew (and still do) EXACTLY what you were doing. You had gotten away with everything for so long you just couldn't shut the fuck up!!!! Your lawyer can sit there and say that "something just is not right", but you really aren't that different then many people I know - other than the fact that they haven't killed anyone - YET. You crossed the line from sociopath to psychopath. I'm not sure that every narcissist does though. I can't stress enough how thankful I am for Casey's mother. If it wasn't for her love for Caylee - we never would have known what happened to her.
When I come to a hint of a conclusion as to where the defense is going with their story, something Baez does or says leads me back to my first thoughts - Baez is clueless and I have absolutely no idea HOW he passed the bar. We are sure he passed the bar, right? Let's start with the cadaver dogs. Does Baez want us to believe that Caylee's body was in the back yard at one time or not? Because I can't figure out what he wants us to think. First he says that Caylee died in the pool, which is in the back yard. Then he's shitting bricks because the dogs detected a decomposing body in the back yard. Then he says something to the effect of that Caylee's body being in the backyard isn't in dispute. REALLY??? Uh, ok. So what is it that he was trying to prove on the cross examination of the dog handlers? I am soooo confused. As am I about the body being in the trunk of the car. Are we supposed to believe that GeorgiePoo held Caylee's body for days on end before handing her over to Kronk in order for Kronk to have the body for "several months" and then eventually dumping her in the woods? Wouldn't Baez WANT to place Caylee's body IN the trunk of Casey's car which Casey has so wonderfully placed George IN the car while running over squirrels? I mean, isn't that what the "to do" was about making us aware that George had a set of extra keys to the car (even though George pointed that out way before Baez did)? I honestly do not know what to make of all this crap.
Dr. Arpad Vass was amazing on the stand, for both the prosecution and the defense. I truly loved listening and watching this man prove the states case and refute the defense. "I can find no other plausible explanation other than that to explain all the results that we found." "That" meaning that there was a body in the back of Casey's car. And the only body it could have been was Caylee's, unless Casey is a serial murderer and we just don't know it yet. I certainly LOVED the, "Fortunately, we don't get a lot of children" comment when Baez asked if Dr. Vass was there to state under oath that the reason they did not find flouride in the trunk of the car was because Caylee was a child. Dr. Vass - you are amazing, not only because you were there as Caylee's voice, but because you seem to be a genuinely nice guy. You love your job, the information you receive and what you do with that information. Thank God for people like you!!! You make the world a happier place.
I wonder how it must make Baez feel or think when he asks an expert witness if money is the deciding factor of testifying in Caylee's case and they say "Nope, money isn't a factor at all". Does he realize what type of a PIG that makes him? I truly hope the state will expose his $200,000 plus pot calling the kettle black!!! The jury deserves to know what a slime-ball this piece of shit is. And so does the Florida Bar Association......
The state needs to make some points about the computer searches and soon. It seems to me that the state has had a couple bad days since Dr. Vass was on the stand. They remind me of the New York Rangers when they are in the lead in the 2nd period of the game. They sit on their lead trying to make their opponents mess up. DON'T do that SA's!!! Let's get back on the puck and keep making those slap shots into the goal!!! Baez is NOT stating that Casey wasn't the one making these searches, have you all noticed that? He is trying to (and badly) to make these experts look unreliable. Which is his job, I totally understand that, but he is not saying it wasn't Casey making those searches. The state needs to monopolize on this fact. Tomorrow is another day - I pray it's another positive step towards justice for Caylee.
Casey, dear wee little narcissistic bitch......I hope your lawyer lets you watch the trial after all of this. You are one scary woman. I watched you view yourself in those jail house visits and you were AMUSED with your temper tantrum. You actually almost busted a gut, covered your mouth and smile with your tiny creepy hand and said something to your attorney - unbelievable. I cannot FATHOM what goes on in your tiny little brain. I also watched how you CRIED for the Casey crying on the monitor but watched without so much as a blink of your eye when your mother broke down in tears and then into a ball when she was BEGGING for you to give her more information on the whereabouts of Caylee. I remember watching those video visits the first time around and yelling at my monitor at your parents to just fucking ASK where the HELL is Caylee you spiteful BITCH!!!! You nauseate me Casey Anthony. I pray everyday for justice for Caylee. For you to hear the words that you will never again see the light of day. I truly hope that a psychiatrist asks to sit and speak with you and then writes a book about who the heck you really are and WHY you think the way you do. I cannot stand you, but I really want to know what goes on in your mind. You are a mean, senseless person. How the hell did you sit there straight-faced, without embarrassment, listening to lie after lie, after lie, after lie....etc ad nauseum....??? It's an incredible show you put on. But you are not crazy. You knew (and still do) EXACTLY what you were doing. You had gotten away with everything for so long you just couldn't shut the fuck up!!!! Your lawyer can sit there and say that "something just is not right", but you really aren't that different then many people I know - other than the fact that they haven't killed anyone - YET. You crossed the line from sociopath to psychopath. I'm not sure that every narcissist does though. I can't stress enough how thankful I am for Casey's mother. If it wasn't for her love for Caylee - we never would have known what happened to her.
When I come to a hint of a conclusion as to where the defense is going with their story, something Baez does or says leads me back to my first thoughts - Baez is clueless and I have absolutely no idea HOW he passed the bar. We are sure he passed the bar, right? Let's start with the cadaver dogs. Does Baez want us to believe that Caylee's body was in the back yard at one time or not? Because I can't figure out what he wants us to think. First he says that Caylee died in the pool, which is in the back yard. Then he's shitting bricks because the dogs detected a decomposing body in the back yard. Then he says something to the effect of that Caylee's body being in the backyard isn't in dispute. REALLY??? Uh, ok. So what is it that he was trying to prove on the cross examination of the dog handlers? I am soooo confused. As am I about the body being in the trunk of the car. Are we supposed to believe that GeorgiePoo held Caylee's body for days on end before handing her over to Kronk in order for Kronk to have the body for "several months" and then eventually dumping her in the woods? Wouldn't Baez WANT to place Caylee's body IN the trunk of Casey's car which Casey has so wonderfully placed George IN the car while running over squirrels? I mean, isn't that what the "to do" was about making us aware that George had a set of extra keys to the car (even though George pointed that out way before Baez did)? I honestly do not know what to make of all this crap.
Dr. Arpad Vass was amazing on the stand, for both the prosecution and the defense. I truly loved listening and watching this man prove the states case and refute the defense. "I can find no other plausible explanation other than that to explain all the results that we found." "That" meaning that there was a body in the back of Casey's car. And the only body it could have been was Caylee's, unless Casey is a serial murderer and we just don't know it yet. I certainly LOVED the, "Fortunately, we don't get a lot of children" comment when Baez asked if Dr. Vass was there to state under oath that the reason they did not find flouride in the trunk of the car was because Caylee was a child. Dr. Vass - you are amazing, not only because you were there as Caylee's voice, but because you seem to be a genuinely nice guy. You love your job, the information you receive and what you do with that information. Thank God for people like you!!! You make the world a happier place.
I wonder how it must make Baez feel or think when he asks an expert witness if money is the deciding factor of testifying in Caylee's case and they say "Nope, money isn't a factor at all". Does he realize what type of a PIG that makes him? I truly hope the state will expose his $200,000 plus pot calling the kettle black!!! The jury deserves to know what a slime-ball this piece of shit is. And so does the Florida Bar Association......
The state needs to make some points about the computer searches and soon. It seems to me that the state has had a couple bad days since Dr. Vass was on the stand. They remind me of the New York Rangers when they are in the lead in the 2nd period of the game. They sit on their lead trying to make their opponents mess up. DON'T do that SA's!!! Let's get back on the puck and keep making those slap shots into the goal!!! Baez is NOT stating that Casey wasn't the one making these searches, have you all noticed that? He is trying to (and badly) to make these experts look unreliable. Which is his job, I totally understand that, but he is not saying it wasn't Casey making those searches. The state needs to monopolize on this fact. Tomorrow is another day - I pray it's another positive step towards justice for Caylee.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Worst Thing About Being Lied To Is Knowing You're Not Worth The Truth
I wonder if Cindy Anthony realized how unloved she was by Casey. How Cindy, George, Lee and even Caylee were just objects in her make-believe life. How they all were "throw away people" to her, expendable, meaningless. If I had to take a guess, Cindy realized this six weeks ago when she stopped looking for Zanny the nanny. After she heard that Casey was going to blame George with the death of her granddaughter and the discarding of her body. That was the last straw for Cindy. Or maybe it was when Casey REFUSED to see Cindy on Mother's Day. Cindy and George did everything in their power to stand by their daughter. They destroyed their reputations. They were HATED by millions of people who wished they would end up in jail right along with their murderer daughter. I was one of those people. I have always understood why they loved their daughter even after knowing she murdered Caylee. But I could never understand how they could lie for her they way they did. Starting from Tuesday, the opening of this trial, has been light years away from the past three years. The committed parents to Casey no long exist. I cannot tell you how elated this makes me. I cannot forget what Cindy and George have done the past three years, but I will forgive them. I forgive them because Caylee's justice is now the most important thing to them, even if it means they have to admit that Casey is the one that murdered her.
Cindy, it was very sad to watch you on the stand today. I cried right along with you and felt your pain. Can you imagine that? A perfect stranger who has never met your lovely Caylee, can feel the same loss and sorrow. I didn't have to know Caylee to know how precious and special she is. I never had to know how wonderful her hugs and kisses made you feel. I didn't have to know Caylee at all to love her. And I cry knowing that my pain isn't even HALF of what you feel. I hurt for you and George. I cannot blame you for what your daughter turned out to be like. I have no idea of what your lives were like. Ultimately, Casey CHOSE to murder Caylee. She knew how she could hurt you forever. Casey knew that the more Caylee spoke, the more you would find out about her lies. Casey couldn't keep Caylee from talking about what she did during the day. She killed Caylee because she didn't want her life to be exposed - she knew she couldn't have the life she wanted with Caylee around. And it seems that Casey isn't sorry for causing your pain, but know that I am. I am, so very sorry for your tremendous loss. Not just of Caylee, but for the loss of your daughter. It must be soo hard to have the realizations you are experiencing right now. I can't help but feel sorry for you. I can't even imagine what it has been like for you. I will continue to pray that you will stand strong and speak for Caylee. I'm not so sure you will be that strong once you see your daughter crying after the break today. But know this, she was NOT crying for you, Caylee or George. She was crying for HERSELF! She is so ANGRY that you and George will not roll over for her. She doesn't understand why George will not sit in prison for a few years if it means that she will get OUT of jail. Your daughter is a narcissistic sociopath, she does not care about you at all. KEEP STRONG! Listen to Caylee, she will show you the way. Look to the twinkling of the stars, she will give you all the strength, comfort and support you need. Caylee loves her CeeCee!!!
I have more faith in the prosecution than I have had since day one of this trial. I understand completely what they are doing. They have not panicked and have been paving the way for Caylee's justice. I do have one teeny tiny complaint: Jeff Ashton needs to not get so visibly upset when Baez is harassing George. It makes him look like he is trying to hide the truth. He simply needs to tell George to answer truthfully - he ALWAYS has re-direct. Remain composed if he can. I know it must be hard for him because sitting in my own living room I wish I could reach into the computer and slap the stupid off Baez's face. That look of "come on, make my day" he has on his face when he questions George infuriates me. Not because it's towards George, but because he acts so big and tough. Ugh, it just makes me want to slap him. By the way Baez, when I watch you object to EVERY word that comes out of Jeff's mouth the movie Liar Liar comes to mind. I'm sure you've watched it. When Jim Carry objects to something in his trial and the judge asks him on what grounds Jim says, "because it's devastating to my case". EVERY SINGLE TIME......You are an idiot Jose and I truly hope the bar association is watching you closely.
Knowing that Caylee now has not only the voice of the prosecution but her grandparents helps me to believe that Caylee will receive the justice she so rightly deserves. Caylee was robbed of her future. There isn't enough empty space to write all that she will miss out on. What makes me so outraged is that Caylee was almost three years old, what could she possibly have done to make her mother so angry that would make her want her out of her life forever. There is NO doubt in my mind that Caylee loved her mother. A small child will always love their mother even if that mother abuses her on a daily basis. Why? Because that's all she knows. Casey knew that and that makes me even more angry. Caylee was the most expendable in her life. She just couldn't risk Caylee telling of her daily lies. Casey didn't want to be Caylee's mother. It's so incredibly wrong.
Can't wait for Tuesday morning. Until then......
Cindy, it was very sad to watch you on the stand today. I cried right along with you and felt your pain. Can you imagine that? A perfect stranger who has never met your lovely Caylee, can feel the same loss and sorrow. I didn't have to know Caylee to know how precious and special she is. I never had to know how wonderful her hugs and kisses made you feel. I didn't have to know Caylee at all to love her. And I cry knowing that my pain isn't even HALF of what you feel. I hurt for you and George. I cannot blame you for what your daughter turned out to be like. I have no idea of what your lives were like. Ultimately, Casey CHOSE to murder Caylee. She knew how she could hurt you forever. Casey knew that the more Caylee spoke, the more you would find out about her lies. Casey couldn't keep Caylee from talking about what she did during the day. She killed Caylee because she didn't want her life to be exposed - she knew she couldn't have the life she wanted with Caylee around. And it seems that Casey isn't sorry for causing your pain, but know that I am. I am, so very sorry for your tremendous loss. Not just of Caylee, but for the loss of your daughter. It must be soo hard to have the realizations you are experiencing right now. I can't help but feel sorry for you. I can't even imagine what it has been like for you. I will continue to pray that you will stand strong and speak for Caylee. I'm not so sure you will be that strong once you see your daughter crying after the break today. But know this, she was NOT crying for you, Caylee or George. She was crying for HERSELF! She is so ANGRY that you and George will not roll over for her. She doesn't understand why George will not sit in prison for a few years if it means that she will get OUT of jail. Your daughter is a narcissistic sociopath, she does not care about you at all. KEEP STRONG! Listen to Caylee, she will show you the way. Look to the twinkling of the stars, she will give you all the strength, comfort and support you need. Caylee loves her CeeCee!!!
I have more faith in the prosecution than I have had since day one of this trial. I understand completely what they are doing. They have not panicked and have been paving the way for Caylee's justice. I do have one teeny tiny complaint: Jeff Ashton needs to not get so visibly upset when Baez is harassing George. It makes him look like he is trying to hide the truth. He simply needs to tell George to answer truthfully - he ALWAYS has re-direct. Remain composed if he can. I know it must be hard for him because sitting in my own living room I wish I could reach into the computer and slap the stupid off Baez's face. That look of "come on, make my day" he has on his face when he questions George infuriates me. Not because it's towards George, but because he acts so big and tough. Ugh, it just makes me want to slap him. By the way Baez, when I watch you object to EVERY word that comes out of Jeff's mouth the movie Liar Liar comes to mind. I'm sure you've watched it. When Jim Carry objects to something in his trial and the judge asks him on what grounds Jim says, "because it's devastating to my case". EVERY SINGLE TIME......You are an idiot Jose and I truly hope the bar association is watching you closely.
Knowing that Caylee now has not only the voice of the prosecution but her grandparents helps me to believe that Caylee will receive the justice she so rightly deserves. Caylee was robbed of her future. There isn't enough empty space to write all that she will miss out on. What makes me so outraged is that Caylee was almost three years old, what could she possibly have done to make her mother so angry that would make her want her out of her life forever. There is NO doubt in my mind that Caylee loved her mother. A small child will always love their mother even if that mother abuses her on a daily basis. Why? Because that's all she knows. Casey knew that and that makes me even more angry. Caylee was the most expendable in her life. She just couldn't risk Caylee telling of her daily lies. Casey didn't want to be Caylee's mother. It's so incredibly wrong.
Can't wait for Tuesday morning. Until then......
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Justice for Caylee - Trial Day 3 - Still Proud of Jo Jo!!
Another red-letter-day for Jose Baez in trying to convince a jury that Casey Anthony did not murder her daughter Caylee. I remember someone once told me that if a defense lawyer pisses you off then they are doing their job correctly. I would have to agree with that but only half-way. I mean, as I am watching this trial it takes every ounce of my being to NOT stab my eyes and ears with ANY sharp object that is laying around, but I have come to the conclusion that Baez is trying is hardest to piss off Judge Belvin Perry, Jr to the point where his honor will throw Baez off the case. Why would any lawyer want to do that though? He is aiming for a mistrial. Baez, to me, knows exactly what he is doing. I'm not quite convinced that he is the total idiot that I believed him to be. I can't quite figure him out. He can't go more than 5 minutes without a freaking side bar. He has no idea how to RE-PHRASE a question to where it will not be objected. Can he seriously be this dumb?
Jose, have you conveniently forgotten about the jail video where Casey states that she picked her father to have a one-on-one with after a month of sitting in jail? Do you remember from that same video that Casey sobs the words "my whole life has been taken away from me"? Do you also remember in that same video she gets angry with her mother because she made chili, a big dinner, for her family? Do you remember when Casey states in that same video, "just let me talk to dad, I don't want to get frustrated right now"? And my favorite part of the whole video was when she clenched her hand-cuffed fists and gritted her teeth when she did NOT get her way. Or, even better, have you forgotten the very first phone call from jail - before the family KNEW the videos/calls would be shown to the public? Come on, you remember it, "Calling you guys was a waste, HUGE waste", "They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now." (remember the pause before "and you know what?" I do) I can still hear that whole phone call in my head -Casey's self-absorbed voice will forever and always be etched in my mind on that phone call. She only cared about talking to Tony - can you believe that? Yes, Jose, that video exists and I am praying that the prosecution plays that to the jury tomorrow. Both of those videos. All of them, in whole so they can see the games that Casey plays with her parents and brother. Where was the fear of her father and Lee? Huh? I truly cannot wait for those videos to be played and they can see the true Casey Anthony. You can try to hide evil, but it always shows it's ugly head.
I also cannot get out of my head the last two days when Tony Lazzaro was on the stand. Did anyone see Casey pretending she was still even a glint in his eye? I swear to God she was thinking to herself, "OMG, he just looked at me, does he still like me? I mean, SURELY all of this cannot stop true love. OMG, I have to write him a note. Tee hee, tee hee...he's sooooooooo cute! OMG! I HAVE to tell Simms....." That was her effing demeanor! Yah Baez, something ain't right and it's that your CLIENT does not realize she is on trial for MURDERING HER DAUGHTER!!!!! Ugh, she makes me sick!
Jo Jo, I feel so sorry for you. When you walked to the stand this morning you looked broken. Your spirit was not with you this morning. But you held your ground and did not let Baez make you lose your composure. Caylee helped you to see what he was doing, Caylee knew what he wanted. He is trying to make you get angry so he can say "SEE!!!! LOOK AT THIS MONSTER!!! THIS IS WHAT CASEY IS TERRIFIED OF!!! You saw it right here folks, HE is the monster, not my poor pitiful Casey." You looked that pig in the face and with a calm manner, cool head told him in your truthful answers to "Go to hell, Pig - You are NOT pinning this on ME!" George, I honestly do not know what has made you start telling the truth, but I am so thankful to you. Caylee is smiling down on you. She KNOWS who truly loves her.
Baez, I transcribed the whole first phone call for you to re-read, it speaks VOLUMES of the TRUE Casey Anthony. If I got anything wrong, I apologize, was doing it pretty quickly:
"Cindy: Hello?
Cindy: Casey?
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: Hey sweetie.
Casey: Well I just saw your nice little cameo on TV.
Cindy: Which one?
Casey: What do you mean which one?
Cindy: Which one? I did four different ones, and I don’t know, I haven’t seen them all. I’ve only seen one or two so far.
Casey: You don’t know what my involvement is and stuff?
Cindy: Casey.
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: What?
Casey: No.
Cindy: I don’t know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You’re not telling me where she’s at.
Casey: Because I don’t ****ing know where she’s at. Are you kidding me?
Cindy: Casey, don’t waste your call
Casey: No
Cindy: To scream and holler at me.
Casey: Waste my call sitting in, oh, the jail. (inaudible)
Cindy: Who’s fault is, who’s fault is it you sitting in the jail? You’re blaming me that you’re sitting in the jail? Blame yourself for telling lies.
Casey: It’s not my fault.
Cindy: You mean it’s not your fault? What do you mean it’s not your fault, sweetheart? If you’d have told them the truth, and not lied about everything, they wouldn’t …
Casey: Do me a favor. Just tell me what Tony’s number is. I don’t want to talk with you right now. Forget it.
Cindy: I don’t have his number.
Casey: Um, well get it from Lee because I know Lee’s at the house. I saw Mallory’s car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house.
Cindy: I know they were.
Casey: Well
Cindy: Well?
Casey: Can you get Tony’s number for me so I can call him?
(Long Pause)
Cindy: ((in the background) I’m not talking to her. (Inaudible)
Lee: Hey.
Casey: Hey, can you give me Tony’s number?
Lee: I, huh. I can do that. I don’t know what real good it’s going to do you at this point.
Casey: Well I’d like to talk to him anyway.
Lee: OK
Casey: Because I called to my mother and it, it’s a ****ing waste. Oh by the way, I don’t want any of you coming up here when I have my, my first hearing for bond and everything else. Like don’t even ****ing waste your time coming up here.
Lee: You know you’re having a real tough, you’re making it real tough for anybody to want to try to even assist you with giving you somebody’s phone number.
Casey: See that’s just it. Every single ..
Lee: You’re not even letting me finish.
Casey: well that’s because …
Lee: I really…
Casey: Go ahead.
Lee: you’re asking me, first you’re asking me for Tony’s phone number so you can call him. And then you immediately want to start pressing towards me and saying ‘don’t’ even worry about coming up here for all this stuff, and trying to cut us out. What ..
Casey: I’m not trying to cut anybody out.
Lee: I’m not going around and around with you. You know that’s pretty pointless. I’m not going to go through, I’m not going to put everybody else through the same stuff you’ve been putting the police and everybody else though for the last 24 hours, and the stuff you’ve been putting mom through for the last four or five weeks. I’m done with that. So you can tell me what’s going on. Christina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you will tell her what’s going on. Frankly we’re going to find out. Something, whatever’s going on, it’s gonna be found out. So why not do it now and save yourself from this …
Casey: There’s nothing to find out. There’s absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.
Lee: well, you know, everything you’re telling is a lie.
Casey: I have no clue where Caylee is. If I knew where Caylee was, do you think any of this would be happening? No.
Lee: Anyway, you only got a couple of minutes with us so I’m not going to let you completely waste it. Here’s Christina. She thinks she can get through to you.
Casey: No. No, I want Tony’s number. I’m not talking to anybody else.
Christina: Hello?
Casey: Hi. I’m glad everybody’s at my house. I’ll have to call you later, or I’ll have to call somebody to get your number. Do me a favor. Get my brother back because I need Tony’s number.
Christina: Ok, um, is there anything I can do for you?
Casey: I’m sitting in jail. There’s nothing anybody can do right now.
Christina: Well I’m just trying to be …
Casey: Oh I know you are honey. I absolutely know that you are, and I appreciate everything that you’re trying to do. But I’d like to call Tony. He’s not at my house, is he?
Christina: No.
Casey: Ok.
Christina: No, it’s just me and your parents and Lee.
Casey: OK. Well can you do me a favor and get my brother back or get the number from him, please?
Christina: Um, does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No. Nothing.
Christina: Ok, so why do you want to talk to Tony?
Casey: I …
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: Huh?
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: What are you, I didn’t hear what you said.
Christina: I said does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No, Tony has nothing to do with Caylee.
Christina: Oh, so why do you want to talk to him? You probably don’t want to tell me.
Casey: Because he’s my boyfriend, and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didn’t get a chance to talk to him earlier. Because I got arrested on a ****ing whim today. Because they’re blaming me for stuff that I never would do. That I didn’t do.
Christina: OK. Well I’m on nobody, I’m on your side. You know that, right?
Casey: Oh honey I know that. I just want to talk to Tony, get a little bit of …
Christina: Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee.
Casey: Sweetheart, if I …
Christina: If anything happens to Caylee, Casey, I’ll die. Do you understand? I’ll die if anything happens to that baby.
Casey: Oh, wow. Oh my god, calling you guys, a waste, huge waste. Honey, I love you. You know I would not let anything happen to my daughter. If I knew where she was, this wouldn’t be going on.
Christina: Well how come everybody’s saying you’re lying?
Casey: Because nobody’s ****ing listening to anything that I’m saying. The media completely misconstrued everything that I said. The ****ing detectives told them ****ing bull****. They got all their information from me. Yet at the same time they’re twisting stuff. They’ve already said they’re going to pin this on me if they don’t find Caylee. They’ve already said that.
Christina: Well…
Casey: They arrested me because they said that …
Christina: Yeah, because they said that the person that you dropped Caylee with doesn’t even exist.
Casey: Because, oh look, they can’t find her in the Florida database. She’s not just from Florida. If they would actually listen to anything that I would have said to them, they would have had their lead. They maybe could have tracked her down. They haven’t listened to a ****ing thing that I’ve said.
Christina: Do you know that that whoever has Caylee, nobody’s going to get away with this. Nobody.
Casey: I know nobody’s going to get away with it. But at the same time, the only way they’re going to find Caylee is if they actually listen to what I’m saying, and I’m trying to help them, and they’re not letting me help them.
Christina: Well how can I help them find her?
Casey: The best thing you can do baby is listen to me. They need to look up her information in a New York database. In a North Carolina database. Other places that she’s lived outside of Florida. That’s what I told them, even again today. I told them that four times today. I sat up at the police station. Up at the county police station for four hours.
Christina: Is she the one who has Caylee or she’s transferred Caylee to somebody else? Because her name has been...
Casey: Honey, I haven’t talked to her. I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her.
Christina: How come everybody’s saying that you’re not upset, that you’re not crying, that you showed no emotion, no caring of where Caylee is at all?
Casey: Because I’m not sitting here ****ing crying every two seconds. Because I have to stay composed to talk to detectives, to make other phone calls, to do other things. I can’t sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I can’t.
Christina: OK. Casey don’t yell at me. I’m on your side.
Casey: I know you’re not.
Christina: Trust me.
Casey: I know you’re on my side. I’m not trying to yell at you.
Christina: Nobody is trying to say anything bad about you. Your family is with you 100%.
Casey: No you’re not. That’s bulls**t. Because I just watched the ****ing news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody in my own family is on my side.
Christina: Yes they are. Nobody has said…
Casey: They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now.
Christina: Casey your daughter, ((Casey in background inaudible)) you brought your baby girl…
Casey: Christina please put my brother back on the phone. I don’t want to get into this with you right now. I love you honey and I’m glad that you’re there, thank you for your help. I will let you know if there is anything that you can do.
Christina: You can’t tell me anybody that can find Caylee? Nobody?
Casey: No. Because every number that I’ve tried, every number that I’ve called is disconnected. Nothing. I can’t get a hold of anybody.
Christina: But that that girl was the last person to have her?
Casey: She was the last person to have her. That was the last time I saw Caylee.
Christina: OK. Umm he doesn’t, Lee say’s he doesn’t have Tony’s phone number.
Casey: Yes he does. He has Tony’s phone number on his phone. He needs to stop f***ing lying. He just told me a second ago that he’d give me the number.
Christina: So if I go and I get you Tony’s number, are you gonna finish talking to me?
Casey: I, I will call you tomorrow. I want to talk to him really quick now. I want to actually close my eyes. I haven’t slept in four days. I have not slept in four days.
Christina: Listen if you’re going to talk to anybody, you can talk to me. And you know that.
Casey: I know I can talk to you. But at the same time, I know I can talk to Tony and that’s who I wanna talk to right now. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him since this morning. Since all this stuff happened with trying to set up some myspace. I made the myspace. And the facebook.
Christina: Do you know the password to that myspace?
Casey: I made all of it.
Christina: What’s the password to that myspace so we can see if anybody has written any leads of where Caylee might be?
Casey: You can go online and see it. As far as messages, I don’t know if anybody’s gonna be messaging stuff.
(Casey gives Christina the password and login)
Cindy: Hold on. Hold on one second.
Christina: Hold on one second.
Lee: Hold on one second for me.
Christina: OK, Tony’s number
Casey: Yeah
Christina: You’re ready?
Casey: uh huh
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Christina: Can Tony tell me anything?
Casey: Baby, Tony doesn’t know anything. And I haven’t even talked to him since this morning.
Christina: Has Tony seen Caylee?
Casey: Tony hasn’t seen Caylee since the beginning of June. What was the number again?
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Casey: OK thank you. I will find a way to call you back later. Leave your number at my house with my mom. So I can get it and I can either call you later tonight.
Christina: How can I get a hold of you?
Casey: I’m at the jail, you can’t.
Christina: OK, can you do you have a way to write my phone number down?
Casey: No I have no way of writing it down. I have to remember Tony’s number. (repeats number) I have to try to memorize his number right now.
Christina: OK. So.
Casey: No I will. Just leave your number with my mom and I will try to call you in the morning if I don’t get a chance to call you tonight.
Christina: So how can I find out information about that girl?
Casey: Have, have them
Christina: Is she in Florida or?
Casey: Have them look up a New York license for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. They’ve just been looking up the last name Gonzalez or the last name Fernandez. If they’d looked up her entire name, they might actually find her. They haven’t done that. They haven’t listened to anything that I’ve said.
Christina: How do you spell Zenaida?
Casey: Z-E-N-A-I-D-A
Christina: Fernandez?
Casey: hyphen Gonzalez.
Christina: hyphen Gon, Gonzalez. Where does she live? Because they went and looked at her place
Casey: Because she, baby you’re not telling me anything that I don’t already know. Again, I’ve only been in jail since oh about 8:30 tonight. I was with them all day today. I know that. I was with officers pretty much since 9 o’clock last night. Up until today. Like up until this evening when I came up here.
Christina: But you’re telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Because they’ll find
Casey: I have no clue where my daughter is? Yeah that is the truth. That is the absolute truth.
Christina: They’ll find out and whoever ha
Casey: OK Christina, I’m hanging up. I need to make this other call before I forget the number. I will call you later.
Christina: OK.
Casey: Bye."
Yah, this shows a grieving loving mother....Don't you all agree?
Justice for Caylee!
Jose, have you conveniently forgotten about the jail video where Casey states that she picked her father to have a one-on-one with after a month of sitting in jail? Do you remember from that same video that Casey sobs the words "my whole life has been taken away from me"? Do you also remember in that same video she gets angry with her mother because she made chili, a big dinner, for her family? Do you remember when Casey states in that same video, "just let me talk to dad, I don't want to get frustrated right now"? And my favorite part of the whole video was when she clenched her hand-cuffed fists and gritted her teeth when she did NOT get her way. Or, even better, have you forgotten the very first phone call from jail - before the family KNEW the videos/calls would be shown to the public? Come on, you remember it, "Calling you guys was a waste, HUGE waste", "They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now." (remember the pause before "and you know what?" I do) I can still hear that whole phone call in my head -Casey's self-absorbed voice will forever and always be etched in my mind on that phone call. She only cared about talking to Tony - can you believe that? Yes, Jose, that video exists and I am praying that the prosecution plays that to the jury tomorrow. Both of those videos. All of them, in whole so they can see the games that Casey plays with her parents and brother. Where was the fear of her father and Lee? Huh? I truly cannot wait for those videos to be played and they can see the true Casey Anthony. You can try to hide evil, but it always shows it's ugly head.
I also cannot get out of my head the last two days when Tony Lazzaro was on the stand. Did anyone see Casey pretending she was still even a glint in his eye? I swear to God she was thinking to herself, "OMG, he just looked at me, does he still like me? I mean, SURELY all of this cannot stop true love. OMG, I have to write him a note. Tee hee, tee hee...he's sooooooooo cute! OMG! I HAVE to tell Simms....." That was her effing demeanor! Yah Baez, something ain't right and it's that your CLIENT does not realize she is on trial for MURDERING HER DAUGHTER!!!!! Ugh, she makes me sick!
Jo Jo, I feel so sorry for you. When you walked to the stand this morning you looked broken. Your spirit was not with you this morning. But you held your ground and did not let Baez make you lose your composure. Caylee helped you to see what he was doing, Caylee knew what he wanted. He is trying to make you get angry so he can say "SEE!!!! LOOK AT THIS MONSTER!!! THIS IS WHAT CASEY IS TERRIFIED OF!!! You saw it right here folks, HE is the monster, not my poor pitiful Casey." You looked that pig in the face and with a calm manner, cool head told him in your truthful answers to "Go to hell, Pig - You are NOT pinning this on ME!" George, I honestly do not know what has made you start telling the truth, but I am so thankful to you. Caylee is smiling down on you. She KNOWS who truly loves her.
Baez, I transcribed the whole first phone call for you to re-read, it speaks VOLUMES of the TRUE Casey Anthony. If I got anything wrong, I apologize, was doing it pretty quickly:
"Cindy: Hello?
Cindy: Casey?
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: Hey sweetie.
Casey: Well I just saw your nice little cameo on TV.
Cindy: Which one?
Casey: What do you mean which one?
Cindy: Which one? I did four different ones, and I don’t know, I haven’t seen them all. I’ve only seen one or two so far.
Casey: You don’t know what my involvement is and stuff?
Cindy: Casey.
Casey: Mom.
Cindy: What?
Casey: No.
Cindy: I don’t know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You’re not telling me where she’s at.
Casey: Because I don’t ****ing know where she’s at. Are you kidding me?
Cindy: Casey, don’t waste your call
Casey: No
Cindy: To scream and holler at me.
Casey: Waste my call sitting in, oh, the jail. (inaudible)
Cindy: Who’s fault is, who’s fault is it you sitting in the jail? You’re blaming me that you’re sitting in the jail? Blame yourself for telling lies.
Casey: It’s not my fault.
Cindy: You mean it’s not your fault? What do you mean it’s not your fault, sweetheart? If you’d have told them the truth, and not lied about everything, they wouldn’t …
Casey: Do me a favor. Just tell me what Tony’s number is. I don’t want to talk with you right now. Forget it.
Cindy: I don’t have his number.
Casey: Um, well get it from Lee because I know Lee’s at the house. I saw Mallory’s car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house.
Cindy: I know they were.
Casey: Well
Cindy: Well?
Casey: Can you get Tony’s number for me so I can call him?
(Long Pause)
Cindy: ((in the background) I’m not talking to her. (Inaudible)
Lee: Hey.
Casey: Hey, can you give me Tony’s number?
Lee: I, huh. I can do that. I don’t know what real good it’s going to do you at this point.
Casey: Well I’d like to talk to him anyway.
Lee: OK
Casey: Because I called to my mother and it, it’s a ****ing waste. Oh by the way, I don’t want any of you coming up here when I have my, my first hearing for bond and everything else. Like don’t even ****ing waste your time coming up here.
Lee: You know you’re having a real tough, you’re making it real tough for anybody to want to try to even assist you with giving you somebody’s phone number.
Casey: See that’s just it. Every single ..
Lee: You’re not even letting me finish.
Casey: well that’s because …
Lee: I really…
Casey: Go ahead.
Lee: you’re asking me, first you’re asking me for Tony’s phone number so you can call him. And then you immediately want to start pressing towards me and saying ‘don’t’ even worry about coming up here for all this stuff, and trying to cut us out. What ..
Casey: I’m not trying to cut anybody out.
Lee: I’m not going around and around with you. You know that’s pretty pointless. I’m not going to go through, I’m not going to put everybody else through the same stuff you’ve been putting the police and everybody else though for the last 24 hours, and the stuff you’ve been putting mom through for the last four or five weeks. I’m done with that. So you can tell me what’s going on. Christina would love to talk to you because she thinks that you will tell her what’s going on. Frankly we’re going to find out. Something, whatever’s going on, it’s gonna be found out. So why not do it now and save yourself from this …
Casey: There’s nothing to find out. There’s absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.
Lee: well, you know, everything you’re telling is a lie.
Casey: I have no clue where Caylee is. If I knew where Caylee was, do you think any of this would be happening? No.
Lee: Anyway, you only got a couple of minutes with us so I’m not going to let you completely waste it. Here’s Christina. She thinks she can get through to you.
Casey: No. No, I want Tony’s number. I’m not talking to anybody else.
Christina: Hello?
Casey: Hi. I’m glad everybody’s at my house. I’ll have to call you later, or I’ll have to call somebody to get your number. Do me a favor. Get my brother back because I need Tony’s number.
Christina: Ok, um, is there anything I can do for you?
Casey: I’m sitting in jail. There’s nothing anybody can do right now.
Christina: Well I’m just trying to be …
Casey: Oh I know you are honey. I absolutely know that you are, and I appreciate everything that you’re trying to do. But I’d like to call Tony. He’s not at my house, is he?
Christina: No.
Casey: Ok.
Christina: No, it’s just me and your parents and Lee.
Casey: OK. Well can you do me a favor and get my brother back or get the number from him, please?
Christina: Um, does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No. Nothing.
Christina: Ok, so why do you want to talk to Tony?
Casey: I …
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: Huh?
Christina: You probably don’t want to tell me, do you?
Casey: What are you, I didn’t hear what you said.
Christina: I said does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?
Casey: No, Tony has nothing to do with Caylee.
Christina: Oh, so why do you want to talk to him? You probably don’t want to tell me.
Casey: Because he’s my boyfriend, and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didn’t get a chance to talk to him earlier. Because I got arrested on a ****ing whim today. Because they’re blaming me for stuff that I never would do. That I didn’t do.
Christina: OK. Well I’m on nobody, I’m on your side. You know that, right?
Casey: Oh honey I know that. I just want to talk to Tony, get a little bit of …
Christina: Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Caylee.
Casey: Sweetheart, if I …
Christina: If anything happens to Caylee, Casey, I’ll die. Do you understand? I’ll die if anything happens to that baby.
Casey: Oh, wow. Oh my god, calling you guys, a waste, huge waste. Honey, I love you. You know I would not let anything happen to my daughter. If I knew where she was, this wouldn’t be going on.
Christina: Well how come everybody’s saying you’re lying?
Casey: Because nobody’s ****ing listening to anything that I’m saying. The media completely misconstrued everything that I said. The ****ing detectives told them ****ing bull****. They got all their information from me. Yet at the same time they’re twisting stuff. They’ve already said they’re going to pin this on me if they don’t find Caylee. They’ve already said that.
Christina: Well…
Casey: They arrested me because they said that …
Christina: Yeah, because they said that the person that you dropped Caylee with doesn’t even exist.
Casey: Because, oh look, they can’t find her in the Florida database. She’s not just from Florida. If they would actually listen to anything that I would have said to them, they would have had their lead. They maybe could have tracked her down. They haven’t listened to a ****ing thing that I’ve said.
Christina: Do you know that that whoever has Caylee, nobody’s going to get away with this. Nobody.
Casey: I know nobody’s going to get away with it. But at the same time, the only way they’re going to find Caylee is if they actually listen to what I’m saying, and I’m trying to help them, and they’re not letting me help them.
Christina: Well how can I help them find her?
Casey: The best thing you can do baby is listen to me. They need to look up her information in a New York database. In a North Carolina database. Other places that she’s lived outside of Florida. That’s what I told them, even again today. I told them that four times today. I sat up at the police station. Up at the county police station for four hours.
Christina: Is she the one who has Caylee or she’s transferred Caylee to somebody else? Because her name has been...
Casey: Honey, I haven’t talked to her. I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her.
Christina: How come everybody’s saying that you’re not upset, that you’re not crying, that you showed no emotion, no caring of where Caylee is at all?
Casey: Because I’m not sitting here ****ing crying every two seconds. Because I have to stay composed to talk to detectives, to make other phone calls, to do other things. I can’t sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I can’t.
Christina: OK. Casey don’t yell at me. I’m on your side.
Casey: I know you’re not.
Christina: Trust me.
Casey: I know you’re on my side. I’m not trying to yell at you.
Christina: Nobody is trying to say anything bad about you. Your family is with you 100%.
Casey: No you’re not. That’s bulls**t. Because I just watched the ****ing news and heard everything that my mom said. Nobody in my own family is on my side.
Christina: Yes they are. Nobody has said…
Casey: They just want Caylee back. That’s all they’re worried about right now is getting Caylee back. And you know what? That’s all I care about right now.
Christina: Casey your daughter, ((Casey in background inaudible)) you brought your baby girl…
Casey: Christina please put my brother back on the phone. I don’t want to get into this with you right now. I love you honey and I’m glad that you’re there, thank you for your help. I will let you know if there is anything that you can do.
Christina: You can’t tell me anybody that can find Caylee? Nobody?
Casey: No. Because every number that I’ve tried, every number that I’ve called is disconnected. Nothing. I can’t get a hold of anybody.
Christina: But that that girl was the last person to have her?
Casey: She was the last person to have her. That was the last time I saw Caylee.
Christina: OK. Umm he doesn’t, Lee say’s he doesn’t have Tony’s phone number.
Casey: Yes he does. He has Tony’s phone number on his phone. He needs to stop f***ing lying. He just told me a second ago that he’d give me the number.
Christina: So if I go and I get you Tony’s number, are you gonna finish talking to me?
Casey: I, I will call you tomorrow. I want to talk to him really quick now. I want to actually close my eyes. I haven’t slept in four days. I have not slept in four days.
Christina: Listen if you’re going to talk to anybody, you can talk to me. And you know that.
Casey: I know I can talk to you. But at the same time, I know I can talk to Tony and that’s who I wanna talk to right now. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him since this morning. Since all this stuff happened with trying to set up some myspace. I made the myspace. And the facebook.
Christina: Do you know the password to that myspace?
Casey: I made all of it.
Christina: What’s the password to that myspace so we can see if anybody has written any leads of where Caylee might be?
Casey: You can go online and see it. As far as messages, I don’t know if anybody’s gonna be messaging stuff.
(Casey gives Christina the password and login)
Cindy: Hold on. Hold on one second.
Christina: Hold on one second.
Lee: Hold on one second for me.
Christina: OK, Tony’s number
Casey: Yeah
Christina: You’re ready?
Casey: uh huh
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Christina: Can Tony tell me anything?
Casey: Baby, Tony doesn’t know anything. And I haven’t even talked to him since this morning.
Christina: Has Tony seen Caylee?
Casey: Tony hasn’t seen Caylee since the beginning of June. What was the number again?
(Christina gives Casey Tony's number)
Casey: OK thank you. I will find a way to call you back later. Leave your number at my house with my mom. So I can get it and I can either call you later tonight.
Christina: How can I get a hold of you?
Casey: I’m at the jail, you can’t.
Christina: OK, can you do you have a way to write my phone number down?
Casey: No I have no way of writing it down. I have to remember Tony’s number. (repeats number) I have to try to memorize his number right now.
Christina: OK. So.
Casey: No I will. Just leave your number with my mom and I will try to call you in the morning if I don’t get a chance to call you tonight.
Christina: So how can I find out information about that girl?
Casey: Have, have them
Christina: Is she in Florida or?
Casey: Have them look up a New York license for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. They’ve just been looking up the last name Gonzalez or the last name Fernandez. If they’d looked up her entire name, they might actually find her. They haven’t done that. They haven’t listened to anything that I’ve said.
Christina: How do you spell Zenaida?
Casey: Z-E-N-A-I-D-A
Christina: Fernandez?
Casey: hyphen Gonzalez.
Christina: hyphen Gon, Gonzalez. Where does she live? Because they went and looked at her place
Casey: Because she, baby you’re not telling me anything that I don’t already know. Again, I’ve only been in jail since oh about 8:30 tonight. I was with them all day today. I know that. I was with officers pretty much since 9 o’clock last night. Up until today. Like up until this evening when I came up here.
Christina: But you’re telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Because they’ll find
Casey: I have no clue where my daughter is? Yeah that is the truth. That is the absolute truth.
Christina: They’ll find out and whoever ha
Casey: OK Christina, I’m hanging up. I need to make this other call before I forget the number. I will call you later.
Christina: OK.
Casey: Bye."
Yah, this shows a grieving loving mother....Don't you all agree?
Justice for Caylee!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Caylee's Proud of You, Jo Jo - And So Am I!!!
I'm not going to go into detail of the opening arguments in Casey Anthony's murder trial this morning, I almost vomited when I heard it the first time. I knew they were going to blame George Anthony somehow but wasn't expecting all the other shit. And that's what it was, SHIT! I cannot believe how ignorant Jose Baez believes the general public is. And if this jury believes that Roy Kronk had Caylee's body for several months and then placed her in the woods???? Um, never mind, I'll withhold my judgment. But NOW I understand all the crap Jose was asking during the jury selection, "You do realize that the law says that the defense does not have to PROVE ANYTHING?" Oh you piece of SHIT, Baez!! I can't only blame Jose, every single one of the defense HAD to agree to this bullshit in order for them to go into this. What the HELL were they thinking? I could NOT even follow Baez's line of questioning. He jumped from one subject to another within three words. Honestly, I would bet my life that the jury was like, "WHAT????? I am soooo confused." Good fucking luck with all that defense, good fucking LUCK!!! HOW the HELL did Kronk get Caylee's body you dumb ass???? OMG! This literally makes me ill. I understand that Casey's lawyers are to cast doubt in order for them to maybe save her life, great - that's their job. But....I waited for THREE years for THAT crap??? I REALLY was waiting for (and very much so hoping for) something PLAUSIBLE that may have happened accidentally to Caylee. I was so hoping that Baez could change my mind, that I could maybe believe that Casey did not murder her daughter, that I really didn't know the whole story. I'm guessing that Baez and his crew did not realize that they should never have let Casey have input on what type of lie to tell this jury before hand. Ugh, I can't believe how outrageous this all is.
Onto Jo Jo!!! I had faith in you and you did NOT let me down. More importantly, you did NOT let Caylee down. I am so very proud of George Anthony today. He sat there stoically as Baez and Casey accused George of putting his penis in his daughter's mouth when she was eight years old and then went to school to lie, as if nothing ever happened. He then heard that Caylee drowned in the family's swimming pool. Next he heard that he pulled the limp and lifeless Caylee out of the pool and that he screamed at Casey "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS." (WTF btw - what was even the reason for that???) George sat on the stand looking at his picture of Caylee for strength, composure and comfort - looked Mr. Jeff Ashton in the eyes when questioned if he had ever molested his daughter Casey and said "No". He was then asked by Mr. Ashton, "Were you home when Caylee drowned in the family pool on June 16th?" Again, George looked straight into Mr. Ashton's eyes and said, "No". Without venom, without disdain, without DISGUST - but with his regained DIGNITY!! George Anthony FINALLY found Caylee's voice! There was nothing but shock and distress on Casey's face as if saying to herself, "I cannot believe he did NOT roll over for me on this one." Well, why shouldn't she be shocked? For three years (that we have actually been able to view) he has stood beside his daughter and lied, covered up evidence - etc..... Oh my, that must have tasted so bad to Casey! Baez not only threw George under the bus but pretty much everyone involved in this case. EVERYONE is at fault EXCEPT poor innocent Casey Anthony. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow - if Cindy testifies. I hope she has finally found Caylee's voice too. Cindy, we ALL know you love Casey - there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with that. But what is WRONG is silencing Caylee more than her mother already has. Prove to us how much you adore and love Caylee. DO NOT ROLL OVER for Casey. She has BLAMED you and George for EVERYTHING that has gone wrong. Call on Caylee's spirit, she will tell you to do the right thing. She will guide you. PLEASE don't let Caylee down. She deserves justice. Caylee deserves PEACE!!!
Justice for Caylee!!!
Onto Jo Jo!!! I had faith in you and you did NOT let me down. More importantly, you did NOT let Caylee down. I am so very proud of George Anthony today. He sat there stoically as Baez and Casey accused George of putting his penis in his daughter's mouth when she was eight years old and then went to school to lie, as if nothing ever happened. He then heard that Caylee drowned in the family's swimming pool. Next he heard that he pulled the limp and lifeless Caylee out of the pool and that he screamed at Casey "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS." (WTF btw - what was even the reason for that???) George sat on the stand looking at his picture of Caylee for strength, composure and comfort - looked Mr. Jeff Ashton in the eyes when questioned if he had ever molested his daughter Casey and said "No". He was then asked by Mr. Ashton, "Were you home when Caylee drowned in the family pool on June 16th?" Again, George looked straight into Mr. Ashton's eyes and said, "No". Without venom, without disdain, without DISGUST - but with his regained DIGNITY!! George Anthony FINALLY found Caylee's voice! There was nothing but shock and distress on Casey's face as if saying to herself, "I cannot believe he did NOT roll over for me on this one." Well, why shouldn't she be shocked? For three years (that we have actually been able to view) he has stood beside his daughter and lied, covered up evidence - etc..... Oh my, that must have tasted so bad to Casey! Baez not only threw George under the bus but pretty much everyone involved in this case. EVERYONE is at fault EXCEPT poor innocent Casey Anthony. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow - if Cindy testifies. I hope she has finally found Caylee's voice too. Cindy, we ALL know you love Casey - there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with that. But what is WRONG is silencing Caylee more than her mother already has. Prove to us how much you adore and love Caylee. DO NOT ROLL OVER for Casey. She has BLAMED you and George for EVERYTHING that has gone wrong. Call on Caylee's spirit, she will tell you to do the right thing. She will guide you. PLEASE don't let Caylee down. She deserves justice. Caylee deserves PEACE!!!
Justice for Caylee!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Punishment is Justice for the Unjust - St. Augustine
It has been a tough two weeks watching the jury selection of Casey Anthony's murder trial. I watched every day, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Even the monotony of it all could not tear me away. It is something that I have never seen before and to me it was an awesome experience. I have come away with the realization that if I were to be accused of a serious crime to where the punishment consisted of death or life with out parole that I would take my chances and go on the run. My first thought was that I would waive my right to a jury trial, but a friend (who happens to be a lawyer) said to me, "Really???? Would you rather have a one out of twelve chance of survival or one out of one?" That's when I looked at him and said, "Well, then, I'll take my chances of running." Think about it, after watching the last two weeks can you honestly say that you have faith in a jury trial?
I picked most of the same jurors as what we have ended up with. I am so very glad that the last woman, who fed kittens and puppies with a bottle, was not picked. There was something very odd about her. When she spoke, it took my all not to cringe at her words. She is probably a very sweet lady, but I don't know.....I am just happy she is not part of the jury. There were many that I thought out right lied when they stated they did not know anything about this case. After day one, I am sure most wanted to be on the jury - I mean, all the people who stayed and said there would be no hardship for them to be away or financially. I would have paid to be on this jury. And not just because I believe Casey is guilty, but just so I could be a part of Caylee's justice. And even though I do believe Casey to be guilty, I do believe she deserves a fair and impartial jury. Which I have faith that she has received.
I can honestly say that if I were picked for the jury that I could lay aside my pre-judgements of her guilt and listen to the evidence. I don't believe that any mitigating factors could sway my opinion though. To me, mitigating factors means "excuses". I cannot excuse actions of murder. We can make excuses for every dang action (or inaction) a person does, but that doesn't change the fact that he/she knows right from wrong. I don't know if being sexually/physically abused would sway my opinions either. I mean, there are so many children who are raised in physically and sexually abusive homes, but not ALL of them grow up to murder; especially their own child. I don't know, that's a hard one isn't it? But I do know that I could and would listen to all of the evidence. And I do think it would be hard for me if the defense does not have to prove their client innocent. Watching this trial is going to enlighten a lot of us that have no clue about laws and evidence, the whole process, and how it all ends.
I've never been too worried about Casey receiving the death penalty because I don't believe death will be her sentence. It's very hard for people to impose death on a woman, especially a young and attractive woman. I'm not saying I think she is attractive, I guess I would if I didn't know about her. But most people find her pretty. I am anxious to see and hear the evidence for that part of the trial. I just hope that these jurors can weigh the evidence as they say they can. I will keep the faith.
I know this will not be the opinion of the majority, but I saw a refreshing side of Jose Baez. He did not GRATE on my nerves as much as he has in the past three years. He didn't seem so smug and arrogant, for the most part anyway. He seemed to have understood what he was doing, even though his questions (some) were ridiculous - he is an articulate man. I'm hoping his circus-esque style of defending his client in the past was just a show, a joke on all of us and that he truly knows what he is doing. Casey's defense team really seems to care for her, she is lucky. Can you imagine what it would feel like knowing your counsel could care less about you? It makes me shiver to think about it.
To the prosecutors and to Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you to you all. I feel there is no one to speak for Caylee since her voice was stolen. She doesn't have her mother or father. She doesn't have her grandmother or grandfather. She doesn't have her uncle. But, she has you all. I have so much respect and admiration for each of you. It doesn't seem like this is a job for you. You truly LOVE Caylee and realize, as does the public, that YOU are her ONLY voice. YOU are the ones that seek justice for this precious baby girl. God, thank you all, you are all wonderful; no matter how this all ends.
Justice for Caylee Marie Anthony!
I picked most of the same jurors as what we have ended up with. I am so very glad that the last woman, who fed kittens and puppies with a bottle, was not picked. There was something very odd about her. When she spoke, it took my all not to cringe at her words. She is probably a very sweet lady, but I don't know.....I am just happy she is not part of the jury. There were many that I thought out right lied when they stated they did not know anything about this case. After day one, I am sure most wanted to be on the jury - I mean, all the people who stayed and said there would be no hardship for them to be away or financially. I would have paid to be on this jury. And not just because I believe Casey is guilty, but just so I could be a part of Caylee's justice. And even though I do believe Casey to be guilty, I do believe she deserves a fair and impartial jury. Which I have faith that she has received.
I can honestly say that if I were picked for the jury that I could lay aside my pre-judgements of her guilt and listen to the evidence. I don't believe that any mitigating factors could sway my opinion though. To me, mitigating factors means "excuses". I cannot excuse actions of murder. We can make excuses for every dang action (or inaction) a person does, but that doesn't change the fact that he/she knows right from wrong. I don't know if being sexually/physically abused would sway my opinions either. I mean, there are so many children who are raised in physically and sexually abusive homes, but not ALL of them grow up to murder; especially their own child. I don't know, that's a hard one isn't it? But I do know that I could and would listen to all of the evidence. And I do think it would be hard for me if the defense does not have to prove their client innocent. Watching this trial is going to enlighten a lot of us that have no clue about laws and evidence, the whole process, and how it all ends.
I've never been too worried about Casey receiving the death penalty because I don't believe death will be her sentence. It's very hard for people to impose death on a woman, especially a young and attractive woman. I'm not saying I think she is attractive, I guess I would if I didn't know about her. But most people find her pretty. I am anxious to see and hear the evidence for that part of the trial. I just hope that these jurors can weigh the evidence as they say they can. I will keep the faith.
I know this will not be the opinion of the majority, but I saw a refreshing side of Jose Baez. He did not GRATE on my nerves as much as he has in the past three years. He didn't seem so smug and arrogant, for the most part anyway. He seemed to have understood what he was doing, even though his questions (some) were ridiculous - he is an articulate man. I'm hoping his circus-esque style of defending his client in the past was just a show, a joke on all of us and that he truly knows what he is doing. Casey's defense team really seems to care for her, she is lucky. Can you imagine what it would feel like knowing your counsel could care less about you? It makes me shiver to think about it.
To the prosecutors and to Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr: Thank you to you all. I feel there is no one to speak for Caylee since her voice was stolen. She doesn't have her mother or father. She doesn't have her grandmother or grandfather. She doesn't have her uncle. But, she has you all. I have so much respect and admiration for each of you. It doesn't seem like this is a job for you. You truly LOVE Caylee and realize, as does the public, that YOU are her ONLY voice. YOU are the ones that seek justice for this precious baby girl. God, thank you all, you are all wonderful; no matter how this all ends.
Justice for Caylee Marie Anthony!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Justice For Caylee Anthony Is A Slow Process
We are now on day 9(?) with the jury selection. We have had 12 jurors picked at least three times. When we reach 12 jurors inevitably the defense strikes one so they cannot be sworn in. Today, the defense brought a motion, not written, in regards to the due process of their client and how the pace of the selection of the jury panel is infringing on that right. Also infringing on the law of how a jury is sworn in without the alternates. Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. denied this motion but has now asked the defense how they want to proceed. The court room will not be available tomorrow and they have 16 more potential jurors to be questioned. Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. stated months ago what jury selection would entail and how he would like it to move along. He has asked the defense will we work late hours or shall we move somewhere else. I have no qualms with this. I believe that Casey deserves a fair trial. I believe that she deserves a fair and impartial jury. What I do have a problem with is that they are delaying the inevitable. Casey Marie Anthony will stand trial for the indicted charges against her. She can't hide and she sure cannot run from this no matter how much she and her defense team wish to.
I feel that Casey is guilty because of her in actions and actions before and after this precious baby was missing and ultimately found dead. I have heard the defense state that "your mouths will drop when you hear the truth" or something to that effect. I heard that "once the baby is found you will all know the truth." Well, the baby was found, dead. Where was Casey screaming the truth of what happened? Where was the outrage from her??? Where was the proof that she had that nothing to do with this? WHY has she sat in jail for THREE years waiting to tell her side of the story? I would never sit in jail for any amount of time to protect anyone. She claims she was keeping Caylee and her family safe.....what BS!!! Caylee was found DEAD, you cannot protect a dead child! WHERE ARE THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS????
No doubt I will be disappointed if this trial is delayed. But for Casey to remain in jail to ponder what life may be for her for the next some odd years makes me smile. Go to hell Casey Anthony, because that is where you belong. You are a lying sack of crap!!!!!
I feel that Casey is guilty because of her in actions and actions before and after this precious baby was missing and ultimately found dead. I have heard the defense state that "your mouths will drop when you hear the truth" or something to that effect. I heard that "once the baby is found you will all know the truth." Well, the baby was found, dead. Where was Casey screaming the truth of what happened? Where was the outrage from her??? Where was the proof that she had that nothing to do with this? WHY has she sat in jail for THREE years waiting to tell her side of the story? I would never sit in jail for any amount of time to protect anyone. She claims she was keeping Caylee and her family safe.....what BS!!! Caylee was found DEAD, you cannot protect a dead child! WHERE ARE THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS????
No doubt I will be disappointed if this trial is delayed. But for Casey to remain in jail to ponder what life may be for her for the next some odd years makes me smile. Go to hell Casey Anthony, because that is where you belong. You are a lying sack of crap!!!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Jury Selection - Day Three - Caylee Anthony
I have been watching the jury selection for Casey Anthony’s upcoming murder trial for the last three days. First, I must say it’s an experience for sure, not too unpleasant. The major problem I have with this is the people, potential jurors, who are ridiculously selfish. I’m not going to detail all of their excuses, because that is what they are, but being married for 42 years and not ever being away from your husband IS NOT a hardship. That woman really bothered me, maybe it’s because I am a strong person and just cannot understand that type of thinking. You spend 42 years “taking care” of your husband but when it comes to your civic duty to your country, you cannot “take care” of that? I withhold and keep to myself my true feelings toward her, for now. Also, the Raymond James potential juror? This just makes me acutely aware of how many people in this world who think they are “special,” more special than anyone else. I could carry on with numerous thoughts regarding this type of person, but I won’t.
I understand what type of inconvenience being away from my home for eight weeks would be. I absolutely would not want to be away from my family and friends, but I certainly would do what was asked of me if it would not financially ruin me. I certainly would not make up excuses and say that I am the only person at my place of employment that would be able to do my job. I mean, listen to these people’s excuses - “I umpire at little league,” “I own seven dogs,” “I have a sleep apnea, narcolepsy” “I need to go to church in order to pray to God” - unbelievable. I guess I am just of the thoughts that if they don’t serve, this trial will be delayed. I do NOT want this. Pick me, I’ll be on the jury - you don’t have to pay me. I’ll do it for free!
I watch Casey very closely. Has anyone ever noticed how small her hands are? I don’t know why they give me an eerie feeling, but that they do. My opinion of the shaking of her head "no" when his honor reads the indictment to each of the jury panels is an act. She does the same exact things before each time this happens. It has now happened three different times. She is an actress, not a very good one. You can actually see her psyche herself up for the tears that inevitably appear. It really makes me ill that these potential jurors will not be able to see that until after the case is over. Well, the ones who will be seated won't. Her tears really annoy me. I have seen the actual tear drops that have fallen, but they are not for Caylee. They are not for the reason that she is wrongly accused (in my opinion) of murdering her child. These tears are solely for her self. She HATES to be judged. She cannot stand the fact that they are there essentially to JUDGE her. I would swear to the fact that she is thinking “how DARE they judge ME!” She is angry, not sad. And what a "great" ploy her defense team thought up, no? I wonder what goes through her mind when she sees and hears these young, single mothers work, go to school and take care of their children. I really do. Does she think they are all liars as she is? WHAT goes through a mind such as Casey’s? I think I should have studied to be a psychologist!
I think they will find the jury they want from these people. Monday cannot get here soon enough! It saddens me to say that I am very excited for this trial to start. Being an empathetic person by nature, it goes against what I stand for and believe to be happy for others discomfort. But with this case, for Caylee - I am happy that this will be over in six or eight weeks.
I understand what type of inconvenience being away from my home for eight weeks would be. I absolutely would not want to be away from my family and friends, but I certainly would do what was asked of me if it would not financially ruin me. I certainly would not make up excuses and say that I am the only person at my place of employment that would be able to do my job. I mean, listen to these people’s excuses - “I umpire at little league,” “I own seven dogs,” “I have a sleep apnea, narcolepsy” “I need to go to church in order to pray to God” - unbelievable. I guess I am just of the thoughts that if they don’t serve, this trial will be delayed. I do NOT want this. Pick me, I’ll be on the jury - you don’t have to pay me. I’ll do it for free!
I watch Casey very closely. Has anyone ever noticed how small her hands are? I don’t know why they give me an eerie feeling, but that they do. My opinion of the shaking of her head "no" when his honor reads the indictment to each of the jury panels is an act. She does the same exact things before each time this happens. It has now happened three different times. She is an actress, not a very good one. You can actually see her psyche herself up for the tears that inevitably appear. It really makes me ill that these potential jurors will not be able to see that until after the case is over. Well, the ones who will be seated won't. Her tears really annoy me. I have seen the actual tear drops that have fallen, but they are not for Caylee. They are not for the reason that she is wrongly accused (in my opinion) of murdering her child. These tears are solely for her self. She HATES to be judged. She cannot stand the fact that they are there essentially to JUDGE her. I would swear to the fact that she is thinking “how DARE they judge ME!” She is angry, not sad. And what a "great" ploy her defense team thought up, no? I wonder what goes through her mind when she sees and hears these young, single mothers work, go to school and take care of their children. I really do. Does she think they are all liars as she is? WHAT goes through a mind such as Casey’s? I think I should have studied to be a psychologist!
I think they will find the jury they want from these people. Monday cannot get here soon enough! It saddens me to say that I am very excited for this trial to start. Being an empathetic person by nature, it goes against what I stand for and believe to be happy for others discomfort. But with this case, for Caylee - I am happy that this will be over in six or eight weeks.
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