Thursday, July 7, 2011

Caylee Marie Anthony - The Little Darling Who Belongs to the World

It has been almost three days since the dreaded "Not Guilty" was handed out to the monster Casey Anthony and I am feeling exactly as I did when I first heard them. Shouldn't this get easier? This wasn't my child. I never met and held this baby. I didn't raise her, feed her, protect her, kiss her good-night and good-morning. I had nothing to do with this precious baby-girl. My head is still foggy, my heart still pounds with fear and anger. I am still asking myself "How can this be????" I know I am not alone in these feelings but that is how I feel - alone. There is nothing that I can do personally to fix this wrong. I can't make it right. Nobody can. This problem is insurmountable. Not only does Caylee not receive justice but her monster will be out walking the streets in a week. I cannot wrap my head around how Caylee's grand-parents have actually thrown her away. I know it's true, but it will not sink in - it's impossible to believe. How can anyone do that????? What is wrong with these people?????

These jurors BELIEVE that Casey was a great mother???? WHAT???? I am in shock......Someone needs to make me understand all this. Since the jury believes this crock tell me then how does a "great mother" accidentally (or purposefully) kill their child and not report it? CASEY'S greatest concern was HERSELF. HOW is that a GREAT MOTHER??? Someone has to tell me the answer to this. Casey slept in the same bed with her boyfriend and her BABY!!! She admitted to her jail-mate that she chloroformed Caylee to make her SLEEP!!! Yah, a fucking GREAT mother assholes!!!These jurors have to stop making blanket statements - they say the same things - EXACTLY. Something stinks and it's NOT just in the back of Casey's car. The juror said that it wasn't decomposition??? WTF??? Are they scientists? They KNOW this how? I hope these twelve people have nightmares each and every night for the rest of their lives. I hope the images of Caylee's skull and bones come to them in their darkest hours. And not just those 12, but to all who say to me "they did their job, they found her not guilty by reasonable doubt." FUCK YOU, you have no idea what reasonable means then!!! Nothing that Baez and his minions said was reasonable. They lied through their teeth. Lying to make a jury believe you should NOT be allowed. I'll be talking to law makers about burden of proof as well......

I have sent 16 letters today for Caylee's Law to be passed in the state that I live in. One to the governor, one to each senator and one to each of the thirteen representatives. I urge for all of you to do the same. I will not let Caylee be forgotten and I will do my part to make sure her death was not in vain. Her family does not give a shit about her and they will not do anything to keep her memory alive. They are going to bury her as far down as they possibly can. WE are Caylee's family now. She is our precious darling. She belongs to the world and we should EMBRACE HER with pride!!! Well, at least I do anyway.

Just US For Caylee!!!

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