Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony - NOT GUILTY??????

My mind is still whirling, I cannot find the right words. I cannot find ANY words to describe this travesty. I can't write Caylee's name, let alone say it, without choking back the tears. NOT GUILTY???? Who killed Caylee? Who put the tape over her face? Who placed her in the trash bags and laundry bag? Who threw her in the swampy woods? OH YAH!!! George Anthony did.....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! Has he been arrested yet? Yuri Melich - Arrest George and Lee Anthony for molesting the young Casey. Throw in gross abuse of a corpse, aiding in a cover up and perjury for George Anthony. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? If her defense team can say these atrocities then you can believe them and CAN ARREST GEORGE! Obviously that is evidence - the jury in her case seemed to believe this drivel. For the sake of George being arrested, then I believe it too. And you can rest assured that I will be writing the OSCO everyday, twice a day, until he is arrested for his crimes in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.

I cannot fathom what this jury was thinking and as I was driving home from work I almost literally went insane trying to figure it out. I am done trying to see the commonsense they THINK they used. Again, I am so grateful I don't think like an idiot or a narcissistic psychopath. I am surely blessed in that manner!

Casey, I know you will be Googling your own name. Most narcissists do, so read every word that has been written about you and KNOW that you are not safe in this world. Look over both of your shoulders at the same time because I am sure there will be others watching you closely. Sleep with one eye open because I truly believe God will have his say in what should happen to you. God does NOT like ugly. I don't WISH you any harm - but I pray for justice for Caylee. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. Unfortunately, there are 12 people out there that don't agree. Rot in hell Casey! And I hope that it's HELL ON EARTH forever more for you.

Caylee was murdered all over again today by our "justice" system. I heard that Jeff Ashton is retiring, it's such a shame. I truly hope he does not let the 20 idiots (including the defense team) ruin his heart. Other children need you Jeff. Caylee is not unhappy with your hard work for her. Caylee will show the others just what justice she deserves. Don't let them win by taking you away from others who need your intelligence, brilliance and compassion. Haven't you heard? Karma is the biggest bitch EVER and she is PLENTY PISSED!!! Continue with your brilliance of the truth - it is NOT wasted by me!!!

We have taught our children today that it is ok to murder your child but that it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to neglect your child which ends in murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok for your child to accidentally die in a swimming pool and then cover it up to look like a murder but it's NOT ok to lie to a police officer. It's ok to murder your child, party - drink - drug - sex - lie - steal - blame your father and brother of sexual abuse - make up stories about body snatchers and cover ups of the police department, FBI and the medical examiner but it's NOT OK TO LIE TO A POLICE OFFICER!!!!! WAY to FUCKING go America!!!! Caylee Marie Anthony was murdered in June of 2008 and her soul was murdered in July of 2011, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.

Rest in peace baby girl! You so deserve it!!!!!!



  1. You are so mad, and it is hilarious. Because you have absolutely no idea how our judicial system works.

  2. You probably find it hilarious, also, that Caylee is dead. Why don't you enlighten me on our judicial system "oh mighty one".

  3. No judicial system is perfect. Having a jury of one's peers is a risky proposition given the number of complete idiots and total morons found in this country. I believe the only remedy for improving our judicial system (and our political system too) is to improve our educational system. The K-12 curriculum needs to include an annual 'logic' course, if there's a chance that the following generations won't be as susceptible to the warped sense of truth and reality that the current one seems to be(for corroboration of the extent of this problem, check ratings for Fox News?)

  4. I don't want perfection, I want logical. One of the jurors said that they felt sick for acquiting Casey. I have a real big problem with that. What did they find her guilty of then? Why won't they speak of that? Logic and common sense is not "allowed" in the jury system, it seems. Caylee was last seen with Casey, IF we choose to believe George and that other girl that saw them at Walmart. So, I am choosing to believe them. The next time ANYONE sees Caylee is in the swamp. WHERE does the commonsense lead YOU? So, Caylee is found in the swamp with duct tape over her face. I can only say that because the state claims that is true and supposedly showed the jury pictures that prove this. HOW did this baby get duct tape over her face? If this jury is to believe in tampering with evidence, body snatchers and that being sexually molested (not proven, either, just claims) is a REASON to kill your child then what NEEDS to change is OUR LAW of the system......LAWS need to change. ALL of the evidence that ties this MONSTER to Caylee's death should have been allowed. The criminal has MORE RIGHTS THAN THE VICTIMS. It's sick and I am literally tired of it. BTW, I haven't watched ONE news cast, movie, tv show ANYTHING about this case. I read all the documents and watched all the hearings. Fox News does not give me MY news. (caps to prove a point, not yelling) Thank you for commenting, btw.

  5. I hope you understand what I was saying is that the jurors WERE morons - that they showed NO common sense.

    I'm saying now that this 'jury of peers' has somehow found reasonable doubt, we as peers of the jury, have found more than reasonable doubt that this jury was not at all reasonable.

    I'm saying anyone who thinks George's thinking was so dysfuntional that instead of calling 911, he decided to tape up the 'joy of his life' and dump her down the block, are the ones with dysfunctional thinking.

    What I'm saying is I think someone on that jury convinced everyone that if there was a shadow of a doubt (like "yes I know those 10 experts smelled 'death' in the car, but Tony Lazzaro didn't)they couldn't use their common sense.

    What I'm saying is these are very stupid people who need to take logic courses (and legal courses) because they got this ALL wrong)

    I was thinking - maybe the jury should be forced to write out the reasons why they decide like they did and have some neutral legal expert check just to make sure they aren't using legally illogical arguments.

    For example juror # 3 said they knew she wasn't innocent but couldn't justify the punishment based on the evidence. THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT IF THE PUNISHMENT FITS THE CRIME only if they can clearly see from the preponderance of evidence that she was responsible for the death of Caylee.

    The alternate juror said he didn't trust George cause he didn't cooperate with Baez. HUH!!!!!!!!!! This is the guy who not only said he was a sexual predator, but committed a felony, and he's supposed to be warm and cuddly??? And from not trusting George you jump to believing the presposterous defense case that HE'S responsible?!?! What an idiot.

    At the least it HAD to be manslaughter, but 12 of them couldn't figure this out.

    I hope you realize that my original post was not a defense of the system but a condemnation of the system due to the possibility of legal dunces decided important issues

  6. (sheepishly) I do now! Bravo, perfect comment. I am no lawyer, I know of no laws that can overturn a jury verdict but with these juror's confessions, is there ANYTHING that can be done? I thought I heard that one of the juror's stated the state did not PROVE a motive??? Did they NOT listen to their orders? The state doesn't have to PROVE MOTIVE! I am sick and they more they speak, the more angry I get.

  7. I hope the "jurors" or "the baker dozen of morons" (hahahaha) Google Casey Anthony and watch the trial. I hope they watch how she feigned saddness throughout. I hope they realize just how taken they were. Idiots. Here is something to get them started if they ever breeze by this blog:


    This creature makes me sick. I hope she ...... mustn't think out loud. Karma is watching!

  8. If only one of the jurors had a brain or an ounce of common sense there would be justice for Caylee.
    Casey and Baez are truly Evil!!
    Karma is coming to get you to.....enjoy!!
    R.I.P. Baby girl Caylee fly with the angels sweet child xx

  9. i have already posted this comment over on the statement analysis blog, but would like to share it here with you too...

    i will start by saying thank you for your fantastic blog, which i found by chance last night in an effort to move on from this, however, it is almost like you have crawled into my deepest thoughts word for word & hacked every single email my sister & i have shared throughout this whole trial...you were not wrong...we were not wrong...suffice to say, the outcome has left me feeling angry & crest fallen, praying i can find some tiny loophole, some little flaw in the system, to bring a mistrial forward, even though i know this will never happen... the devil is dancing on caylee's grave...

    i find myself asking, when will there be justice and law for the victim.... why does the criminal prosper..?! a pathological liar & psychopath can cruelly snuff out the life of her gorgeous child, walk free from any punishment whatsoever, make millions from her warped fame & continue a life filled with chances that she refused her own baby...?!? by the jury's definition, this is JUSTICE?!

    in the most simplistic terms, this is about a mother who relinquished her legal, moral & ethical obligations to care for her child...she has to be made culpable or we might as well be in the witch hunting middle ages, when law was completely depraved & void of humanity...something has to be done...something is VERY wrong, but as we have learned, there were 12 people sequestered, who did not want to tar themselves with a death penalty label...they most certainly did not understand the meaning of "reasonable doubt" & they clearly defaulted on the judge's instructions...

    they took all of jose baez's theatrical production of confusion, which incidentally was not permitted to be used as evidence & created a verdict around it...which is unlawful... they ignored all hard evidence brought forward by the lovely jeff ashton & linda d-b...discredited dr g...and digested hearsay snippets that were not allowed to be used...of course, we cannot know yet if there is some way to question their verdict... but if the rest of the jury follow suit, like i think they will, this indeed is an error which must be addressed...

    caylee's law will benefit future causes...but it cannot help caylee... the public and the state of florida have to honour caylee... i know the wonderful yuri melich & his team will tally up a huge bill for ms. anthony...which she will manage to squirm out of...but all major US companies must follow suit by not allowing her to profit off the death of her child...media companies, film companies, publishing houses et al... should stand firm...just like jeff says..."ignore her like she does not exist"

    this monster with her new celebrity status will never be innocent...her infamy comes only from the fact that she murdered her baby & got away with it... she is just lucky that the jury were gutless...some would say she has "the luck of the devil"...

    but together as a community (and remember i live across the pond & it still affects me) surely we can find some way to ensure she never profits from what she has done...

    stay safe, kiss & protect your children, because the sky has been tainted yet again, with another monster on the streets!!

  10. I am so happy to see that I am not the only one still angry about the out-come of this trial. I see and hear everyone "moving on". I spent three years of my life pouring over the evidence of this case. I cannot just "move on". There is no justice for Caylee. I truly believe in Karma so I am waiting patiently for her arrival. With all of the law suits filed so far, I can only assume that ONE will stick and knock the monster down a rung or two. I just have the over-whelming sick notion that Baez will find a way to get her out of every thing. Liars and murderers cannot ALWAYS prosper, can they???

    I remember wondering why Baez had cut Casey off from her family back in 2008. I figured it had only to do with the trial and his defense ploy. I have now come to the conclusion that Baez made her totally dependent upon him so that once she either was convicted or acquitted he would be able to control the money. These people are sick and unfortunately law and justice is slow.

    Thank you for commenting and showing me that there are people out there that are still angry and waiting for justice for Caylee.

  11. no you are not alone troy... i too wish i could quell the anger inside me & soothe the pain i feel for a tiny girl i never knew, but i cannot...

    i too, am sickened with a society that allows monsters to walk free from any admonishment and reap rewards for what they have done...incensed with a system that does not work anymore...

    stay strong ~~ you are not alone...
